Chapter 2

Sunlight streamed into the room where we find a naked Naruko and Naruto sleeping together under the covers.

Then the light hit Naruto's eyes, making the sleepy blonde frown and try to turn around to block the light...

But he started to wake up as he felt something snuggle into his chest.

The blonde lazily opened his eyes as he tried to see what was going on. He saw the sleeping face of his older sister with a smile on her face and her head on his chest.

Naruto froze up at the sight before him until he remembered what happened last day.

'Oh right.' he thought in his head. 'I still can't believe that I ended up fucking my older sister...' He thought.

He wasn't disgusted by it, but he was dreading what would happen when his mother finds out.

'I hope she doesn't over react...' He mentally begged.

That's when Naruko began to open her eyes.

"W-what happened.?" She asked tiredly.

"Mornin." smiled Naruto.

"Morning too~!" She answered while kissing him. He gladly returned it and sat up to stretch his arms.

"So how was I last night?" Naruto asked.

"Amazing." smiled Naruko.

"Heheh...good, because I was worried I might have screwed up." Confessed the blonde.

"What? With you that big, I don't think so." grinned Naruko licking her lips.

"Good..." Sighed the boy happy. Naruto got up from the bed as the sheet fell off from him and was about to head out, but jumped when Naruko pinched his ass.

"HEY!" He yelled embarrassed.

Naruko just gave a fox-like grin as she watched him head to his room.

'Fu fu fu fu...I can't wait to do it again~!' She thought perversely.

Naruto looked around to see if his mom was around and let out a sigh of relief at seeing the coast was clear.

'Phew...I don't wanna know how she would react...' He thought with some fear. He headed to his room to put some clothes on and spotted his mother sleeping in his bed with the covers over her form.

'Aw man, now what should I do with her?' Naruto thought to himself. He walked over and pulled the covers aside, only to reel back as he saw her completely naked underneath.

'No matter how many times I see her naked, she's still beautiful.' Naruto told himself mentally with a blush.

Kushina moaned in her sleep as her eyes began to open.

"Oh shit..." Whispered the blonde in panic.

"Naru-kun?" mumbled Kushina sitting up.

"Y-yes?" He said nervous.

"Where were you?" yawned Kushina.

"I Naruko..." Confessed the blonde.

"Doing what?" yawned Kushina.

"Catching up..." He answered.

"That's nice." smiled Kushina before pulling him into the bed with her with a seductive grin on her face.

Naruto could only grin with a blush before kissing her.

His mother eagerly returned it as she shoved her tongue into his mouth with hunger at how she was kissing him.

'Man, is she horny.' He thought as he and Kushina separated. Kushina grinned and climbed on top of Naruto and reached down to grab his dick.

"Eager, are we?" Chuckled the blonde.

Kushina just smiled, but noticed something.

She then noticed the dry cum on his dick, meaning he either jacked off or screwed someone.

'Don't tell me...' She thought with narrowed eyes. "Naruto, did you fuck Naruko last night?"

Naruto froze up before he slowly nodded, fearing his mother's wrath.

Kushina looked away and got off Naruto's chest and sat on the other side of the bed with her back to him.

'Well shit.' Naruto thought to himself.

"How could you?" came Kushina's question as her form seemed to shake a little.

"Eh?" He asked feeling uneasy.

"I thought you were sincere that you love me." spoke Kushina turning to him to show she was crying.

"I do love you!" He said seriously.

"Than why did you cheat on me with your sister?!" she asked with sadness in her voice.

"I didn't mean to do so..." He began.

"I thought this could work out, but if you prefer Naruko over me, than maybe this was a mistake." she spoke looking at the floor.

"I-It's not like that!" Naruto said, surprising her.

"Oh? Than explain." spoke Kushina.

"You see...when I went to see Naruko..." The blonde began nervous as Kushina looked at him. "She had just finished showering...meaning I could see her...body..." hesitated Naruto with a blush.

Kushina frowned as she understood, especially since she knew that her oldest daughter liked to sleep naked.

"So I figured she was gonna do some harmless teasing, but we wound up on her bed and she told me how she felt." spoke Naruto looking down.

Kushina's eyes widened as she asked, "How did she felt about what?"

"About me. She loves me." he admitted.

Now the redhead was baffled, especially upon deducing what kind of love her daughter must have felt for him...

"When she told me she loved me, I was swept up in the moment and couldn't say no. So I caved and didn't think." admitted Naruto with a dejected sigh. Now he was afraid that his mother would rage against him...

