
Chaptet 9

Honoka slept on the couch while trying to get the jet lag out of her system. She was snoring silently while not noticing Naruko creeping down with a photo in her hands or the tape in her free hand.

'He he he.' She thought with a grin.

"Zzzz...oh pancakes…." she muttered while rolling on her side. "Tasty...zzzz."

Naruko reached her and carefully took some tape off the roll before using it to tape the photo on her forehead which showed Naruto in his underwear sleeping and crept back to her room. 'You wanna gawk at my brother? Then here you go, but let's see if you can keep it from everyone else.'

"Zzzzz….so full…" she muttered while smiling in her sleep. "I'm going to blow...zzzz."

'Oh I'll bet you are.'


Honoka snored while on the floor as she was rubbing her stomach. "Zzzz….so full…."

Naruko whistled while heading over with an airhorn and plugged one of her ears. She then pressed on the horn.


"AHHH!" Honoka screamed while jumping up into the air. She fell down and groaned while looking around before seeing Naruko. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Just wishing you a good morning, oh! What's that on your head?"

"Huh?" she felt her head and noticed something in her line of vision. She blushed red while getting a slight nosebleed. 'Oh god!'

Naruko smirked and overheard footsteps. "Oh, sounds like the others are up, you better not let them see that."

"You little!" She growled before trying to pull it off, but it hurt like hell.

"What's going on?" came Kushina's voice as Honoka ripped the photo off and stuffed it in her shirt just as the woman entered. "There was a loud noise, are you two alright?"

"Oh yes, it was just Honoka's snoring." Naruko lied. "She woke up because she thought her snoring was a bulldog."

"What, no I didn't!"

"And she's half awake so don't pay any attention to her." she smiled as the others slowly came in while looking half awake or grumpy.

"Ugh fucking hell." Tayuya grumbled. "Who brought a whale in the house?"

"I was in the middle of my beauty sleep." yawned Mei.

"Isn't that every day?" Kushina muttered.

Miina groaned while Naruto looked very tired.

"What's all the racket?" he frowned before looking at Naruko and groaned. "Figures, what did you do?"

"What? I didn't do anything." She said with a smile. "I just woke up to the sound of Honoka's snoring."

Tsunade sighed. "Honoka, try to fix that while we get some sleep, my head is killing me."

"But...ok." She said with a sigh. 'I'll get you for this Naruko!'

All of them went back to bed while Naruko flashed her a fox-like grin.

"Sweet dreams~"

Honoka flipped her off while going back to sleep. 'You little brat!'


Naruko smirked while sitting on the couch. 'What a good prank, and now she's going to be embarrassed for the rest of the day. Take that movie star!'

Said actress walked out and sat down while glaring at her. "That wasn't funny."

"Oh but it was."

"I've seen comedians better than you."

"Well it's not my fault you were staring at a picture of my brother like that, which I'm guessing you haven't gotten rid of yet, have you?"

Honoka frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"Last I checked you stuffed it in your shirt, I wouldn't be surprised if you kept it to rub one out for later."

She blushed while stiffening up. 'H-How did she know?!' "Are you always this weird?"

"Gee, ya think?" she chuckled.

"Just what is your problem? Why are you acting like a third class jokester?"

She raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? I always act like this."

"Not on me, I recall you only pranked bullies and idiots not family." She frowned. "So what's going on Naruko?"

She crossed her arms. "You really wanna know?"

"I have a right to know."

"It's simple really." She chuckled. "And I'll give you a hint, it involves Naruto-kun."

"What?" she looked lost.

"If you can figure out by the end of the day, I'll tell you. If not, well then good luck because I'll have a long list of stuff for you while you stay here."

"Huh? What are you trying to do?!" Honoka frowned as the girl turned on the tv.

"Issuing you a challenge." she chuckled. "Imagine it like one of your scenes, try to get into it."

'You're so going down you little prankster.'

In the kitchen the others were having breakfast while Tsunade was actually looking ready to head out.

"Where are you going?" Asked Mei while eating some eggs.

"Just out, I need to get some cash."

"You mean from the hospital or casino?" asked Kushina with a raised eyebrow.

"The hospital." 'And the casino if I feel like it.' "So I'm going now, don't forget to leave me some leftovers if I'm a little late."

"No promises." spoke Fuka with a smirk. "I might feel like a little snack later."

"Might help with your flat breasts." she idly remarked before heading out with a smirk. "Let me know if you need some implants and I'll try to fit you in."

"I have big breasts you cow!" She snapped in anger. "And they're natural!"

