Nolan's Dragon Blood Formation

"Ha ha ha, who would've thought you guys had such great taste and aesthetic sense? Impressive, really impressive!"

Timothy also burst into laughter. Mid-laugh, he turned to the guard on his right. "By the way, may I ask your name, sir?"

"I'm Liam."

"Liam, got it. I'll remember you, buddy." Timothy clapped Liam on the shoulder, giving him a meaningful look before finally entering the city gates.

Liam was taken aback.

For some reason, he kept thinking about Timothy's peculiar glance.

He suddenly felt like he was being targeted, and maybe even mocked?

Blossom City was buzzing with activity.

The streets were crowded with people, many of whom were eagerly discussing something.

"Did you hear? The Blossom Sect is organizing a crusade meeting soon, and they're planning to take down that notorious Timothy!"