Chapter 35; Leave me alone... Go away....

Feng Ying Xie strode back to the couch and settled down leaning backward worriedly.

"It's true that she is blind... And I think you would need a psychiatrist to talk to her, she needs counseling..." Feng Ying Zhen spoke up after a careful watch and when Su You Qing heard that, was elated inwardly, the more they believed in her blindness, the more she would have space and ample time to deal with her things.

"Oohh... I will hire the best doctor to check on her eyes, I wonder how much she would detest me, I honestly didn't want to break her from Feng Ying Long, but things happened, I hope she could keep the baby..." He loudly sighed gazing toward the bed where Su You Qing was laying, she could hear everything they were chatting about.