Like a Fish Bone in the Throat

"Why are you cheering?"

"Because the cheers are resounding throughout the Divine Realm. We just have to follow!"

Similar mental states and conversations would appear in the Divine Realm from time to time.

Or rather, because of the cheers, those damned natural disasters did not fall. They just had to follow the cheers.

However, how could the Divine Realm's consciousness allow such a situation to develop?

In an instant, An Kai's figure appeared in the sky and was dispersed.

The heavy natural disaster appeared again.

It enveloped the entire sky above the Divine Realm.

From time to time, natural disasters would fall and smash into the Divine Realm.

The cheers stopped abruptly.

The sound of people running for their lives sounded.

The only pure land left in the Divine Realm was the Chaos Sea region.