"Whatever you say flat board."

Fuka fumed while Miina looked at her own chest and then to her mom.

"Kaa-san, do you think I should get implants?"

"No! You shouldn't get any!"

"But I feel flat."

"Don't worry Miina-chan, just drink milk and eat properly and they'll grow in no time." spoke Mei. "Implants can leave marks and can be bad for your back if they're too big."

"Ok, thank you." Miina smiled. "Then I'll have ten glasses of milk please kaa-san."

"Maybe go easy." suggested Naruto with a sweatdrop.

"Why? Milks good for you."

"But it will also make your butt bigger." Naruko teased.

"He's right, just drink at least one glass a day." spoke Kushina. "You'll have plenty of time to grow."

Miina nodded before looking at her butt. 'Maybe nii-chan likes butts instead of chests?'

(With Tsunade)

Tsunade drove her car while feeling very lucky today. 'Yesterday might've been bad, but I'll do much better today!'

She headed on to the hospital and parked before heading inside while waving to a few nurses on the way.

"Hello Tsunade." One waved.

"Want to go drinking later tonight?"

"Maybe." she nodded before seeing a woman with short black hair and wearing a nurse's outfit walk towards her while leading a small pig by the leash behind her.

"Tsunade-sama, I heard what happened to your house, I'm so sorry." she spoke in concern.

"Oh that, it's fine." She chuckled. "It was only just my entire house, at least it wasn't my arms or face right?"

"Still, do you need any help finding a place to stay at?"

"No need, I'm staying at my sister's in the meantime."


"And I kind of got drunk and slept on the couch when that happened."


"What? It wasn't that bad of a bed."

The girl sighed while the pig sniffed around at the floor. "Can't you hold off on that for something so serious?"

She shrugged at that. "Alright Shizune, but don't expect me to help you out with your drinking problem."

"I don't have one."

"I know, but that's after you become the head nurse, in a few years." 'Or months.'

'No, that's just you at the drop of a hat.'

"Anyway, let's get this day started. Is there anyone with broken bones or stomach problems to operate on?"

"Well no, it's still pretty early."

"Well, anything else?"

"Just a guy with a swollen nose and infected eye."

"Perfect, lets get going." she rubbed her hands while Shizune lead the way after picking up the pig.

"Oink oink."

"I know Tonton, I know."


"Phew, that was a tough day." Tsunade sighed while stretching her arms out, making her breasts jiggle a lot.

"What are you gonna do Tsunade-sama?" asked Shizune. 'As if I need to ask.'

"Get some cash and some beer, want to come? Maybe you'll find a boyfriend there this time."

She sighed. "Tsunade-sama I keep telling you-"

"What? Going to get lucky? Well thanks for the encouragement." She interrupted.

She blushed and shook her head. "No! I'm not looking for anyone right now!"

"Really? Huh, didn't know, wait are you gay?"


"Then why not experiment then? It might be reliving for you."


"Just trying to lend a hand, metaphorically though, not literally, I prefer guys."

Shizune blushed red while Tsunade walked away.

"Later, and have fun with your sexuality."

'I hate when she does that.' She thought as Tsunade started to formulate strategies for getting rich.

'I'll be a millionaire in no time! Ha ha ha!' she thought while heading to her car and planned on hitting the casino. 'And then I'll give my family something worth their good hearts, and occasional black heart.'


"Ah! This is my kind of town." Tsunade said while walking into the building. She then walked towards the slot machines and picked one out. 'Time to get lucky!'

She sat down and popped a coin inside before pulling the arm.

The machine moved its slots until they hit three x's.

"Fuck! How did I get it on the first go?!" she cursed with annoyance before pulling out another coin. "Second try always hits."

It moved until it hit another three x's.

"Fuck!" another coin in. "Third time's the actual charm."

Another pair of x's appeared.

"Fucking shit!"


Another set of x's appeared as Tsunade looked ready to blow a gasket.

"Fucking christ! What's wrong with this fucking machine?!"

"Uh, ma'am?"

"WHAT!?" She snapped in rage.

The person gulped. "Uh...some of the other patrons are saying you're being rather...loud."

"Loud? I'll show you loud!" She growled before trying one last time. 'Come on! Make me rich!'

Another set of x's appeared.

"...FUCK!" she cursed before standing up and stamping away.

"Uh, have a nice day."

A small boy walked by and put a coin in the machine.


The machines slots gained a set of o's as times of coins landed out.

"It looks like we have a winner!"

