
Chapter 5

Naruto sighed as he was getting dressed up for the date his aunt had set up. Luckily he just needed to take a shower and put clean clothes on.

"I hope nothing goes wrong on this date." He said with a sigh. He got a black t-shirt on with blue shorts and matching sandals before heading downstairs. There he could see both Kushina and Naruko already dressed playing with Miina.

"I'll be going out."

That made all the girls look at him, making him nervous all of a sudden.

"Be careful. Mei tends to be very tricky." warned Kushina.

Naruto nodded as Naruko then said "And don't fall for her charm or else!"

He nodded again before he saw Miina walk over and hug his leg.

"I hope you come back soon, Onii-chan!" She said.

He smiled and patted her head before she let go and he headed out the door.

'Here we go.' He thought to himself as he got outside. He saw the day was cleared and walked down the sidewalk to get to where his aunt said to meet up.

'Did she make it here?' He thought to himself as he looked around. He was standing in front of a fountain in the park while keeping an eye out for his aunt.

Then he heard a familiar voice call him, "Hey Naru-chan~!"

Naruto turned to his aunt's voice, and felt his mouth hang open at what she was wearing. She was wearing a sleeveless blue t-shirt with a black jacket on top, blue jeans and black shoes.

He let his eyes trail over her form as the clothes did nothing to hide her legs and body. 'Hot.' He thought before shaking his head while blushing.

"Do you like it?" grinned Mei.

"Y-Yes." He answered.

"Good." smiled Mei as she wrapped her arms around one of his. "Let's go."

"Alright...so where do you want to go?" Naruto asked her.

"Well, I figured we could go for a nice walk."

"So we'll go to wherever brings our curiosity...OK." He said with acceptance.

"Yup. Plus I get to walk around with a handsome man by my side." she winked. That caused Naruto to blush in embarrassment. "In fact, I remember this one time when you were very small. You proudly proclaimed I was like an angel." giggled Mei.

"I did that?!" He asked surprised.

"Yup." smiled Mei with her visible eye closed.

"Oh man..." He muttered much to Mei's amusement. 'At least Naruko-nee isn't here to hear that.'

"And Naruko looked miffed and said she was better." chuckled Mei.

"That explains some stuff." Confessed Naruto as he suddenly felt a shiver on his back. While he dwelled on that, Mei had dragged them to a nice park close to the fountain.

"This is a nice place." Commented Naruto upon seeing where they had ended up now.

"Yes. Naruto, let's get some ice cream." suggested Mei.

"Alright!" Grinned the blonde since next to ramen, he loved Ice cream the most.

Both of them walked over to a nearby ice cream stand. But unknown to them, there were two shadows with familiar red and yellow hair dressed in coats and hats following them.

"So far so good." whispered Kushina. But when she looked at Naruko, Kushina couldn't help but sweatdrop upon seeing said blonde glare darkly at Mei for the Angel commentary.

"I'm more of an angel than she is!" growled Naruko clenching her fist.

"Please calm down, Naru-chan." Said Kushina as she looked around.

"How can I? She blackmails us and takes OUR Naruto." she growled gripping the tree.

Kushina smiled nervously as she tried to calm her daughter down from causing a scene.

"Now look what she's doing!" hissed Naruko seeing her aunt and brother sit by the fountain with ice cream cones.

"Calm down, or else..." Warned Kushina darkly.

Naruko shut up since she already knew what her mother was talking about. Her ass did not need another dildo shoved up there.

Kushina smiled before looking at Naruto and Mei, who were laughing about something they must have talked about. 'Watch it Mei. You're more calm than Fuka, but I will NOT let you take my son away.' thought Kushina with a frown.

Now we can see both Naruto and Mei heading towards a restaurant in the town.

"I can't believe you wanted us to go to a place like this." remarked Naruto.

"Well, I heard that the food around that restaurant was heavenly." Answered Mei.

"If you say so."

With that they went inside as both Kushina and Naruko tried to think on how to enter that restaurant.

"I got it!" grinned Naruko sneaking down the alleyway right next to it.

