first day of SS 2 [2]

I got out of the car and told mom good bye and the zoom off.

I look around and couldn't spot my friends any where so I hurriedly walk to our new class and drop my bag before going to the assembly hall. Assembly start in five minutes.

when I reach the hall I spotted christian and Clara sitting at our spot so I quickly join them. Clara immediately stood up to give me a hug but Christian beat her to it and hug me first.

oh my God I miss this hug I was so lot in the hug and was snap back to reality only when Clara spoke with her baby voice.

Cesi I also want a hug.

she pull Christian out of the hug and hug me after she said that.

Every body soon settle down seeing the head perfect at the stage.

A while later the assembly was over and all the students return back to their classes.

As always the new form Teacher will come to introduce themselves, I was expecting a female teacher cause SSS 1 we had a male form Teacher but to my surprise it was a male teacher and most of the students started whispering to each other.

Our new form Teacher clear his throat to draw the attention of the students before he began his introduction.

Hello SSS 2 art students as u all already know me as Mr ken your economic teacher but I have another identify this session as your form Teacher so please do well to cooperate with me.

I can also see that all the trouble makers are here and also the most intelligent students.

Trouble makers don't cause trouble for me u all better behave yourself. with that Mr ken left the class with in a few seconds the class became very noisy.

Clara immediately make her way to my sit. Guess what girl I think Mr ken will choose Christian and Bella as our class reps. wow! Clara here u go again madam detective when have u start being a fortune teller.

Cesi what do you mean don't u know am the best detective out there I don't have time for fortune telling or are you doubting my detective skills when have I ever done a false detecting.....oh Clara u want to go there ok then remember last term u detected by that Mr caleb was abusing students which got us into the disciplinary room for the whole term....that was one time thing now cesi oh okay let me tell Christian no no no don't I was just guessing.

what were guessing Christian asked.

Clara immediately let out nothing nothing just girls talk.

Clara I found something interesting about you anytime u don't want to tell me a secret u will use girl talk to cover it up.

Yeah Clara Christian is right.

Cesi who are u supposed to support?

U of course then what are you doing?

Oh sorry I was just being honest.

Don't laugh at me Christian I'm not laughing at you I'm laughing at Cesi cuteness.