Ash pink is finally coming back home.

I did my usual morning routine and ate breakfast with mom.

later on the driver drop me off at school and mom at work.

When I arrived I saw Christian chatting with some of the boys in class who I consider as Christian boyfriends.

As soon as Christian spotted me he walked to me in an unhurried footsteps which gave me more time to admire his beauty even more.

In no time I was deeply lost in his beauty and my imagination. I was pull back into reality when Christian continue waving directly in front of my face.

Ugh! 🙃 i said immediately I was snap back to reality I was about to clear my my throat, and put my self in a more awkward position but Christian save me the stress by asking, are you okay? you seems really lost in thought.

I'm fine what about Clara before Christian could reply I hear Clara voice I can't believe Mom Will actually take her side over my.

I quickly turn to inquire from Clara what was wrong.

Clara what is wrong?

Everything, Clara tell me what got you this angry. I called you two yesterday but your phones were switch off I was going to tell you guys what my cousin did I had a huge fight with her and Mom took her side again. Which mother does that to their own child she also lock me up in my room with out any fidget and no dinner I could she watch me sleep with out food and my phone was later taken away from me all I could see was books what made it even worst is that Yaya was still mean to me this morning and Mom support her saying I should stop being mean.

I'm sorry Clara I had to switch off my phone cause is going to be... Dad and sliver death anniversary soon..... I'm giving........

Is alright Cesi I'm not angry at you I understand you don't have to explain any further okay.

Now I'm actually angry at Christian alone. why do you switch off your phone?

I.......I didn't switch it off it just ran out of battery. I'm not buying your lie Christian and I'm not ready for you yet.

Cesi have some good news Ash pink is finally moving from Lagos back to town.

What! are you serious right now? yes of course.

OMG this is amazing I can't wait to go to her meet and greets. Do you know what is more shocking she bought the entertainment school. Cesi was so shock but in less down a second she started screaming happily drawing other students attention. Christian immediately calmed her down. Clara continued

She will be holding a meet and greet after the redesigning of the school..... Christian immediately cut her off by asking Cesi your Mom is a designer right? Hearing his questions Clara immediately start lashing him. when I say a particular some one is stupid I will be classify as a mean girl. Why do you have to interrupt me when did Cesi Mom get in to the picture moreover you have know Cesi all your life your Mom and Cesi Mom has been friends all their life's You are not a stranger you definitely know that Cesi Mom is a designer. Girl stop attacking me what I mean is that Cesi should tell her Mom about the redesigning of Ash pink school she could definitely win the contract since she is one of the best designer in town.

Ooooooo you should have say that earlier.