"Wait! What are you doing?!" Demanded Kushina worried.

Naruko held a finger to her mouth and waited near the backdoor to the place. They then saw two waitresses come out of the backdoor.

Kushina sighed and made her way to the alleyway as Naruko counted down with her fingers. Then the redhead saw in disbelief how Naruko quickly knocked out the waitresses!

Naruko started to get her clothes off while taking the waitresses' clothes off.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Gasped Kushina with a blush on her face.

"We need to get inside to make sure she doesn't push her luck." replied Naruko who was satisfied the clothing was in her size.

"What about those girls?!" Gaped Kushina.

"They'll be fine." dismissed Naruko grabbing the other woman's clothes. "Put these on."

"Why should I-?!" Tried to say Kushina.

"Do you want to leave them alone and do who knows what in there?" retorted Naruko.

That caused the redhead to shut up and reluctantly dress up in the waitresses' clothes. After she was done, they went inside.

Now we can see both Mei and Naruto on a table waiting for their orders.

"Odd. Usually the food would be done by now." remarked Mei who had been here a few times, but wanted to make Naruto feel like they were both new here.

"Is that true? Maybe there's something going on here." Naruto said.

"Oh wait. Here they come." smiled Mei seeing their orders on a tray being carried over by a different waitress.

The waitress was Naruko, who had a her hair colored red and makeup to cover her whisker marks. "Here's your food." she spoke with a higher tone while keeping her face hidden.

'She looks familiar.' Both Naruto and Mei thought before the former shook his head and the latter smiled in amusement.

After putting the food down, Naruko headed away from the table, confident she wasn't noticed. 'Success' She thought to herself.

"Dig in." smiled Mei.

Naruto did as told and ate on the pasta he ordered, and instantly his eyes lightened up in delight!

"This is amazing!" he cried out with a smile.

"Told you so~!" Mei answered amused as she ate her steak.

"So what was that you said at the park?" asked Naruto who recalled his aunt saying something about his mother.

"Oh, just the time that Kushina's hair changed colors because of a prank~!" Giggled Mei.

"You're kidding." grinned Naruto.

"Nope. Actually that prank was caused by your father because your mother called him a Sissy when they first meet." Chuckled Mei, apparently unaware of Kushina's reaction.

"What'd she look like after?"

"She had a hair similar to a certain pegasus." Chuckled Mei.

"HAHAHA!" laughed Naruto who couldn't help himself from picturing his mom with rainbow colored hair.

He wasn't the only one as Naruko, who was nearby, almost blew her cover from trying to stop her laughter...but as for Kushina...well...

She was gripping the tray hard enough to where it was breaking under her grip as she glared at Mei.

'...She will die once this is over...' She thought hollowly.

After Naruto and Mei finished their meal, Naruto paid the bill before they left. A few minutes later then both Kushina and Naruko followed after dropping their disguises.

"That was wonderful." smiled Mei hugging Naruto's arm again while resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah." Spoke Naruto with a blush on his face.

They noticed it was getting dark and so the sky was full of stars.

"Wow." Muttered Naruto in surprise as Mei agreed with him.

"Naruto, can I be honest with you?" asked Mei looking at the ground.

"Uh...sure, what is it?" Asked a curious Naruto.

"For starters, I want to apologize for making you come on this date by blackmailing you guys."

Naruto was surprised at that before nodding in understanding while saying, "Well, I can forgive you, but I think you should apologize to Kaa-chan and Onee-chan as well."

"I plan to as soon as we get home. But there's something else."

"And that is?" The blonde asked.

"You're actually the first real guy I've met who cares about me. Not my looks, but who I am inside." she revealed.

"A-Are you serious?!" Asked a surprised Naruto, "What about my pops?"

"I had thought the same, but in the end he had eyes and loyal heart only for your mother." Mei revealed with a bittersweet smile.

Naruto didn't know what to say, especially when he saw Mei start to cry a little. So he did the first thing that came to his mind, which was to hug her!

