Chapter 19; We have him....

"Feng Ying Long, we will put it this way then, I have failed you... I promise to fulfil one wish for you... So long as it isn't about marriage and love..." She couldn't drag him in the face of danger, the President was capable of protecting himself and had a whole army surrounding him.

"Su You Qing..." He pressed his forehead on hers softly sobbing, he could only accept the reality but he has never hated life like he does now.

She sighed loudly wiping his tears, and this action was like rubbing salt on the wound as Feng Ying Xie watched them, from their action, he didn't need to think twice before knowing they were childhood sweethearts, he began feeling bad and guilty toward his son.

He felt like he has failed as a father, seeing his son on his knees didn't settle well with him. Was his love for her that great?

She gently patted his shoulders before straightening her back and getting up. She needed to stay clear.