Wait, you’re telling me that is Dragon’s saliva?!

"Dragon's Breath Elixir! A level-six elixir?!"

The moment Soraya spoke, everyone around her widened their eyes in shock.

Not only was Dragon's Breath Elixir incredibly rare and valuable, but the process to create it was also extremely difficult. Only a level-six alchemist with immense skill could even attempt it.

But more importantly…

"Dragon's Breath Elixir requires dragon saliva as a key ingredient. Does Soraya actually have dragon saliva?!"

Everyone knew how rare and revered dragons were. They almost never interacted with humans.

Getting dragon saliva? That was practically impossible.

"The more potent the spiritual energy in the dragon saliva, the better the quality of the Dragon's Breath Elixir. And the saliva I've obtained," Soraya continued, "was borrowed from the mouth of a dragon elder."