This is bad!

"Titan's Quake!"

Timothy could faintly feel a connection between his right foot and the golden colossal foot suspended in the sky, brimming with endless might.

A slight shift of his foot to the left, and the giant foot in the sky mirrored the movement.

A shift to the right, and the golden foot followed suit.

So this is Titan's Quake?

Timothy twisted his ankle, and with a sudden force, he stomped down.


Just when everyone thought Timothy was just getting into the groove, his foot crashed down with a thunderous impact!

The golden colossal foot radiated a terrifying pressure, aiming directly at the phantom illusion standing on the last step of the Bone Path.

The hidden entity within the black mist shuddered violently, feeling fear at that moment!

But amidst the overwhelming aura, there was no escape.
