" System, you call this a Level 1 Boss that is very easy to kill?!"

"It's like you're asking if one plus one equals two."

Nurnisius had been extremely popular in the past few thousand years.

Each of his children would bring great benefits to the players.

Of course, this was the first time the players had received a reward like going to the Holy Land's Home of Kindness!

This was also the reason why the players were especially crazy this time.

Eastern region of the Divine Realm.

An unnamed town surrounded by a desert was located here.

The surroundings seemed to be filled with yellow sand, but if one observed carefully, one would discover that this was not yellow sand at all. This was clearly an energy crystal that could instantly increase one's strength to that of a god.

There were only a hundred houses in the Unnamed Town, and the tallest was a two-story building.

This was the territory of the Unnamed Town's Mage Association.