Chapter 26; We have arrived......

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Su You Qing who had cried enough and released her pent-up emotions, felt better and she drove over to the Su Company, it was evening now and most workers were getting off work.

She got closer and drove through the building street but suddenly saw her stepmother and Su Mei walking along the same street facing each other as they had just walked out of the Su Company building.

With fiery burning hatred, she winded the windows up closing the tinted windows so that no one would see who it was, and then stepped on the gas and the car shot forward in their direction, head on.

She had gotten closer and stepped on the gas, her eyes maddened with a murderous aura, but she changed her mind last minute and brushed past them as they were throwing onto the side of the road since she was driving at high speed.

She drove away and finally parked the car on the safe side of the road further away.