Edição #5

Inmo descended into the castle quietly, reaching the center of the palace where his throne stood. The trio of friends and the council were there, waiting for him. Inmo took his seat on the golden throne, gazing at the crowd.

His aura had changed, unlike his usual self, he seemed more serious than ever. His divine aura was stronger than ever, even in the nighttime, the moon illuminated his face, enhancing his ethereal beauty.

Inmo appeared normal most of the time, but when he unleashed his divine power, his appearance changed, just like now. It had been a while since Inmo revealed his true appearance to the people of the empire, even though his beauty was described in the empire's history and passed down from generation to generation. Seeing it in person was still astounding.

The last time he displayed this appearance was during the last great war against the gods. He returned to the empire and took his place on the throne.

Rani Mun was one of the councilors who focused more on the entertainment aspect of the empire, so he was one of those who communicated with Inmo the most. Coming out of the trance he was in when he saw Inmo's appearance, he approached the throne, bowed, and began to speak.

"Emperor, I hope you are well, and your journey has been wonderful." Rani Mun knew that Inmo preferred to be called by his name, but everyone understood that in these moments of the meeting, it was more appropriate to address him formally.

Inmo opened a smile that affected everyone once again, and finally, he realized what was happening. He returned to his usual self, his appearance and behavior reverting to their previous state, more relaxed.

"Yes, it was a great journey, but I think now it has come to an end." At this moment, he glanced at Diana and Merlin, who were present, and then back at the council.

"I had some issues, which is why I didn't return sooner, but now everything is resolved." Inmo reminisced about recent events, his personality slightly altered. He decided to stay in that flashpoint reality as he feared that returning in his altered state might lead to regrettable actions.

"Now that I'm back, you can prepare yourselves because I've decided to become more involved in the empire's future."

The councilors' eyes seemed to shine when Inmo said this. They had always wanted Inmo to be more involved in decision-making, but he often expressed a preference for less interference.

Inmo didn't wait for a response as he continued his declaration.

"You can go and prepare all the different research fields because, starting tomorrow, I will begin visiting them and deciding the path we will take."

The councilors didn't stay idle; they bid farewell to the emperor and left the grand hall.

"The three of you can stay; we need to catch up," Inmo said to the trio who were unsure whether to stay or leave—Diana, Franky, and Merlin.

Diana seemed a bit uneasy about how to treat Inmo. It had been a short time since they separated, but many changes had occurred since then.

Franky, as always, wore his stern and emotionless face. To him, nothing had changed; his master remained the same as always.

Merlin didn't seem very affected either. Although the journey had ended, he was already thinking about asking to stay for a while to help with the magic sector. He had already assisted Inmo in learning some spells, so he was likely to be accepted.


"Good to see you again, Master."

"So, how was it out there?"

Franky and Merlin tried to break the ice, but it seemed to have no effect as Inmo continued to silently gaze at Diana.

Inmo stood up from his throne and faced them to converse, "So, I suppose the journey has come to an end. Do you have any plans or something you'd like help with?"

Merlin was the first to speak. He explained what had happened and how he wanted to stay to assist with the magical aspect. Inmo had no objections and allowed it.

Inmo looked at Diana, who had remained silent until now, appearing even more conflicted.

Diana was contemplating her future. She had lived for a single purpose, to revive the gods. However, this had changed recently when she discovered and experienced the world beyond Themyscira. Since leaving Greece, she had been pondering her future and how she should live after completing her mission.

"Diana, regarding your mission... well, unfortunately, the last plan didn't work," Inmo was somewhat embarrassed to think about what had happened. Reconnecting the minds of the gods should have marked the end of Diana's mission. However, due to the destruction of the gods' reality, there was no way for a god to be reborn as they should have. To make matters worse, the gods of that reality had their minds destroyed, as they were the only ones connected to the dimension of the gods when Inmo killed them.

Some of them might have escaped when Inmo began his destruction, like the Celestial Father, Hades, and others who fled from the reality before it was destroyed, managing to survive. Unfortunately, their minds couldn't reconnect to their bodies in this reality. They could only do so by coming here in person.

Fortunately, Inmo realized this and had already found a way to complete Diana's mission, setting her free.

"I haven't forgotten about you; I brought a gift," Inmo moved his hand, and in front of him, several clay pots appeared.

It seemed that no one was quite understanding, although Merlin had noticed the peculiarity of the pots.


Inmo beamed a broad smile. "I had an encounter with gods in another reality, so I thought, why not bring them to Diana?"

"So, I sealed them. Now your mission is complete." After saying this, he began to explain who the gods were and how she should unseal them.

Diana couldn't contain her excitement and ended up giving Inmo a big hug. He returned the embrace and realized that he should save the details for later.