"Oh god, I'm rich!" The boy said with wide eyes as Tsunade went flabbergasted at the sight.

"I...I….I need a drink." She muttered while cursing her luck. 'I wanted that money, why can't I get nice things?'


"Naruto." spoke Tayuya to the blond who was busy playing on his computer with his back to her.

"Oh, yes Tayuya-chan?" He asked while playing a game on the pc. "Need something?"

"I wanna go out."

"Then what's stopping you?"

She sighed. "I want to fucking go out, with you."

He blinked and turned to her. "Huh?"

"I want to go out and hang out with you." Tayuya deadpanned. "What's there NOT to understand."

"Oh...I just didn't expect you to phrase it like that." he remarked turning to her. "Well, sure, I'm free. Where do you wanna go?"

"I was thinking the pool downtown, or maybe help me with some shopping."

He blinked. "But you hate swimming, especially after that kid stole you-"

"Say it and I'll punch your fucking block off!" She growled with a blush.

He covered his mouth and nodded quickly.

She glanced at him. "So care to join me?" 'Say yes or I'll get pissed!'

"Sure, then let's get going to...the pool?"

"Let me get my swimsuit then." Tayuya said while walking off. 'Aka steal some from Naruko.'

'Ok, that was out of nowhere, but it might be fun.' He thought while getting up and started packing.

(A few minutes later)

"Kaa-san! I'm going to take Tayuya-chan to the pool, well be back soon!" he called while wearing orange trunks and a loose blue shirt.

"Just don't lose sight of your cousin."

"I'm not a child." Tayuya frowned while wearing a long sweatshirt that covered her chest and hips.

"You're always a child to me." Fuka chuckled. "Just don't stay out too late."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes before they walked out of the door. 'Like we'll be gone that long...I think? Maybe a nice time away from them might help my nerves.'

The two headed down the street while it was nice and warm out, perfect day for some swimming. Especially when there wasn't much traffic or people out today, due to a concert out of town attracting most of the locals.

'This thing better keep his eyes on me or I'm gonna throttle Naruko.' Tayuya thought while they walked towards a large pool with very few lifeguards, about one on duty.

"At least you won't have to worry about a repeat of that incident right Tayuya-chan?"

"Fuck yeah." She muttered. "And what did I say about it?!"

"Nothing nothing!" He said while looking nervously at her. "So what's under the sweatshirt?"

"I'll show you went we're IN the pool."

"Right, gotcha, whatever you say." 'Girls are so weird.'

They walked through the gates and walked towards a spot near the other end of the pool to set up. Naruto put the blankets out while Tayuya started undoing the shirt.

She took it off while revealing her orange two piece string bikini, which looked kind of small on her. She then looked at Naruto while crossing her arms under her chest. "Like what you see?"

His eyes widened while blushing and found himself staring.

'Bingo!' She thought with a smirk. "Take a good long look, because I'm not going anywhere."

He blinked and shook his head before looking away. "Hey why don't I go take a dip and you can relax in the sun?"

"Why? You look more like a fucking marble statue." She said pointing to his skin.

"Well, you might look nice with a tan."

She blinked before picturing herself with a tan while Naruto gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hmm, ok, go splash around then."

He ran towards the water before cannonballing into the water.


"Gah! Not on me you fucking asshole!"

"Sorry!" he called out while she glared with water dripping off her.

Tayuya sat on the chair while looking up at the sky. 'This tan must make him like me more then that little nympho.'

'I hope I didn't piss her off even more.' Naruto thought before taking a few laps around the pool.

(Later on)

Eventually he stopped and headed to where Tayuya was relaxing. He noticed she was looking like a lobster and snickered. 'She forgot sunscreen, oh god that's funny.'

"What are you laughing at Naruto?"

"Uh, Tayuya-chan?"


"Do you go with or without butter?"

"...what the fuck are you talking about?!"

"Are you hungry for Red Lobster?"

"A little, but that doesn't explain why you just said with or without...butter." She looked at herself and paled. 'Fucking shit!'

"Easy, no need to get steamed up." he snickered before bursting out laughing.

Tayuya growled before grabbing him and squeezed his head. "Ow! You little fucker! I'm going to ring your little neck!"

"Gah!" he spoke up before grabbing her and yanked her into the water.

"Ah!" She cried out before swimming back to the surface. "Why you little!" 'Oh god! It stings and feels like I'm freezing at the same time!'

Naruto chuckled. "You really need to cool off Tayuya-chan."

"I'll cool off when I drown your ass!" She growled while shivering a lot and looked ready to blow.

