
After a few minutes Abhishek and Bella got into the house. Her dad stepped towards them. "Dad, do you remember my friends? This is Abhishek , Rithika and Neety" Bella introduced them. "Oh… How can I forget them?" her dad smiled and said. "Actually uncle, we came here to ask for a favour" Abhishek smiled and informed. "What favour? Ask me" he replied with a smile. "Can I marry your girl?" Abhishek asked without shyness. Rithika choked on the water she drank. "I'm asking cuz…, I really love her. She is my first love and my one and only love in this life. Even though I had a crush on her, I will appreciate your rejection uncle. It's all up to her parents. If you guys didn't approve, I will stop crushing her. " Abhishek expressed his feelings.

"Why do I feel like he is cool even though he is not…?" Rithika asked herself. Bella's dad thought for a while. "I appreciate your sincerity. It's good that you consider her parent's decisions too…. You are a responsible person and I don't find any point to disagree with your decision. Plus, we know you from your childhood. So.., if she is ok , then we also have no problem" he dad approved after thinking for a while. "Seeing her face , I guess she also agreed" her dad added and smiled. "What did you talk about with Bella? I mean just before talking with her dad?" Rithika wipered to Abhishek. "It's nothing. She doesn't believe in love. But one day while she was sleeping in my room , I was arranging a bed on the top storey of her bed. She slept and talked about her one and only crush. It was me" Abhishek explained. Rithika smiled.

It was their marriage day. Everyone was busy arranging things. Rithika started searching for Neeraj. "Did you see Neeraj?" she asked Neety. "Nope, I haven't seen him for a few days," Neety replied. Rithika started to search for him. She walked outside the ceremony hall. "Where are you going?" Deepak asked her. "Oh , it's you? Did you find Neeraj?" she was worried. "Why are you tense? He is inside the groom's room with Abhishek" he replied with a cute smile. She was relieved. "Don't go outside from now onwards. Cuz, everyone will recognize you" he added. "Yea...It was better to live a normal life" she smiled and replied. "Anyway, I will go and meet him. The marriage is about to start in a few hours" she added and walked towards the groom's room. She found Neeraj sitting in groom's swit. "Why are you here? I mean… You are wearing a groom's suit. Are you trying the suit if it is suitable for you?" she wondered. "You don't remember anything? Do you have any memory loss or something?" he smiled and commented. She started to think deeply. "What do you mean?" she enquired. "Ok , I will tell you. Do you remember that our wedding was fixed today?" he asked. She looked at him. "What do you mean? It was just to get some time. Right?" Rithika wondered. "But I didn't tell anyone that I will be assigned to make a fake marriage alliance. When I said that I want to marry you , I really meant it" he reminded her. "Wow…, Is this a dream or what?" she pitched him. "Ah…..!" he cried in pain. "Did you feel anything? Are you ok now?" she was curious. "I was just going with the flow" he smiled and replied. Bella opened the groom's door. "Neeraj , Vimal is missing" she informed Neeraj.