This human must pay for his actions!

The three Dragon Kings had never felt such a terrifying sense of oppression before. A chill ran through their hearts as they desperately tried to muster all their strength, their massive dragon bodies thrashing in a futile attempt to resist.

But the force behind that mountain-like punch was overwhelming, leaving them utterly powerless to fight back.


With a single punch, the three Dragon Kings were sent flying, their massive bodies crashing through the air. The impact was so powerful that it flattened several of the grand halls of the Shrine of the Oceanic Dragon.

"Timothy, how dare you!"

Before the Frost Dragon King could even finish his roar, a golden foot descended from the sky, covering everything in its path.

The three Dragon Kings, lying in a massive crater, were almost crushed flat by that single stomp. Their dragon bodies were shattered and bleeding, barely clinging to life.