The Other Side of the Coin (Part 1/2)

Uxas was on his ship, returning to his home planet. In his right hand, he held a mother box containing the power of Zeus. Uxas witnessed the gods' struggle against Inmo, and unlike Zeus, he realized the true power of Inmo, a being that couldn't be killed but only sealed. With each death, Inmo returned stronger. Many centuries ago, Uxas had fought a creature similar to Inmo, but he was merely a fledgling compared to Inmo's incredible recovery and adaptability speed. In the face of such an unstoppable enemy, Uxas decided to retreat. However, he didn't leave empty-handed as he had rid himself of the gods and gained the divinity of Zeus. Now, he only needed a way to seal Inmo, and then the Anti-Life Equation would be his.

Today, on Apokolips, everyone gathered for the coronation of their king. In a planet like Apokolips, only the strongest can survive, and the ruler must be a being of extreme power, one who can control the mystical and ancient forces of the universe. Today, Uxas's brother, Drax, will have a chance to achieve this feat and become the king of Apokolips. However, Uxas returned with newfound power and decided to duel for the throne and the chance to rule. Drax accepted, confident that he was stronger than his brother when he left, so he believed he would win and finally get rid of the bother he had dealt with for so long.

The two engaged in combat in an isolated place on Apokolips. Explosions and earthquakes were heard for days until only Uxas emerged, holding his brother's lifeless body. He paraded through the streets of Apokolips, demonstrating that he had the right to be the new king, and anyone who questioned him would meet their demise. With hearts filled with fear, everyone proceeded with the coronation. Uxas entered a machine wearing a special armor to dominate the mystical force of the universe. Days later, when he emerged, his body had changed. He was now a giant with gray skin, wielding the Omega Force, becoming a superior being among the strongest in the universe. Now that this rite of passage was complete, Uxas walked towards his coronation, where all of Apokolips awaited. While walking alone, Uxas thought of Inmo again, the radiant and divine figure. He made a resolution and spoke to himself in a hoarse and cold voice so that only he could hear, affirming his place in the universe: "I am his antithesis; if he is the light, I shall be the darkness; if he is life, I shall be death. All shall fear my name, for I am Darkseid."

At the end of the day, Apokolips celebrated its new king, and the voices of the people echoed as one: "LONG LIVE DARKSEID" resounded throughout the planet.