"Oh yeah? Then try and catch me first."

Tayuya growled before swimming after him as Naruto laughed like a hyena. "Get back here you, ah! Bastard!"

"Heck no!" He laughed. "I'm not going to be lobster bait!"

'You little punk!' She roared in her mind. She kept making a grab for him, but winced with each movement. She then saw him swim around her while poking her sides.

"You can't get me, you can't get me, ha ha ha haha!"

She winced and he saw her close her eyes while looking close to tears from the burning. "Fuck...you!"

Naruto gulped while slowly starting to feel guilty. 'Oh god, I screwed up big time!' "Tayuya-chan?"

"Just...fuck you!" she snapped while he winced. "I just wanted to have a nice day with just the two of us, but you had to go off and tease me while my skin's burning like this!"

"But I..I didn't-"

"Just fuck off!" She growled while very close to crying as she tried swimming away. "Stupid fucking cousin!"

"Tayuya wait!"

She didn't turn around while feeling like crying. 'Stupid, you stupid stupid...I hate you!'

He quickly swam over and quickly put a hand on her shoulder. "Hold on."

"Ow! Fucking bastard! What now, trying to see me cry like a pussy?!"

He shook his head and looked at her with concern. "No, of course not. I just wanted to apologize, I didn't mean to tease you to tears."

"That's not fucking good enough!"

"Well maybe I can help you. If you lay down I could try and put some lotion on you to try and dull the pain at the very least."

She puffed her cheeks out. "And get me fucking dinner." 'Stupid cousin, so NOW he's acting like boyfriend material.'

He lead her back while picking her up like a princess. She winced while he was careful and set her on the towel while making sure she was in some shade before getting some lotion on his hands. "This is gonna sting for a sec."

She bit her lip as the lotion touched her skin and tried not to move too much. 'He's….too nice.'

Naruto spread the stuff all around her arms while she twitched a little. "I know it's cold, but if you move around I can't get every spot."

"I know idiot." She huffed. 'If this was at a beach it'd feel more enjoyable.'

Naruto kept on moving his hands on her body while trying to keep from squeezing too hard. He then noticed that she kind of looked more like a red pepper now when a lobster and had to resist the urge to chuckle.

Tayuya sighed as the pain started to lessen and she could move a lot more easier. That's when she had an idea and reached back before undoing the back of her top which made Naruto blush. "Do you mind if you rub that spot?"


"I'll forgive you if you rub that spot very carefully."

Naruto felt his face getting redder while looking like Tayuya's hair. He gulped and rubbed her back while she hummed and he saw the side of her breast making him look away. 'Don't stare, don't stare, don't stare or even peep!'

'Maybe I should have tried being a little bolder?' she thought with a smile. 'Oh well, this is my time with Naruto.'

"How's this feeling, a bit better?"

"Yes, but put a little more pressure, you still owe me dinner."

"What kind?"

She pondered on that before smiling. "Burger King, I kind of feel in the mood to be a queen today."

He sweatdropped as she loved eating there as it was like him and ramen. "Anything else?"

"Mmmmm, how about you call me Tayuya-hime for the rest of the day. Then we're even."

"Ok, Tayuya-hime." he sweatdropped. 'Now I know something's up.'

'Hime, oh that feels so good.' She thought with a smile. 'Take that Naruko!'

'Could she….nah, just a coincidence.' He thought. 'She's not into blondes anyway, I think?'


Fuka was watching tv with a bored expression. She flipped through the channels while Miina walked by and sat on her lap.

"What are you watching?"

"At the moment, nothing." she sighed before hugging her niece and fell back on the couch. "Keep your sweet aunty company Miina-chan."

"Ok." she replied while looking up at the ceiling. "Aunty Fuka?"

"Yes Miina-chan?"

"Do boys enjoy big breasts only?"

"Huh, Miina-chan, why are you asking that?"

"Because I want to know if big breasts are what boys like or not."

Fuka sighed. "Sometimes, other times they like butts, faces, hips, feet, the list goes on." she looked at her niece and sat up. "But if you want, I can show you a few poses that are guaranteed to grab attention, even if you're still growing."

"Really?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Yes." she stood up and bent over with her hands on her hips and legs spread a little. "Try and copy me."

Miina blinked before mimicking her aunty. "Like this aunty Fuka?"

"That's right, now try to stick your butt out." she leaned her butt out while lowering her chest down. "If you keep your balance this can make anyone turn, regardless if you've got a big chest or a butt that won't stop."

