(Death comes calling.)

Chapter seven:

Sara Ventris bounced lightly on her toes, twirling her mother's black lightsabers, and was waiting patiently for the other Sith to arrive. Then she felt it, a slight tremor in the force. Sara Ventris then looked up and watched as the small ship glided into the atmosphere and was ten feet away from him. The ramp then lowered, and Sara Ventris ignited his mother's black lightsabers.

A tall figure than appeared, and had the same yellow eyes and the same blue lightsaber form Sara's vision.

Sara Ventris then looked at him before he Force Jumped at Anakin Skywalker.

Anakin Skywalker's blue lightsaber came up just in time to block Sara Ventris. Sara Ventris then growled and swung for his head, knees, leg's, and torso, but Anakin Skywalker blocked every attack. Sweat glistened on Anakin Skywalker's forehead, but Sara Ventris hasn't even broken a sweat.

Sara Ventris pushed Anakin Skywalker back, and swung faster and faster, her mother's black lightsabers and now they were a black blur. Sara Ventris then kicked him in the knee's, and Anakin Skywalker stumbled over. Sara Ventris slashed upwards and caught Anakin Skywalker's shoulder. Anakin Skywalker then howled in pain and shoved Sara Ventris away.

Sara Ventris flipped over heels and landed on her back. She then shot up into a crouch and Force Choked Anakin Skywalker. Anakin Skywalker screamed out in pain as Sara Ventris began Force Choking him.

Anakin Skywalker then stalked Sara Ventris as she raised his lightsabers. But something woke up inside of her. Sara's arms then froze... and she couldn't move. Sara Ventris then lowered her hand and the Force Choke stopped. She then whirled around and saw that Anakin Skywalker was still standing over him.

Before Sara Ventris could cry out or raise her lightsabers, Anakin Skywalker slashed downwards. Sara Ventris then crumpled to her knees in pain. She e then knew no more.

Pain then erupted through the force and Emperor Palpatine clutched his head before pressing a button.

"What?" Said Emperor Palpatine.

"It is done my Master." Replied Anakin Skywalker and Emperor Palpatine just nodded his head before shutting off the connection. Darth Lumiya was now dead.

(Back to Emperor Palpatine and Darth Lumiya.)

"Help me Master!" Sara Ventris screamed out from Mustafar.

"Darth Lumiya?" Replied Emperor Palpatine.

"Master.!.. Please..." Said Sara Ventris.

"I'm coming. I'm coming." Replied Emperor Palpatine.