The quality of these elixirs...!

"The fragrance of this elixir...

A sixth-tier... no, it might even be higher!"

Even the disciples who knew nothing about alchemy were utterly shocked at this moment.

What does a sixth-tier, or possibly even seventh-tier, elixir mean?

Priceless. Even if you had Mana Crystals, you couldn't buy it!

An elixir of this level would drive anyone mad with desire.

Could it really be... that Senior Brother Timothy made this?

For a moment, all the disciples of Sky Sanctuary were completely dumbfounded.

Sky Sanctuary suddenly had an alchemist capable of crafting elixirs above the sixth tier, and it was none other than Timothy himself.

If word of this got out, it would cause an uproar.

People would be lining up at Timothy's door, begging him to make elixirs!

Meanwhile, in the back mountain...

[Congratulations, Host. You have successfully crafted a seventh-tier elixir: Solar Blaze Elixir.]