She nodded before moving her butt up and lowered her chest to the ground. "Like this?"

"That's it, you're doing well Miina-chan." she stood up and looked over her shoulder and held a finger up to her cheek before winking. "This one is a personal favor, it'll make any guy swoon."

She did the same. "Like onii-chan?"

"Bingo, oh and try saying that in a cute tone."

Miina-chan nodded before saying. "Ok aunty Fuka~" in a cute tone.

The woman smiled before sitting back down and crossed one leg over the other with her back straightened and her hands on her laps while lowering her eyes half way and fluttered them. "Now this one."

She nodded before mimicking the poses as she fluttered her eyes. 'Aunty Fuka is so smart.'

'I'm going to enjoy this so much.' Fuka thought with a smile. "Ok, now this time get on your knees and face me."

She did while looking at the woman with stars in her eyes. "Ok aunty Fuka."

Fuka did the same and crouched down before picking Miina up and purposely held her close with her breasts rubbing against her niece's own chest, making her go wide eyed and blush. "This one can drive any guy wild, especially if they can see some skin."

"R-Really?" She asked while feeling very flustered from this.

Fuka nodded while moving closer to her nieces face.


Miina turned more red while Fuka giggled.

"You know, there's another way to get big breasts besides milk."


"Yup, care to find out how?"

She nodded slowly. "Please?"

Fuka pulled Miina on her lap and moved the girl's hands on her chest. "If you rub and massage them each day, they'll be huge in no time."

She moaned while feeling a little warm from that. "A-Aunty Fuka."

"Relax, I'm just trying to help. Plus," she said while rubbing the girls chest. "If you try moving it every day for five hours or more, you'll have breasts even bigger then aunty Tsunade's."

The girl briefly imagined that and gasped while her aunt moved her niece's hands across her tiny breasts.

"Just don't make it too hard or soft, otherwise you'll just be touching yourself."

Miina instinctively rubbed her breasts while imagining Naruto touching her very large breasts. 'Onii-chan loves me more now.'

"There you go, you're doing it." smiled Fuka while not noticing Kushina entering the room.

She turned and saw the scene in front of her while going into mama bear mode. "FUKA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BABY?!"

Both jumped and turned while it looked like Kushina's hair was raising up in a red aura.

"Kaa-san? Why are you mad? Aunty Fuka was teaching me to get boys and grow bigger breasts." Miina said. "Aunty Tsunade will be happy for me right?"

'Miina-chan!' Fuka thought in horror. 'No! Don't rat me out!'

Kushina felt her hand twitched before going into the kitchen and came back out with a frying pan. "Miina-chan, go to your room now!"

Miina nodded before running up the stairs, still rubbing her breasts on instinct.

"N-N-Now Kushina, let's be reasonable here."

"Oh I'll be reasonable after you take a long nap!" She growled before raising her hand up.

'Eep.' "Wait no-"


Fuka went cross eyed and fell down with her eyes rolling while Kushina felt her eye twitch.

She then decided to take her anger out on Fuka's ass as she paddled it with the frying pan multiple times.

(Some smacking later)

Kushina sighed while sitting at the kitchen table with a very broken frying pan in the garbage. 'I can't believe I broke my favorite frying pan like that.'


"Oh grow up nee-chan."

"I can't...feel my...ass…" Fuka moaned while still on the ground in the living room.

"Well that's what you get for groping my daughter!" she glared at her.

"I was….just...giving her….tips…"

Kushina frowned at that before Mei walked by.

"Let me guess, another one of her bad ideas?"

"Worst idea in this case."

"What was it this time?"

"Giving my little Miina-chan tips on being a pervert."

"I was...trying to make her...boobs grow...ow…"

Mei shook her head. "I still remember the time you tried to do the same to us."

"You...thanked me for that one…." Fuka groaned. "And can you get me an ice pack?"

"Mmmmm no."


"You got yourself into this, now you have to deal with it."

She groaned while Kushina chuckled a little.

"This really reminds me of when Minato got shanghaied into helping you two with that crazy motor derby scheme."

"We won that time….ow."

"Well what about the time you were in a rush to get ready for a date and wound up walking out in your underwear?"

"You did that too!"

"But I did it with style."

"Damn you...ow my ass."

Mei sighed. "I remember the day you and Kushina tried to scare Minato with that two headed ghost costume. Though you looked stupid while trying to navigate that thing, really Kushina why did you forget the eyeholes?"

"Says the one who put so much makeup on her when she found out about the stuff she looked like a clown."

