Chapter 9

I decided to sleep in and as promised Zai made breakfast, steak, and hashbrowns. I could feel his eyes on me as I ate so I made sure to give him a thumbs-up of approval.

"You disgust me," RJ said while looking at Zai,

"No, what's disgusting is having to look at you while I'm eating," Zai replied... things were tense for a moment then they both started laughing in unison. I guess this is just their usual banter? A second after I had that thought they were fist-fighting in the middle of the kitchen. What the heck happened to provoke this?! I could tell they were holding back since no lightning or fire was used, but still, it was shocking to see. After about 5 minutes they both retook their seats, they were about evenly matched and had matching black eyes. They even started eating at the same time... That was weird

When I woke up the next day only RJ came down for breakfast... I didn't want to seem ungrateful but I couldn't help but ask,

"Where's Zai?" RJ shrugged with indifference,

"I'm surprised he stayed here so long to be honest." He then took another bite of the French toast I made... Zai might not be coming back anytime soon...So I guess I cooked too much food. I put the leftovers away and sat on the couch sulking a little, then RJ sat beside me.

"Do you... want to watch something?" He asked softly.

"Yeah... you can choose the show." RJ never puts his hands on me so I know I can trust him. My thoughts went back to when Zai told me that RJ likes me... What am I supposed to do with that information, though?! Should I start feeling awkward around him now? 

He picked a cute comedy series and it had just the right vibes to let me relax. RJ fell asleep after 2 episodes. Even with the show playing, and RJ in the room, the house felt cold and empty for some reason.

Later in the afternoon, Zai finally came home. I felt like running to hug and welcome him home but I instead exercised my self-control. If my hug was unwelcome or made things awkward, I'd never forgive myself.

"Hey, where were you?!" I interrogated, He smiled at me and then put one finger to his lips and said,

"Secret." Then he walked upstairs... is he being petty right now?! He did say I don't need to tell him anything and sure! I guess that means he has the same rights... but why do I feel so bitter and why does my chest hurt? I should get myself under control; It's not like we're dating or anything...

That night I wanted a midnight snack so I snuck to the kitchen, Zai was already there, eating the leftover French toast from the morning. He saw me and greeted me as cheerfully as always.

"You're hungry too huh?" I nodded, then I took a seat next to him on a stool by the counter. Seeing him had thrown me off so much I forgot to get food, and now I'm too embarrassed to get up and do it. Zai got up from his seat and then went into the fridge, he pulled out a dessert The whipped cream on top was shaped like a rabbit, it was almost too cute to eat. "It's pudding," Zai informed me, handing me a spoon. I took the spoon but still sat staring quietly at the dessert in front of me. Once I got myself together I opened the packaging and took a bite. It was so delicious and there was a soft chocolate cake hidden under the chocolate pudding.

"I think... this is the best thing I ever tasted," I commented. Zai laughed and showed me a wide grin,

"Good, I'm glad."

"Where did you get it?" He shook his head,

"Nope, not telling." I groaned in response,

"Just tell me Zai!" He scoffed, but then I added a soft "Please" and his cheeks reddened up to his ears.

"...I'll... take you with me next time... so don't worry." He still hasn't told me anything but that response is more satisfying. We then quietly ate together before going our separate ways. I took the wrapper upstairs and used the laptop to search for the cafe on the label... It's 3 cities away and it only makes cute animal-themed deserts. And my dessert... was a limited-time item that cost $70?! I've been on Earth long enough to know that's a high price for something so small... is that where he was this morning? Just thinking of that as a possibility has me flustered, and his promise to bring me with him next time keeps repeating in my head. No... Even if Smoke forgot me and moved on... I shouldn't be thinking about Zai... I should be focused on RJ, he's the one who found me... he's the one who gave me this room. I stayed up too late thinking so I ended up sleeping in leading Zai to make breakfast again. Today he made fish stew. It was something I never had before but I enjoyed it. Zai watched me waiting for a sign of approval, this time I nodded and said

"It's good!"