What he felt was her arms wrapped around him as she was hugging him.

"K-Kaa-chan...?!" He muttered in shock.

"I understand. I'm not happy, but I understand." whispered Kushina.

Naruto just smiled, glad that his mother understood.

"But that doesn't mean you're off the hook." she spoke with a stern voice.

Naruto gulped before he nodded hastily, preparing to accept his punishment.

"First, no ramen for one week."

The blonde went pale before nodding, accepting to survive a week without the god's food...

"Second, if I found out you slept with any other girl without permission, you will go another month without ramen AND you can't masturbate for that same time."

"Y-yes!" He said in fear.

"Third, you must take me out on a real date. Meaning paying, and holding my hand." she finished with a blush.

Naruto blushed before he nodded with a grin.

Kushina smiled and kissed his cheek. "Then you're forgiven."

Naruto just smiled happily before kissing her.

She gladly returned it before pulling back with a smile. "I need to get breakfast started."

The blonde nodded as he saw his mother/lover get out of the room.

She shook her ass as she left, teasing him.

'Dat ass...' If it wasn't for a lot of things, Naruto would have screwed it all and done it with Kushina right there. But he held back since he knew he needed to take his punishment seriously.

'The things that I do for love...' He thought with a laugh. He started getting dressed before heading to the table for breakfast.

Now Naruto was wearing a orange sleeveless t-shirt with a red spiral on the middle and black shorts. He took a seat at the table as Naruko came walking in with a white t-shirt that was way too big for her.

"Hello Onee-chan." Naruto said to his sister, who smiled before hugging him.

"Morning Naruto." smiled Naruko as she hugged her little brother's face to her chest.

The blonde boy blushed as he tried to get out of the deadly yet beautiful embrace.

"Naruko, please take your seat." spoke their mother as she turned and gave a sweet smile, that was laced with anger.

Both blondes shivered as they saw Minna, still in her pajamas, look at them lazily before going to her room to sleep some more.

"Now then, who's hungry?" smiled Kushina.

The blondes shakily raised their arms.

"Good." Kushina went back to preparing their plates as they calmed down.

"W-Why is she mad, Naruto?" Asked Naruko.

"It might have something to do with last night."

Naruko then understood and went paler than Orochimaru.

"She knows?" whispered Naruko who was beginning to sweat. Naruto just nodded grimly.

"Yes, and if you two continue to do it behind my back without permission, I'll ban you from ramen for life." smiled Kushina looking over her shoulder.

Naruko went pale once again before nodding scared.

"Now then, enjoy." smiled Kushina setting the eggs and sausage down.

Both blondes did as told.

As her children ate breakfast, Kushina heard the phone ringing.

"Yes?" She asked once she got a hold of the phone.

"Kushina, it's Mei here." came a female's voice from the other side.

"Ah Mei-chan~! How are you?!" Asked the redhead in an excited tone.

"Pretty good. Just thought I'd call cause I'm thinking about coming over for a visit."

"When?" Kushina asked curiously.

"I just wanted to come by and see my family. Is that so wrong?"

"No, it's just surprising."

"Well I'll be by around this afternoon."

"I-I see..." She smiled but had her eyebrow twitching. "I'll be sure to welcome you."

Mei hung up on her end as Naruto and Naruko gave her confused looks.

"What happened, Kaa-chan?" Naruto asked.

"That was just your aunt calling to say she'll be coming by for a visit."

"You mean Mei?" Asked Naruko.

"Yes." nodded Kushina.

Both blondes then began to cheer at the chance of seeing their aunt.

Kushina was frustrated as she and her sisters use to have an old rivalry over Minato.

'Luckily I won in the end.' She chuckled darkly.

But considering she was in a new relationship, she felt slightly worried that her sisters might go after Naruto since he was older and resembled his father.

'LIKE HELL I'LL LET THEM!' Growled the red head mentally. If they tried anything with her son, she'd counter and show them that only she could truly satisfy him.

Naruto meanwhile couldn't help but shiver for some reason...

(Timeskip a few hours)

Now we can see Naruto, Naruko, Kushina and a now awake Miina dressed in fine clothes as they waited for the arrival of their fellow family member, Mei Uzumaki-Terumi.

They didn't have to wait long as they saw a red Cadillac pull up as their aunt stepped out of the car. Mei was a woman with dark orange, almost red, hair green eyes, pink lips, fair skin and a very well developed body that wore a blue t-shirt and black jeans.

