Archmage Is Anxious!

In the past, An Kai had thought that he was not strong enough to spy on the side quests of the three Overgods.

Now, after many improvements and some understanding, An Kai finally understood that it was not because of their strength but because they were Overgods.

As long as they didn't want to, their existence wouldn't be captured.

Just like the current God Rank.

The God Ranking didn't capture An Kai's four attributes as God Attributes, nor did it capture An Kai's mastery of the Time Spell Element.

Therefore, after many changes, An Kai's ranking on the God Ranking was only at [19], barely entering the top 20. He wasn't even in the top 10.

Currently, the ranking on the God Rank was no longer important to An Kai.

It couldn't be used as a basis to reflect An Kai's strength.

Now, ordinary gods could no longer enter An Kai's eyes.

Whether it was a level nine god or a level one god, there was no difference to An Kai.