Ah, this is so confusing!

Summer, though past the prime time of growth, still buzzes with life.

The hills are blanketed with flowers and grass, and the dry, hot air makes everyone a bit restless.

On a scorching summer day, the shade behind the hillside is a perfect spot to cool off.

But behind the shade in Sky Sanctuary, a female disciple kneels on the ground.

Despite the heat, she feels a chill throughout her body, as if she's fallen into an ice cave.

Because standing before her is none other than Goddess Sylvia.

And the reason she's been caught? She had a secret rendezvous with her lover on the back hillside.

Sky Sanctuary has had a ban on romantic relationships for a long time.

This rule has never changed.

Even though the Goddess hasn't mentioned it much lately, it's well known among all the disciples.

Meeting with a lover in Sky Sanctuary is the ultimate taboo!