"I caught the fish," RJ announced which caused Zai to glare at him,

"No one gives a f**k." That's when they started fighting again. Why does this keep happening when Zai cooks?!

"Hey guys calm down! I care! Thank you for fishing!" I shouted in order to resolve the situation. As you expected, it didn't work.

Later we all sat on the couch and watched the comedy RJ had chosen earlier this week. Zai laughed the most freely out of the 3 of us, I couldn't help but admire his innocence. He helped me with dinner, making light conversation by asking me my opinion on the show, and then giving me his. Is this how having a family is supposed to feel? After dinner, Zai helped me with the dishes then we went our separate ways. When Zai and Rai fight I never feel worried that one of them will die and they make up almost immediately afterward, no issue lasts longer than 10 minutes. I'm not used to that security. When I come into my room I feel comfortable and safe, but that also scares me... I have never felt this content before, without something or someone ruining it. I was the one who cooked the next morning and we all ate together. After that RJ had an errand to run so it was just me and Zai. I know Zai would never hurt me and I can't imagine him thinking perverse thoughts, so why does being alone with him make me so self-conscious?

"Snowe..." Why is he saying my name like that as soon as we're alone?! "I bought popsicles, want to try some?" I nodded then he went to the freezer and bought me back blue frozen water on a stick. I licked it... I like Ice Cream more but this isn't bad. He sat next to me and we ate without a word then Rai came back, He had some papers in his hand and he laughed when he looked at Zai "What?"

"Nothing... you just look like you've had a lot of practice," RJ stated.

"Practice doing what?" He asked,

"Licking popsicles" Raijian clarified, Zai glared at him for a second then started laughing

"Oh? I look like a professional popsicle eater, to you?" RJ joined him in laughing,

"That's right." A second later they were fighting again with Zai shoving the rest of his popsicle down RJ's throat. I stayed out of it this time. 5 minutes of boxing later, RJ said

"Okay... I won't make that joke anymore."

"Glad you know how to own up to your mistakes, unlike your father." I gasped at Zai's response.

"...Well... I am my father's mistake..." Rj replied solemnly. They were silent for a good 2 seconds before they both burst into boisterous laughter, even snorting. This time with sincerity, all the malice from earlier was gone

"Wow me too! I bet he regrets having us every day!" Zai retorted.

"I bet he even cries about it!" RJ added. "Oh boo hoo, my sons won't be my slaves."

"Imagine his crying face! It's hilarious!" They laughed together for a while then started talking about a sport they like to watch together. I didn't have any input so I stayed quiet but I'm glad they weren't fighting for real. I brought my laptop downstairs and sat in the living room armchair. Even if they're not talking to me right now, it feels nice being in the same area. After they finished their conversation Zai came to where I was, "What are you doing?" He inquired,

"I'm checking the weather for the week," I answered while staying fixated on my computer. I wish I had something more interesting to tell him... Zai wedged himself into the chair beside me, squishing us together. Then he rested his head on mine.

"What's the temperature tomorrow?" He asked. I pointed to the computer screen and he laughed. "I'm not reading that, I want you to tell me..."

"Um... It's going to be in the low 70s (21.1 C) tomorrow... and it'll most likely rain." He nuzzled his cheek against the top of my head and I felt my temperature go up to dangerous levels.

"What about the day after that?" I told him, about each day one by one, sometimes he'd ask me for more details like the humidity levels, air quality, and such... I'm surprised he's interested in this stuff. We separated eventually and I went to bed. When I woke up the next morning there was a gift bag with a raincoat, umbrella, and a cell phone inside; all had the same floral black and white design on them. Is this from RJ... or is it from Zai?! I noticed a note on the bag and the handwriting was unfamiliar and a lot neater than the note RJ left me.

"You need a phone." There was a contact number written on it as well.