"Don't call the kettle black miss 'I got my head stuck in a toilet'." Mei frowned.

"It was an accident!" She blushed.

"Whatever floats your turd, I mean boat Kushina." she chuckled with the woman feeling her eye twitch.

"You're so lucky I broke the frying pan."

"I remember when we were experimenting with handles, I think I used a frying pan one time."

"I...ow...used a bar of soap." Fuka groaned. "It felt good."

Kushina shook her head. "Don't go bringing that up, we were just kids and didn't know what we were doing."

The two shook their heads before they started to reminisce on the ancient past.


Some rock and roll music played in the background while the lights were turned off except for one room near the stairs.

"Yeah! Now this rocks!"

"I agree! You picked out a great record!" Spoke a younger Mei who was wearing a blue punk girl outfit with a spiked choker with her hair not in a topknot.

A young Fuka was tapping her feet while wearing a pink shirt with blue shorts. "Yeah, this is my song, Kushina dance with me."

The young Kushina, who had a red shirt and tan shorts rocked her head. "You got it!"

The two danced like crazy as Mei started doing an air guitar bit with the music.

"Go Elvis!"

Kushina and Fuka rocked their heads with their hair going all around as the music slowly came to an end.

"And goodnight everyone!"

"Raaa! Oh that was fun, let's do it again!" Fuka laughed with a very big grin on her face.

"Phew, later, I feel pooped." panted Kushina.

Mei nodded. "Pizza?"

"You read my mind." Fuka said while still very energetic. "And I hope the person is a guy, I really need some hot guys."

"Wow, never heard that before." remarked Mei sarcastically.

"Oh like you didn't try once with a hot pizza guy."

"I mean not every delivery guy is gonna be an actual guy, sometimes it might be a girl."

"Yeah yeah." She waved off while looking at Kushina. "So sister dear, did you finally stop acting like a angry bull and find a boyfriend?"

"Who ya calling a bull!?"

"Well you do send people to the hospital a lot so…" She trailed off with a grin.

"She means are you ever going to find one?" asked Mei.

Kushina huffed. "I'll find one when you get a boyfriend."

Mei eye twitched at that. 'Oh that one really hits home.'

Fuka laid on the bed while sighing. "This sucks, we're sexy women yet so damn single."

"Maybe we need to get some practice in so we can get some experience." remarked Mei.

She smirked. "And I know the perfect test dummy."

Kushina blinked as her sisters looked at her like hungry crocodiles. "Eh?"

"If we practice with each other it won't be awkward or weird."

"Plus it might be fun."

"Hey wait a second, don't I have a say in this?"

"Mmmmmm, no~" Both said with a smile.

She gulped before bolting for the door and ran out before slamming it shut.

"I'll get the chest." Fuka said with a grin. "You're get the ass."

"The breasts were my idea."

"I said it first so go kiss her ass."

Both ran and looked outside to see Kushina run downstairs before they followed.

'Nope Nope Nope Nope!" She thought while running towards the front door.

"AIR TACKLE!" Fuka yelled out before jumping right at the redhead. She crashed and caused them to go rolling with her pinning Kushina's arms on her sides. "Gotcha!"

"Ah! Hey let go!"

"No way, we're going to play and that's final!" She said before turning to Mei. "Time to kiss her ass sister."

"I still want the bosom."

"I called it so I'm going to play with them."

"Get off me already!"

"Kushina relax, this is a good thing. What are you going to do with your first boyfriend if you don't know how to properly kiss?" asked Mei.

"T-That's none of your business!" She blushed. "Now get off me!"

"Oh come on, we're all sisters and girls here, it's not weird. Really it's normal for other girls to experiment with each other, what harm would this do?"

Kushina groaned. "That's not the problem, the problem is that it's too weird! Plus why me? Can't you just do each other and leave me out of it?!"

"Because this is just us helping each other out, plus if you learn from this it might help with your little temper."

"I don't have a temper!"

"You do, everyone knows that."

"Even the pizza guy knows." Fuka chuckled. "But sis, don't you want to be experienced in this sort of thing?"

"Well...I um…"


"It's just weird! I mean, isn't it like incest?"

They blinked before chuckling. "So? It's only us."

"It's still weird!"

"It's not like we're going to fuck, we're just wanting to practice on kissing and some groping." Mei spoke. "Plus it's hot when girls love each other like lovers or sisters."

"I second that!" Fuka said with a smirk. "So sis, want to be kissed by me?"

She sighed. "If I say yes will you let me sit up?"


"Then….I'll do it but no fucking understand?" She said with a glare.