"Kushina, it's so good to see you." smiled Mei hugging her sister.

"Same here!" Answered the redhead in happiness.

"And this here must be little Naruko-chan." smiled Mei hugging her niece.

"HEY! I'm not a child anymore!" She answered.

"And this must be Naruto. You're growing up to be quite the handsome man." smiled Mei hugging Naruto.

Naruto chuckled in embarrassment as he said "T-thanks..." He was blushing a little as he felt his aunt's chest against his and could feel how soft her breasts were through the top.

'Calm down Naruto...calm down...' Thought to himself the blonde.

"And this is cute little Miina than?" smiled Mei at the youngest child

"Y-yeah..." Said Miina shyly.

"Aw, you remind me of Kushina when she was that tiny." smiled Mei.

"T-thanks auntie." Said Miina.

"Why don't I show you where you're sleeping?" suggested Kushina walking ahead of her sister.

Mei nodded in gratitude before following her sister.

Naruto was still blushing from feeling his aunt's chest and felt Naruko drape herself over his shoulder with a smile.

"Carry me."

Naruto was surprised before nodding and carrying her piggy style on his back.

"No fair." pouted Miina.

"Now now Miina-chan, no need to be mad." Said Naruko.

Naruto crouched down and let Minna climb onto Naruko's back before standing up and carrying both of them.

"Wheeeee!" Said Miina excited, making both blondes laugh.

After they got inside, they saw Kushina and Mei sitting down with some tea.

"So how have you been, Kushina?" Mei asked.

"Pretty good. In fact, I moved on." smiled Kushina.

"Good for you!" Mei said happily, remembering how hurt she was after Minato's death. "Who is he? And does he have a brother?" asked Mei with a smile.

"In reverse order, No, he doesn't have one, and I can't tell you." Kushina answered.

"Why? Worried I'll steal him?" teased Mei.

"Don't begin with that. The last thing I need is a repeat of what happened with Minato." Growled the red head.

Mei held her hand up to show she understood and dropped it. She didn't want them to not talk to each other for a few more years again.

'Besides, I might know him eventually.' She thought to herself.

As they continued to enjoy their tea, Naruko had dragged Naruto to his room.

"W-what the heck Naruko?!" Said Naruto in surprise.

"I'm still thirsty." purred Naruko pulling his shorts down.

"Oh man..." Naruto sighed as he saw his sister giving him a handjob until he was fully erect.

"Now then, enjoy!" smiled as she began to slide her mouth onto his cock before slowly bobbing her head up and down.

Naruto could only groan from pleasure as his sister's skilled mouth continued to suck him dry.

'Fuck, I hope she's fast.' thought Naruto who didn't want them to get caught.

Naruko then took the penis off her mouth before showing her DD-cup breasts and do a paizuri.

"Almost there." grinned Naruko.

"G-gonna CUM!" Said the blonde boy as he released his seed in his sister's mouth.

She gladly took it all into her mouth and happily swallowed it all.

"Delicious~!" Said the girl with a grin. Naruko zipped her brother's pants up and helped him lay down to relax.

But unknown to them, a certain young red haired girl watched the event with a blush on her face.

"W-W-What is Onii-chan d-doing?" whispered Miina to herself.

Miina had seen her Onee-chan drag her Onii-chan away from their mother and aunt, making her curious enough to follow them but then she saw them doing...

"Sex." whispered the 12 year old as she saw them cuddle on the bed and didn't realize she was leaning against the door.

She wasn't a stranger to sex, not since she got her first period and was given "The Talk" by her mother...

But she had never seen it happen and was stunned to see her own siblings did part of it.

Not only that, but she was between her legs. She looked down and couldn't help but rub her thighs faster together.

'W-why am I this?' She thought to herself.

She was so focused on her thighs she failed to notice herself fall into the room her siblings were in.

"MIINA?!" Shouted both siblings in surprise.

Said girl looked up with a blush as Naruko looked down at her with her arms crossed.

But since her breasts were shown, Naruko wa unknowingly making them look bigger.

"And just what were you doing outside this room?" asked Naruko.

"I-I..." Tried to say the red head with a blush on her face.

"Did you see us...doing something?" asked Naruto.

Miina just nodded as both blondes blushed.

"Great." groaned Naruto who knew that if his mom found out, she'd LOSE IT!