Mei was a little surprised, but didn't say anything and wrapped her arms around him in return.

"There there, it's alright." Comforted the blonde.

"Thank you." smiled Mei.

"You're welcome." He said with a smile.

Naruko and Kushina watched the whole scene from behind a tree.

"Awww, that's so sweet!" Said Kushina, glad that her sister was feeling better.

Naruko nodded, but saw they were starting to leave. "Where are they going now?" She asked before looking at her clock as her eyes widened. "SHIT! It's late!"

"They must be going home!" gasped Kushina.

"How are we supposed to get home before them?!" Asked Naruko in panic,

"We run." replied her mother.

They did as told, unaware of a cop looking at them suspiciously.

They stuck to the shadows as they started to run ahead of Naruto and Mei.

The cop looked worried before using his walkie-talkie and speaking into it, "Prepare back up, we might have some stalkers on the loose."

Naruko overheard the cop and grew nervous. "Kaa-chan, we gotta get out, and fast!" Naruko told her nervous.

Kushina looked over her shoulder and spotted the cop walking towards them. "Is there a problem officer?" Kushina asked kindly yet nervous.

"Yes. You two are stalking that young couple."

"W-Whatever do you mean, sir?" Asked Kushina getting more nervous.

"You've been following them for some time, so I'm gonna have to ask you to come with me." he spoke getting some handcuffs out.

"N-Now, there's no need for that, you see-" Kushina tried to tell the officer what had happened actually, while hiding some truth, but then-

"RUN!" cried Naruko grabbing her mother's arm before dragging her.

"WAIT-DON'T!" Cried out Kushina as she was dragged by her daughter.

"Stop!" cried the police chasing after them.

Next thing the two women knew, they were in a classic chase scene with several cops pursuing them!

Naruto and Mei heard the commotion, but couldn't see who was running due to how dark it was.

"What was that?" Mei asked curious as she looked around.

"Beats me." shrugged Naruto. With that, they continued their journey back home. All the while Naruko and Kushina kept ducking and dodging the police while trying to get home first.

"What do we do?!" Cried a panicked Kushina.

"Keep running!" shouted Naruko. Luckily Naruko then saw a blanket near a road between two buildings, which gave her an idea.

She ran fast enough to where she draped the blanket over her and Kushina.

The police didn't see that and continued going in another direction.

Both women were relieved and rushed off home. And by some divine miracle, they managed to get there before Naruto and Mei did.

They got rid of the hat and coats and sat down on the couch just as Naruto and Mei got back.

"We're back-" Then they took a look at the girl's' condition and asked, "What happened to you both?"

"What do you mean? We've been here all night." spoke Naruko.

"Then why do you look so tired?" Mei asked amused.

"Uh, we were just working out." spoke Kushina.

"Since when? Like as soon as I left?" Asked Naruto curious.

"Uh, yeah! Exactly!" chimed in Naruko.

"Well, where is Miina-chan?" Asked the blonde curious.

"In bed."

"Did she train as well?" Asked the blonde.


"OK." Naruto said before turning to Mei and asking, "So how was the date to you?"

"Wonderful." she smiled before she leaned up and kissed his cheek. That caused him to blush as the other girls glared at Mei. "I'll be heading to bed. Night." Mei called walking to her room while Naruto stayed standing there.

"Wow." He said with a blush on his face.

"So how'd it go?" asked Naruko with a frown.

"Well, it went well." Naruto said.

"Didn't go to any love hotels, did you?" asked Kushina.

"No! Of course not!" Frowned the blonde.

"Good." smiled Kushina.

"Yeah, because you mainly belong to us!" Naruko declared.

Naruto blushed as Naruko walked over and demonstrated this statement by capturing his lips. That caused Kushina to gasp before narrowing her eyes.

Naruto was surprised, but didn't stop her and instead pulled her closer.

Eventually they separated after a few minutes, but then Kushina went in and kissed her child as well! Naruto held her close, but didn't expect the tongue in it as she quickly dominated his own tongue.

Eventually they separated as Naruko pouted at them.