"Cross my heart and hope my hair doesn't fall off." Fuka said while getting up.

The girl sat up and sighed. "Ok, but we do it with closed eyes."

"We figured that." spoke Mei while Fuka grabbed Kushina by the shoulders, closed her eyes, and started leaning in with puckered lips.

Kushina moaned while feeling a little flustered from the kiss. And that was when she closed her own eyes and stared to picture more….relaxing images in her head. 'Ok, don't focus on the fact it's sister, try and think about...Minato! Yeah he should work.'

'Kushina-chan, your lips are so soft.' Spoke a naked Minato from inside her mind. 'Like fish cakes.'

'He he he Minato-kun.' she thought with a blush while kissing back and wrapping her arms around Fuka's neck.

Mei moved towards the girls back while licking her lips. 'Time for some massaging.' she reached up and grabbed Kushina's chest making the girl jump and break the kiss and looking at her with wide eyes.


"Hush, it's all part of the learning curve." She said while squeezing on her breasts and started kneading on them.

"Eep!" she squeaked while feeling Fuka start kissing her neck causing her to turn crimson. "H-How is this going to help?!"

"By making you more feminine." Fuka joked while licking the girls neck slowly.

"Ah!" she moaned while Mei kept on rubbing her chest.

"Such big melons my sister, almost as big as Tsunade's."

"I heard if you rub them everyday they can grow bigger, maybe you two could have a contest on who has the bigger chest." teased Fuka.

"That sounds like an excellent idea." Mei said while rubbing faster. "Let's make it a full time project, just the three of us."

"N-No way!" blushed Kushina who stood up and got away from her hands before pointing at them. "T-This time you two do that!"

They shrugged before grabbing each other's breasts, moved closer to each other and started kissing each other's necks.

'I hope this is just a one time thing, last thing I need is saying kissing my own sister was kinda decent.' She thought with a massive blush.

(End Flashback)

'Such good times.' Thought Mei and Fuka with a smile.

"I feel like you two were thinking rude thoughts about me." frowned Kushina.

"Oh no perish the thought." Mei said. "We were just thinking how cute you looked when we started experimenting."

"And you looked so adorable." Fuka said while her ass finally get better. "All flustered and nervous."

Kushina blushed hearing that. "A-At least I didn't end up putting incest in our family name!"

"Technically you did that when you and Naruto rocked the bed~" sang Fuka.

She growled while looking like a pissed off demon. "You're so DEAD!"

"From fucking or just regular death?"

"RRRRAAAAAA!" she screamed before jumping on Fuka while managing to grab a nearby rolling pin.

"Ah! Not the face!"




(A little while later)

"Wasn't that a bit much?"

"Nope, she deserved that." Kushina said while Fuka was covered in bandages and looked like a mummy.

"Ah...ugh…" 'I can't feel...anything!'

That was when Honoka stomped down from upstairs with a glare. "Aunty Kushina! Your daughter is out of control!"

"What do you mean?"

"She's been pranking me all day and each time it's more humiliating than before! Heck she put spaghetti noodles in my bath when I was using them and then put a fucking dead rat in my panties!"

"Did you do something to upset her Honoka-chan?"


"Well I'll try and talk to her to tone it down."

"Thank you." She said while walking off. 'What is wrong with you? And why does this involve Naruto?!' She then recalled the picture. 'I need to relieve some stress.'

(With him and Tayuya)

Tayuya sighed while eating some Burger King burgers with a happy smile. "Ah, this is fucking great."

"So feeling better now Tayuya-hime?"

"Hell yes."

'Thank god, I was worried she was gonna lose it with the long line.' He thought while watching Tayuya eat her tenth burger.

'This is the fucking life, please don't let this day end.' She thought with a blissful face.

"Try not to eat too much."

"This is normal for me." She retorted. "Just like you and ramen."

He opened his mouth, but shut it. 'No, don't mention how ramen is made with broth and is less to eat.'

"I'm thinking we should stay out until the next day, just to have some fun."

"But kaa-san will get mad-"

"You're going to be with me all day, got it mister prankster?" She said while pointing to her still tan skin.

"Uh, nevermind."

She smiled. "Good and I feel in the mood for some ice cream, let's get some butler."


"And don't forget to ask for strawberry."

He sighed. "Fine."

"Thank you my dear butler." 'Oh I'm going to enjoy this, suck on that Naruko! He's MY butler, not yours!'

'If she starts making me dress like it I'm gonna try and make a break for it.' He thought as Tayuya started to plan on getting a butler uniform for her cousin.