"What do we do now?" Asked Naruko.

"I have no idea." admitted Naruto.

"Anyway, why were you looking at us?" Asked Naruko.

"I...heard something...and was curious." came her reply as they noticed her thighs rub together.

'Oh crap.' Naruto thought nervous.

Naruko just got a cat-like grin on her face as she picked Miina up.

"O-onee-chan...?" Asked a now blushing Miina.

Naruko dropped her sister onto Naruto's lap as said male caught her when she landed and inadvertently held her close to his chest.

"Naruko, what are you doing?" Asked Naruto with narrowed eyes.

"If she was watching, maybe she needs first hand experience." grinned Naruko.

"B-but she's twelve!" Naruto said as he saw Naruko close the door.

"Well than, we'll just have her start with kissing." grinned Naruko.

Naruto sighed before he looked at a blushing Miina and asked her, "Do you want to do this?"

Miina looked away and shyly nodded her head.

Naruto sighed before he smiled and kissed her tenderly.

Miina was stunned that she was kissing her Onii-chan, but let her eyes shut as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Naruko meanwhile was watching the event with a perverted look on her face that would have made Jiraiya proud.

Miina was blushing up a storm as she got bold and tried to do something she had seen before and tried to push her tongue into Naruto's mouth.

With that unexpected moment, Naruto could only let his little sister's tongue in his mouth because of the surprise.

Miina was blushing even brighter than before as Naruto pulled her closer and began to wrap his tongue around hers.

'Onii...chan...' She thought as she lost herself in the pleasure.

Naruto kept going as she moaned louder and louder into the kiss.

Eventually they separated from the lack of air and looked at each other with blushes on their faces.

"My turn." smiled Naruko turning Miina's head before pressing their lips together.

Needless to say, Naruto developed quite the nosebleed upon seeing that.

Miina was stunned that she was kissing her Onee-chan, but didn't attempt to stop her.

'Ero-sennin would kill to see this.' Naruto thought with a blush.

Soon they pulled back as Miina was panting with a blush as Naruko grinned at her expression.

"O-onee-chan...w-why?" Miina asked shyly.

"So you can know what it's like to kiss a girl. That's why you're here to learn." grinned Naruko ruffling her hair.

"W-w-whaaaa-?" Miina tried to say.

"Now, care to go on?" asked Naruko who was confident her sister would say no.

But she was surprised when Miina nodded determined before kissing her brother!

"She reminds me of me when I was that young." chuckled Naruko. Then Naruko got an idea upon watching Miina's wet bottom. She began to pull her shorts down and saw the wet spot on her panties.

"Oh my~! Someone's quite wet~!" Grinned Naruko as she touched the wet folds, making Miina moan in her kiss.

Naruto saw Miina pull back from him as Naruko was teasing her sister's wet pussy.

Naruto sighed before he moaned as he felt Miina's hands go to his crotch!

"Aw, she wants to see your cock." smiled Naruko as Miina managed to pull the zipper back down.

Miina stared in shock at the size of her Onii-chan while Naruko just had a perverted grin on her face as she never got tired of seeing it.

'So...big...' Miina thought with a blush on her face. Without thinking, she began to rub her hands up and down on the length while smelling the musk coming off it.

Naruto just groaned before he found himself kissing Naruko yet again. He felt her push her tongue into his mouth and happily responded as their tongues wrapped around each other while Miina took a light lick on the head of his cock.

'Salty...' She thought before licking the penis some more.

Naruto groaned as Miina focused more on the tip and was being very light since it was her first time doing this. But then he and Naruko separated before the latter put her breasts upon his face.

"Watch Miina. This is what Naruto enjoys." smiled Naruko as Naruto latched onto one of her breasts with eagerness.

Miina looked at Naruko's breasts before looking at her chest and felt uncomfortable.

Naruko pulled back and got behind Miina before putting her hands on her sister's chest. "Don't worry, I'll massage them and get them nice and big~!"

"O-onee-chaaaaaaaaan~!" Moaned the young girl.

Naruto blushed at the panting and red face Miina was making as his cock felt a little harder just from the sight alone.

' hot!' He thought.

Naruko pulled back from Miina as said girl went back to rubbing it and licking the head with gusto.

The blonde boy just moaned in pleasure before he saw his elder sister's pussy in front of him.

"Time to clean your Onee-chan." smiled Naruko.

Naruto grinned before he did as told, making his sister moan.

