Chapter 54; Did you take them out?

"Oohhh? Are you saying that my wife just slandered you? Okay then..." They opened the bedroom door and walked in, they went over to the safe, Feng Ying Xie opened it, and true to his words, it wasn't locked, he perused through and checked the files out, but two important files were missing.

"Did you take them out?" He turned around with his hand pocketed eying him, he could see his nervous eyes and lips that were trembling.

"No Master, let's check around, I didn't take them!" He nervously declined as they searched around and Feng Ying Xie let him do it.

After a few minutes, Secretary Lin got the files from under the pillow on Su You Qing's side, "Master see, she is the one that took the files and now she is trying to frame me?"

" Oohh, okay... You can go now..." He took the files away dismissing him, how can he be that stupid to believe him? He could see his eyes emitting relief, if it wasn't his work, then he had an accomplice working for him.