"Girls I'm hic home!" Tsunade called out while kicking the door as she looked wasted.


"Helloooo? Is anyone hic here?"

"We're in the other room." Kushina said from the kitchen.

Tsunade stumbled inside and over while leaning on the table. "Hey there, who missed me~?"

"Did you get drunk?" Mei sweatdropped.

"What no hic, I got plastered." She laughed before crying. "I almost made it big, stupid luck of mine, why can't I fucking win?!"

"Language." she and Kushina said at once.

"Screw you!" She yelled before falling to the ground and went into a small alcoholic rich sleep. "Zzzz."

"I'll carry her." Fuka groaned before picking her up and carried the woman out of the room. 'Fuck! She's heavy, must be the tits.'

"I'll be glad when her house is fixed." muttered Kushina with annoyance.

"Why? Because you don't like the competition?" Mei chuckled.

"Because the last thing I want is my house stinking like alcohol and her passed out in every room at least once."

"Ah, that makes more sense." She said while Honoka was walking up the stairs.

'I'm gonna make that bitch knock it off!' She thought while walking towards Naruko's room and opened it. "Naruko!"

"Oh hey." She waved while looking up from her magazine. "What's up?"

"Enough with the stupid pranks!"

"What pranks?"

"The ones you've been doing to me ALL FUCKING DAY!" She yelled in rage.

"Oh that, it was just kiddy pranks."

"That wasn't kidy pranks! You literally put a dead rat in my panties!"

"So? You should've looked before putting them on." She said while looking at her magazine.

"Ugh! I really hate you!"

"Love you too." She teased.

"What you said before makes no sense! What the hell did I do to you when I just started living here not even for a week!"

"Oh it's simple, but also something you need to find out about by yourself."

"What does that even mean?!" She snapped while clutching her hands tightly.

"Oh please, you made it real clear when we were at the mall. It's not that hard."

"What do you….wait." She muttered while recalling that memory and blinked. "You hate me because I like Naruto?"

"Ding ding ding, we have the winner of the most dragged on reaction ever!" she spoke while crossing her arms. "And it's not so much hate, but trying to make a point real clear."

"What point?!"

"I'm the top banana here bitch." she spoke standing up with her hands on her hips.

Honoka narrowed her eyes. "Oh? Like you could be anything but a head honcho to my Naruto, look kid, leave it to the professionals."

Naruko closed her mouth and covered it before she burst out laughing and held her sides. "Hahahaha! G-Good one!"

"What's so damn funny!?" She snapped in rage.

"Come over a little closer, and I'll tell you."

"Oh like I'm going to fall for that, you come over here kid."

Naruko shrugged and walked over before putting a hand on her shoulder and leaned in near her ear. "I'm the one with more experience, do you know how close me and him are? So close he emptied his BALLS in me, RAW."

She went wide eyed before giving her a very nasty glare. "You don't have the pussy to even put a scratch on him! I on the other hand can make him faint in just one day. Have you ever gone over a days worth? Well, did you brat?"

"No, at least not yet." she patted Honoka on the back and walked back to her bed. "Don't worry little girl, I'm sure some guy will want a dried up pussy like yours. Until then, why don't you leave Naruto-kun all to me? He took my first, and unlike you, I don't mind if he knocks me up. But if the tabloids got wind of you getting pregnant, what do you think might happen if they found out the truth?"

She shook with rage while her mind started to enter rage mode. "Screw you! I'm going to make him mine you little slut! Naruto is mine!"

"And yet you're hardly around. Like I said, you find another man, cause my onii-chan is where he should be, and maybe next time we go at it I'll try to beat a days worth, maybe even get him to go two days. If you're good I might send you some pics."

Honoka saw red before stomping off and started planning her next attack. 'Oh I'll show her! I'll make that bitch BEG to have MY Naruto's cock!'

Naruko let out a giggle while relaxing on her bed. 'If she knew kaa-san was the real head women she might have stood down, but then again, seeing her get worked up was just TOO much fun! Maybe I inherited some of Tayuya's sadistic side. Speaking of which, where the heck is she?'

Beep beep beep.

She took out her phone and saw a picture of a very tanned Tayuya and her brother, in a butler's uniform, right outside a Hilton hotel with the following text.

'Ha! Look, my butler and me are going to be sleeping together tonight. Hope you don't feel left hanging~ ;)'

Naruko instantly squeezed the phone too hard which broke it while her body glowed red similar to her mom. "TAYUYA!" 'I'll kill you for this!'