Eye of the Underworld

Timothy couldn't help but notice how Sylvia, despite her usual tsundere attitude, still managed to maintain a bit of that cool, aloof vibe.

But what really got him was how, in her current form as a little girl, her tsundere behavior came off as more playful and cute—so much so that it was almost funny.

Timothy found himself tempted to tease her a little.

However, holding her in his arms made it impossible to free up a hand to flick her forehead.

After thinking for a moment, Timothy came up with a better idea.

He leaned forward and gently bumped his forehead against Sylvia's soft little head.


Sylvia was momentarily stunned, her head spinning a bit from the unexpected bump.

"Wha—! You actually headbutted me!"

In this smaller body, constantly getting teased, Sylvia had almost forgotten the dignity she once held as a goddess. She pitifully covered her head with her hands.