Chapter 98; I don't like pumpkin.....

These ones were better in skills and everything compared to the previous ones.

He strode over to the kitchen, he could see the new maids and servants.

"Good evening Mr President..." They politely bowed their heads respectfully before going on with their chores, they were trained on how to behave respectfully.

"Mnnhh...." He hummed getting inside the kitchen, he got some vegetables and pumpkin, and he peeled and made pumpkin soup, it was good for the stomach.

He grilled some fish and potato wedges, prepared some vegetables and fresh mango juice, he kept it warm at room temperature as the weather wasn't hot.

He served them and placed them inside the serving bowls before placing the bowls on a tray... He warmed some milk before going upstairs.

"You can clean the kitchen and prepare a simple meal, her brother and sister will be coming over soon..." He notified them as he took the stairs back to the master bedroom.