Revealed Secrets

She slowly closed her ears. She was kinda scared. "What happened? Do you remember anything?" Neeraj enquired. She looked at his eyes. "What did I see? I…" she was clueless. Abhishek was watching them from far away. "Yup. That's what we wanna know. Tell me" he replied. He made her sit on his bike. "I saw a couple sitting in the car. They were happily driving somewhere. But a man killed both of them. Was it a car accident? Idk..." she replied. "What was that? You didn't see a girl in that car?" he enquired. "Girl? There were two girls. I guess they were twins" she replied. "Two girls?" he wondered. "Yup. One of them was me?" she asked him. He thought for a while and agreed. "What do you mean? Nope. Not possible" she denied and got out of there. She entered her bed and closed her room. She started to think. Abhishek stood out of her room and knocked on the door after a few minutes. He got into her room. '`Hey, what happened to you?" he enquired. "Don't you remember me? What do you have to tell me? " she asked. He hugged her and held her head. The psycho killer killed your parents. Your Raj escaped you from the psycho killer and sent you to an orphanage. After a few days when no one came insearch of you, he himself adopted you." Abhishe explained. "Why didn't you tell me anything? Are there any secrets?" she enquired. He didn't reply to anything and left his hands from her head. Vimal called Rithika from his phone . Both Rithika and Abhishek got out of her room. She saw a car and rushed into the restaurant. "Dad" she called and rushed to her dad. She hugged him. "Hey, what happened?" he enquired. "Did Abhishek tease you?" he looked at Abhishek and asked. she wiped her eyes. "Yes dad" she smiled and replied. Her dad caught Abhishek's and Rithika's ears and pinched them. "Why don't you stop teasing each other?" he smiled and asked them. Everyone smiled.

After a few minutes they all sat to have food in the dining hall of their house. Rithika got into the kitchen to take some curry. Someone held her hands and dragged her . It was Neeraj. "What are you doing?" Rithika asked him. "Why didn't you ask your dad about anything?" he enquired. "Do you expect me to hurt him?" she asked with a serious face. He looked at her eyes. She made his hands leave her hands and she walked towards the kitchen.