Death And Reincarnation

In the endless darkness, Zephyr's consciusness floated aimlessly for an unknown amount of time.

In this mysterious purple space, Zephyr could not feel his body nor sense any presence of the outside world, as if he had become a wandering soul in the afterlife.

After an unknown amount of times passed, a brilliant ray of light shone towards Zephyr's direction.

Following the light, Zephyr's consciousness floated towards it instinctively.


In a nameless forest

Wild beasts shrieked occasionally as if trying to scare away predators that might be near by. The forest was filled with lush trees and abundant greeneries, giving off a feeling of freshness to those who inhaled the air.

The forest was deep and dark, filled with the sound of the wind through its branches. It was hard to tell where the edge of the trees was, the undergrowth was so thick.

Occasionally, terrible noises and terrifying screams could be heard from time to time in the forest's depths, resembling the cries of enormous animals or the rustle of something even bigger.

The wilderness was brimming with resources that should have piqued the interest of a variety of races, but there were no signs of them nearby.

This was due to the wilderness being surrounded by dangerous mountains that served as natural barriers, protecting the area from outsiders.

Along with the dangerous wild beasts and spiritual beasts that inhabited the wilderness, all who entered without preparation faced only one fate... death.

At this moment in one of the caves of a small mountain there was a ripple in space like a stone falling in a calm lake.

A spatial tear appeared, and then it grew wider and wider, revealing a dark mouth like a wild beast's maw.

The space inside the cave was suddenly illuminated by a blinding red light, which made the scene inside even more startling.

The bright red light shone violently into the dark, uneven cave, as if attempting to illuminate the darkness, and it filled the space with light, much like the moon in the dark night.

But to the creatures that called the cave home, it was more of a catastrophe and a punishment.

When confronted with such a bright light, the beasts' eyes welled up with tears, and their vision blurred.

They barely had time to scream in agony before their fragile eyes were penetrated and blood flowed like tears down the sides of their faces and heads, bursting and causing their bodies to collapse a few moments later.

"What a disgusting place filled with nothing but annoying and noisy pests! Kacha!" A cold and indifferent voice rang out throughout the cave, along with the sounds of bones being ripped to shreds and the screams of animalized beasts, before they all faded away.

A strange wind emerged from the gap in midair, reducing every corpse to dust before dispersing them all throughout out the cave, wiping away all the grime and odors.

The next moment, an incomprehensible chanting could be heard from the red hole in space, followed by a blinding red light that illuminated the cave. The entire mountain the cave was located in was immediately enveloped by this enigmatic energy.

A purple egg, the size of an adult human, could be seen levitating in midair surrounded by warm green light emanating from the hole before slowly touched the ground.

Many would have thought the egg was even more precious and valuable than a jewel because of its smoothness and shiny, sparkling surface, which resembled a gemstone that glints in the light.

The hole in space gradually became smaller and smaller until, at last, it vanished as if it had never existed in the first place. The only thing that remained of it was the purple egg covered in tiny, mysterious runes that beat silently inside the cave like a heart.

Every strand of the enigmatic runic pattern was absorbing streams of green energy that surrounded the egg left by the mysterious being.

Would not it make even the strongest hearts on this continent tremble with fear if people knew what was going on inside the egg at this very moment?

After a considerable amount of time, the egg began to shake and tiny cracks in the shell eventually emerged, accompanied by the sound of the cracks.

The light of the eggshell slowly faded. The cracks began to shake, and tiny cracks in the shell eventually appeared, accompanied by the sound of cracking.

The egg cracked open first at the tip, exposing a head resembling a chicken with its eyes closed. The head was devoid of feathers.

It was covered in a gleaming wet material that exposed its blood vessels beneath its taut, writhing skin, making them easily visible and distinguishable.

Slowly more cracking and crumpling sounds reverberated around the cave as more of the eggshell cracked opened then suddenly there was movement inside the egg.

It was small and curled up in a fetal position; it had not yet awoken from its sleep. It had some shiny and luxurious purple feathers on its small body that yet to take shape.

It had not fully awakened, but the faint sounds of weak, hot breathing reverberated throughout the small cave. Its eyes remained shut as it breathed weakly and shallowly.

Its entire body appeared to be no bigger than that of a kitten. Even though it was a dragon, it was still so weak and fragile like a baby chick.

It's legs were short and skinny, and it didn't have any claws yet. Its wings resembled those of a bird but they too lacked strength because they were thin and delicate.

It was bipedal, with two wings and two legs, but it also had a second set of appendages on its back that resembled human arms only without feathers.

This creature had a long phoenix-like tail, but even with its tiny purple feathers, there were still signs of immaturity. The tail's bones were still not sufficiently formed.

This, however, was not a problem. It could rely on the green energy it absorbed from the egg before hatching to strengthen the bones rapidly by forcefully refining the bones of its body.

But the most noticeable part of its body, however, was not the pheonix-like tail or the small protruding skin on its forehead, but the heart area.

The heart region seemed to be brighter compared to the rest of its body, especially considering it was located right between the creature's tiny breasts which made it stand out even more.

The heart of this little creature glowed brightly beneath its skin as if there was a small star hidden within....