An Egg-citing Beginning

Darkness! Eerie darkness!

When I tried to open my eyes I could not. Some sticky liquid seemed to cover me preventing me from opening my eyelids. There was some pressure on top of me, squeezing me down against something soft.

My body felt strange, as though I had no control over it.

I could not even understand whether I was upside down or right side up. My thoughts were disorganized and jumbled.

What is going on?

Where am I?

Even though I wanted to scream for help, but no sound would come out of my mouth. Instead, some liquid entered my mouth involuntarily.

It had a pleasant taste, similar to honey or strawberries. So I swallowed instinctively. More of these delectable liquid poured into my mouth, and I drank eagerly.

After several more swallows, my stomach felt very full. So much so that I started to feel uncomfortable.

My body began to move on its own at this point, pressing hard against whatever was covering me. I pushed harder until something popped and gave way, allowing me to push out.

This 'wall' felt warm and rubbery against my skin, but with a few more pushes, I broke through completely.

Snap! crack!

Warm light fell upon my closed eyelids. A cooling breeze brushed against my bare skin.

I felt very suffocated and continued to push my way out of this 'thing'. I did not know what it was, all I knew was that it smelled very good.

Opening my mouth, I inhaled deeply and felt air enter my lungs for the very 'first time'.

It is wonderful to be alive.

Wait! Alive?

Suddenly everything came back to me...

Was I not crushed to death by that car?

I struggled to see clearly, but even through blurred vision, I knew instinctively that I was inside an egg — how had I ended up in this peculiar situation?

My eyes were still not working properly, so I could not see anything clearly yet. My brain is groggy, as if I had just awoken from a deep sleep. All I knew was that I needed to get out of this 'prison', now!

I made one last push to break through the egg thing that had been holding me prisoner for so long.


As the eggshell finally gave way, I stumbled forward, losing balance and plummeting to the ground below.

The impact sent a shockwave of pain through my body — as I lay there, breathing heavily, I felt a profound sense of liberation and relief wash over me.

The prison of the egg was shattered!

I saw everything around me in a blurry haze. Everything looked large and distorted. Only objects within close proximity appeared clear and detailed. The ground below me felt rocky and warm against my bare skin.

I tried to stand up, but immediately fell onto my belly because my legs refused to cooperate with me - sticky liquid still covering me, pouring out of the egg.

It took a while for me to calm down enough to actually think straight and to see some details.

First, I ate the eggshells all around me. It was purple and felt rubbery. It tasted very sweet, when I licked it with my tongue. So I bit off piece after piece, chewing it thoroughly before swallowing it.

After thoroughly eating and drinking this liquid, I could finally saturated my hunger enough to start thinking about and seeing where I was exactly.

As my vision gradually improved, I looked around again, and everything appeared massive.

No, that was not right. On the contrary, I was tiny — perhaps as small as a newborn baby!

But how can this be possible?

Looking at my body I could tell that it was not human anymore. Instead, I seemed to have wings attached directly onto both sides of my torso.

It appears that I have been reincarnated!

Panicking and overjoyed, I quickly stood up on my feet using my wings as a tail for balance.

Sigh... It was not like panicking now would do any good anyway. So, after calming myself down, I began to examine my new body with excitement.

Apparently I am not a human anymore. Instead, I am some kind of bird-like creature.

My head was roundish with two nostrils, ears, and small skin sticking out on each side of my forehead. I had two arms attached directly onto each side of my torso.

The protruding part of my forehead seemed like... horns!

Although I did not know what kind of bird I was supposed to be. Nor I knew if I could fly in the future with these wings?

Maybe I'm some sort of penguin? Wait, those birds can not fly. Then what kind of bird am I exactly?

Anyway, continue with the inspection!

My wings were light purple colored with dark purple stripes running along the middle part of them. Each wing had five tipped fingers that could be expected to sprout sharp claws. At least they looked useful for self defense if anything goes wrong later.

My legs were short, skinny but powerful — like chicken legs. They also ended in five toes instead of four like chickens do though...


I guess I am some kind of hybrid between a penguin and a bat?

As for my claws they looked sharp enough to rip apart most things easily with ease...

So I decided to test it out on the rocky ground.


The rock crumbled under my claws making cracking sounds as it cracked apart into pieces.

Wow! That was pretty strong!

"Cawww..." I cried happily while scratching the ground excitedly with my paws.

My voice?!

My vocal cords seemed to have changed in some way as well. Now I sounded more like a bird than human anymore... Sigh... Well there goes my dream of becoming an awesome singer!

Ha ha... Ha ha...

What am I laughing for anyway?! I gradually regained my composure as I attempted to soothe my still racing thoughts.

It took me a few minutes to eventually regain control over my emotions once more.

I wonder how far away from civilization I am right now? And how did I reincarnate as a bird rather than a human, as is typical in stories?

Suddenly something clicked me. I hurriedly checked my lower body part for genitals!

Phew... Thankfully, my 'little brother' reincarnated safely alongside me!

That is one less problem for me to worry about.

Oh well, at least I did not get born female... It would have been even weirder to poop eggs in the future. Hahahaha...

However, the most intriguing part of my new body appeared to be where my heart should be.

It was glowing purple and everytime it beat, its pulses sent waves throughout my whole body... its position was exactly in the middle of my chest.

How strange...

Was this, maybe, the magical source I had read about in books during my previous life?

Before I could continue with my thoughts, a translucent screen with some words appeared before me...


Is it the Golden Finger, a reincarnated person's cheat ability?
