Enchanting Goddess Rankings

The mood, which had been a bit somber, suddenly livened up, with shouts of excitement outdoing each other.

Many disciples were pumped up, completely forgetting that the opponents they were about to face could likely be a trio of Holy Emperors working together.

"By the way, Timothy, what do you think about this?"

All eyes were on Timothy, who stood at the front, filled with anticipation.

Timothy spoke gravely, "Even though the Goddess once defeated those three Holy Emperors single-handedly, a lot of time has passed. While it's true that the Goddess's power has grown significantly, the strength of those Holy Emperors definitely hasn't waned either. So, this isn't as simple as you all might think."

"So, Timothy, what are you suggesting?" The disciples fell silent for a moment.

They hadn't expected Timothy to consider compromising.

"What I think is..."