A Fortuitous Opportunity (2)

Heavy rain continued to fall, thunder roared, and lightning flashed everywhere. It looked like it was going to last for quite some time.

Zephyr stood motionless in this intense downpour, scanning his surroundings warily.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared out of nowhere and pounced towards him. Zephyr dodged right away but still got slashed on his left foreleg by that sharp claw. Fortunately, due to his scales, he did not suffer any injuries.

However, before the black shadow could attack again, Zephyr swung his tail at it.


That shadow got hit hard on its stomach and flew far away.

As soon as it touched down again, Zephyr recognized exactly what it was. It was a small wolf, similar to one that had just been died by bear's claws earlier. But unlike that dead wolf, this one was black colored.

Its fur was soaked, and its eyes were red, as if filled with killing intent. Looking at Zephyr fiercely, it ran towards him again.

But this small wolf was not particularly strong, as it was easily thrown away again when Zephyr swung his claws, killing it without giving it a chance to fight back.

The stench of blood has already permeated this heavy rain. Zephyr thought to himself as he looked around vigilantly.

I should move these corpses first before something more powerful comes here!

He then used his mouth to carry the small wolf's body corpse and went deeper into the woods.

Zephyr cautiously made his way through the forest, carrying that large red bear and the larger wolf in each hand, in the direction of the mountain cave where he had first opened his eyes.

After walking for half an hour while avoiding the areas he knew having stronger beasts living there, Zephyr finally arrived at the entrance of that mountain cave.

It was located in the middle of a mountain, inside a valley surrounded by dense forest in all directions.

Although the bodies of these beasts were heavy, Zephyr managed to carry them here somehow because of the strength provided by his current body.

The cave entrance was not really big, so he had no choice but to cut the bear's and wolf's bodies into few parts to drag them inside. As for that small wolf's corpse, Zephyr only dragged its body easily.

When the bear and wolf were alive, their fur was extremely tough making it almost impossible for him to hurt them even slightly.

However, now that they were dead, their fur had softened, and Zephyr used his claws to cut them open easily.

When all was said and done, Zephyr came up against a jagged rock on the mountainside. If one did not know better, they would not notice anything unusual — but Zephyr entered and passed through this rock as if it were an illusion.

Zephyr only felt relieved once he reached this secret place. Although he was not afraid of anything out there, he did not want to draw too much attention from those stronger monsters just like the bear.

The entrance to this cave was in fact guarded by a barrier!

After arriving in this world and being able to walk properly, he exited the cave, but looking back, he panicked because he could not find the entrance anymore, but soon realized the entrance's jagged-rocky boulder was an invisible barrier.

This discovery extremely excited him — thinking of the magical possibilities within!

Zephyr tried entering again later with excitement, passing through the barrier successfully and went outside again, confirming it was indeed an invisible barrier.

He surmised that the person who had abandoned him here had most likely also installed this hidden barrier!

And, to his surprise, only he could pass through this barrier. When he attempted to send any living animals that he had captured into the barrier, they simply bounced back — unable to enter.

Although the barrier stopped living things, it had no resistance to dead bodies.


Zephyr carried the corpses of the bear and wolf into the barrier. The heavy rain outside made the cave dark and humid. And the moment he entered, with a loud thud sound, those three beasts fell onto the ground.

Although the cave was dark, it was not a problem for Zephyr anymore since he could see clearly in the dark because of his new eyes.

Since his reincarnation in this world, he discovered that he possessed exceptional five senses that far exceeded those of normal humans.

"Sigh..." Zephyr sighed helplessly looking at these corpses. Due to rain and wounds on the bodies, the blood had already washed away.

But as a previous human, eating without cooking properly still disgusted him. Especially eating raw meat of wild beasts.

Still, he needed food to survive. These corpses would rot if he didn't do something about it.

So after carefully placing the unknown red fruit, he started cutting these bears' and wolves' bodies using his sharp claws, slowly removing its furs layer by layer until only its meat remained.

"I wonder when I will be able to use Lightning Breath to start a fire." Zephyr lamented as he looked at the meat lying on the ground.

The rain outside the barrier kept falling and hitting the ground continuously. From time to time, lightning and thunder flashed.

In this heavy rain, Zephyr sat down cross-legged eating voraciously!

Every bite he took, made him feel refreshed — as if his hunger had been replenished. The taste of fresh meat was not so exquisite, but compared to fruits alone — this was heaven sent!

"Mmmm...this is not too bad!!"

Zephyr devoured both bear and two wolf bodies completely in less than one hour. Only after eating till full did he stopped.

Compered to his small stature, Zephyr ate huge amount of meat in such short time. It was simply unimaginable!

In the cave's corner, he spread the two beasts' furs on the ground. These new additions joined a collection of various other animal furs — all stacked together to form a comfortable, makeshift bed. If one looked closely, they could see the different textures and colors of the many furs used to create this cozy resting spot.

Zephyr lied down comfortably — resting for some time. His belly was now full, and he needed to digest all of that meat.

He wanted to sleep right away and inspect the fruit later, but he realized his body was becoming increasingly hot by the second!

"Could it be!?" Zephyr became overjoyed and closed his eyes — sitting cross-legged immediately on the furred bed to meditate.

Energy from his stomach traveled towards his limbs — circulating throughout his whole body rapidly. This energy was the reason why he felt hotter — aiding him to breakthrough into next level.

Time passed slowly as Zephyr kept meditating nonstop...