Naruko bucked her hips closer to him as Miina continued her licking.

"Aah~! T-that's more li-ike iiiit~!" Moaned the blonde girl in joy.

Naruto eagerly swirled his tongue around inside her as Miina moved her mouth over the tip.

And so, for the next few minutes the three siblings kept pleasuring each other until Naruto and Naruko felt like they were about to cum.

Naruto swirled his tongue faster as Miina sucked harder.

"I-I-I'M...g-gonna...C-CUUUUUUUUM!" Screamed Naruko as she came in her brother's face, which made him cum inside Miina's mouth!

He eagerly lapped up her juices while Miina had to pull back. Yet several shots of cum ended up hitting her face.

Naruko panted while Miina was confused by what this white sticky stuff was.

" this?" Miina asked as she subconsciously drank the cum in her hand.

"That's cum. How's it taste?" asked Naruko.

"Salty..." She answered.

"Well it's time for your pussy to touch it." whispered Naruko as she grabbed Naruto's cock and began to rub the length outside Miina's lips.

"E-EEEH?!" Miina froze up at the idea of...becoming one with her Onii-chan...

"Then again, I have a better idea." grinned Naruko as Miina was rubbing her outer pussy lips against the hot member.

"W-what idea?" Asked Naruto.

"How about this? Since she's technically a child, we wait for her to lose her virginity on her birthday." smiled Naruko.

Naruto nodded since her birthday was a few weeks away.

"Awww. I don't wanna!" pouted Minna with a huff.

"Oh dear..." Naruto sighed. "What do we do?"

"Miina-chan! You will wait for your birthday as that means you officially become a teen. If you don't wait, I'll make you cum each day without holding anything back." she warned with a perverted grin and glint.

Naruto then figured out his Onee-chan's plan, but by then, Miina had made up her mind.

"Fine, but you have to pinky promise." spoke Miina holding up her pinky.

Naruko pouted since she wanted Miina to refuse so that she could "punish" her, but a promise was a promise.

"Fine." relented Naruko wrapping her pinky around her sister's. Then Naruko got a perverted grin as she suddenly impaled herself on her brother's shaft in front of Miina!

"AH! O-Onee-chan! What are you doing?" groaned out Naruto.

"Showing Miina-chan what she's missing right now." She answered.

Naruto groaned as Naruko didn't hold anything back and bounced on his cock with vigor.

Miina could only watch the whole event with a big blush on her face.

'No fair.' she thought to herself as her pussy was still bothering her. Seeing how she was gonna have to wait, she brought her fingers down to her sensitive lips.

Naruko just chuckled at what her little sister was doing before moaning.

Naruto gripped her hips as he thrusted up into her tight pussy while latching his mouth onto one of her nipples.

"AH! O-OTOUTO!" She moaned as she felt the pleasure hitting her harder than her first time yesterday.

Naruto grunted as Naruko's pussy was tightening up like yesterday. He also saw Miina moaning as she stuck one finger inside her pussy.

'At this rate...we'll have another Naruko!' He thought while grunting in pleasure.

Naruko moaned louder as her otouto's cock was practically shaping her pussy into its length and shape.

"Ah~! night!" She managed to gasp while blushing.

"Than have another load!" grunted Naruto pushing in as far as he could go as his sperm started to shoot into her pussy.

"A-AA-C-CUMMIIING!" She moaned as she felt her walls become white yet again.

Miina moaned as her first ever orgasm hit her, causing her juices to spray across the floor as she laid there trying to catch her breath.

'So...gooooood...' She thought while drooling.

She laid her head on his shoulder as he laid back on the bed with Naruko wrapping her arms around him.

'Man...this is quite...I don't even know what to say...' Naruto thought.

That's when they heard the door begin to open.

'Oh shit!' He thought in panic.

The door slid open to show Kushina standing there who was stunned at what she was seeing. Both Uzumaki stared at each other awkwardly before...

"Naruto, what exactly did you do to your sisters?" she asked all this with an 'innocent' smile on her face with her eyes closed as her body was giving off A LOT of anger.

" see..." Muttered the now pale blond as both girls were waking up.

"Naruko, did you and Naruto give your sister 'hands on' experience?" asked Kushina without breaking her smile.

Naruko could only nod scared.

Kushina calmly walked over and picked Miina up. "I want you two downstairs before I put Miina to bed. We need to have a LITTLE talk."

Both blondes nodded in fear.