Day ???

After resting for a while, I decided to take over Wog's den and live here for a while until I learn how to survive in the forest. Only then will I start venturing out into the world, exploring this land and leaving my mark. Maybe I'll paint a wall or create a religion at some point, things to do in the future.

But first, I need to learn how to skin a pig and make fire. The first step was to separate the meat from the skin. However, when I tried to do that, I realized that the stone I was using wasn't sharp enough.

Whenever I tried to remove the meat, I ended up removing the skin, and vice versa. So, I gave up on the skin and just opened it up and took out some organs to roast. Now, I had another problem. I had to make fire, and let's say it's not as easy as rubbing two sticks together. That's another cartoon lie. It seems they don't teach you all the steps.

So, I went for something easier. I took two stones and some dry leaves. After that, I just kept hitting the stones together until I created a spark to set the leaves on fire, at least that's the theory. But it took me more than an hour to actually make it work. Then I put the pig to roast. I would like to say I had a good meal, but it was awful. After that, I went to sleep.

Over time, I got used to living in the forest. I managed to hunt a beast to make clothes, although it took several attempts until I succeeded. But now, it has become easy, just like making fire. Practice makes perfect.

I was ready to continue my journey. So, I took some things I had made from the remains of the animals I had killed and set off on my journey to understand this world.

Years later...