
The air felt like it had frozen solid.

Before Timothy spoke, no one would have believed it.

But now, it was Goddess Sylvia herself who had said it!

"Did Goddess Sylvia really appoint him as her steward disciple? But..."

Felix was still trying to find loopholes.

Sylvia's gaze was icy cold: "I recognized Timothy's strength, and I was moved by his integrity, despite being in the Demonic Sect. Is that not enough?"

The oppressive aura of an Emperor-level powerhouse swept through, making everyone feel a bone-chilling cold.

Especially Felix, who felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, surrounded by thousands of sharp ice blades.

His eyes were filled with shock and fear.

Unable to stop trembling, Felix fell to his knees with a thud, shivering uncontrollably: "I apologize, Goddess, I was out of my mind, making baseless suspicions! I am willing to pay any price to apologize to Timothy, please forgive me."

Sylvia didn't even bother to give him a second glance.

Her cold gaze swept over the other disciples, and she said, "Any objections?"

"No, we fully support the supreme Goddess's decision!"

At that moment, no one dared to voice any dissent.

And just like that, Timothy's stature seemed to grow in their eyes.

Goddess Sylvia was a being of immense greatness.

On normal days, aside from a few senior elders, they hardly had the privilege to meet Goddess Sylvia.

Yet Timothy had caught her eye and was directly promoted to be her steward disciple.

No wonder he could outfight everyone present with just his initial level of Energy Foundation.

In an instant, those who had been beaten black and blue felt no injustice.

They even felt they could boast about their bruises in the future.

After all, the person who beat them was Timothy, favored by the Goddess, destined for great things!

But just as the situation seemed completely reversed, a subtle change crossed Sylvia's face.

Standing before the disciples, she and Timothy were positioned one in front of the other.

Sylvia's hand was conveniently hidden behind her, out of everyone's sight.

And in that blind spot, Timothy quietly took her hand.

A soft, comfortable sensation passed between them, and Sylvia, usually so composed, almost lost her cool, stealing a glance at Timothy with a longing look in her eyes.

Timothy smiled slightly, intensifying his action by drawing a circle in the palm of her hand.

Immediately, a ticklish pleasure surged up her arm, and Sylvia couldn't hold back a barely audible, "Mmm~."

"Huh?" A few disciples, trained in acute hearing, were momentarily puzzled.

Did that sound come from Goddess Sylvia?

But they quickly dismissed the thought.

Goddess Sylvia, so aloof and unapproachable, how could she make such a sound?

They must have been hallucinating from too much practice.

Pulling her hand back, Sylvia felt a tingling sensation, like an electric shock.

But this was in front of all her disciples!

If she hadn't controlled herself just now, her reputation as the supreme Goddess would have been ruined!

With a slight reproachful look at Timothy, Sylvia huffed, "The rest is up to you."

"Of course, Goddess, you go rest," Timothy nodded, stepping past the disciples to kneel before Felix, who was still on the ground. He patted Felix's swollen, bruised face and smiled, "Even the Goddess has spoken. Think about how we should resolve our issues, okay?"

Felix instantly caved.

Felix had been brazen before because he thought he had something on Timothy, and he had a decent amount of clout among the disciples.

But now, everything had changed.

Timothy's backer wasn't just anyone—it was Goddess Sylvia herself!

He couldn't beat Timothy, and even Goddess Sylvia was on his side. How was he supposed to compete with that?

"Timothy, everything that happened before was my fault. I wasn't thinking straight, and I'm willing to accept any punishment," Felix said, his face the picture of misery.

"Since you put it that way, I'll give you a chance," Timothy said with a smile. "You mentioned earlier that your parents never laid a hand on you. I think, considering their age, it would be a real shame if they never got the chance to do so before they pass away."

"Go down the mountain now and let your parents give you a good thrashing, to fulfill their wish."

"I understand," Felix nodded immediately. "My dad's sixty and still pretty strong, he can definitely handle me."

"My mom's eighty, not so strong, but I can strap a hammer to her hand so she can really wallop me."

"You really are a considerate and filial son," Timothy mused, more curious about why Felix's mom was over twenty years older than his dad.

But then he thought about his own situation and quickly let it go.

After all, Goddess Sylvia was six hundred years older than him!

Once Felix backed down, the other disciples were at a loss for words.

Many of them even completely changed their attitude, looking up to Timothy as their idol and goal.

In no time at all, Timothy's status and reputation skyrocketed, and he was revered by the group of disciples as the "Big Brother."

After enjoying a moment of praise from all sides, Timothy dismissed the disciples around the arena.

He told them to go home and practice hard.

After everyone had left and Timothy was alone, Zephyra suddenly appeared and handed him a letter.

"What's this?"

Timothy opened the letter, recognizing Sylvia's handwriting.

It roughly said: The Valley of the Undead would open in three days.

This valley contained many precious inheritances and treasures. Although the competition would be fierce, it was a great opportunity to enhance one's strength.

Sky Sanctuary would also send a group of disciples, and Timothy was appointed as the leader on short notice.

"Why did the supreme Goddess write a letter instead of summoning me directly?" Timothy asked.

Zephyra shook her head, "I'm not sure, but the Goddess seemed a bit flushed, like she wasn't feeling well."

Timothy quickly recalled the moment he had secretly tickled Sylvia's palm and her longing look, and he couldn't help but smile, "Could you please help me send a letter back, Saint Messenger Zephyra?"

"Of course," Zephyra nodded.

Finding some paper and a pen, Timothy quickly wrote a reply.

"I'll head to the Mystic Realm and grab all the treasures. Don't forget our second date when I get back~"

As for the signature.

Timothy first wrote 'Goddess Sylvia,' but quickly crossed it out, then wrote 'Sylvia,' and crossed that out too.

Finally, after the two crossed-out lines, he simply wrote—'Sweetheart~'