Chapter 15(explict)

Even though I was still tired, we went to a nearby jeweler and chose matching rings, Black metal bands with a large ruby in the center.

"Why were you so insistent on choosing Ruby?" I asked once we were out of earshot of the people in the store,

"Because... I looked up what red means. There are several books on your eyes and red means intense arousal and love." Love?! I haven't even said I loved him yet, my eyes snitching on me, "I want to look at the ring and remember how you feel about me, that's what they're for right?" I blushed and nodded, Zai held my hand then he added, "The Black is to help you think of me."

"You do wear a lot of Black," I noted... "Because of you, Black is a color that brings me joy."

"Snowe... you shouldn't turn me on in public, my self-control is weaker than you'd think." Zai warned, I gasped and took a step away from him,

"Aye! Calm down, mister!" Zai only grinned in response... "Zai... how long have you wanted to marry me?" I asked as we walked back to the hotel.

"Hmm... as soon as you left. I realized I couldn't live without you." My heart raced... so it's pretty recent.

"What about Rai?" I asked and Zai's face distorted to pure disgust,

"What about him?" I know without a doubt that I annoyed him this time,

"You... said he likes me... wouldn't it be awkward if we came back, married?" I inquired. Zai stared down at me then he muttered something before leading me behind the shopping strip and into some bushes.

"If you want me to stop now's your chance to say it." I didn't have an issue with where things were heading but I was too embarrassed to utter a verbal reply. Moments later his pants were undone and he was between my legs. Zai gripped my hips while continuously whispering for me to keep my voice down and reminding me we were in public. I don't think my heart has ever raced so hard in my life. When he finally stopped my hair was full of leaves and my clothes were covered in dirt. So, apparently, annoying him does the opposite of turning him off. My curls refused to release the leaves and sticks stuck in them, so I guess my hair is a nest now. Zai fixed his clothes then noticed me struggling and came over to help. My heart began pounding again, feeling his soft touches. Usually, Zai exudes an aura that makes me feel safe but he was so rough with me the moment I brought up RJ... are they not as close as they appear? Well, I definitely learned to not bring him up again... at least till I'm not sore anymore, "I'm so stupid." Zai mumbled, then he smiled at me, "I should've brought you clothes sooner." He forgot because his priorities are out of whack... not that I can blame him, because I forgot. We walked together back to the front of the shopping strip into a boutique a few doors down from the jeweler. Every time I showed Zai an outfit he encouraged me to get it, then paid before I could object, so I made sure to focus on what I needed, like underwear for example.

"You are so liberal with your money. You must be really rich," I commented as we left, with Zai carrying 5 bags, and me carrying one.

"I just enjoy buying things for you..." I cleared my throat while walking beside him. I had changed into one of my new outfits and noticed a few passersby stopping to gawk at me, I could feel their eyes on my back,

"Maybe I shouldn't have got something so revealing."

"It's fine... you're with me," Zai replied,

"But people are looking," I whispered, Zai chuckled,

"Anyone can look, but if someone touches you, I'll rip their throat out." I could tell Zai wasn't exaggerating, lying, or joking... this was a moment where I should feel wary but the thought of being away from him scared me more than anything else so I kept silent. We ate in the hotel restaurant instead of our room for the first time. I felt like a lot of eyes were on me but when I looked around I noticed most of the people were staring at him and it upset me... of course, I couldn't possibly be the only one who noticed he was attractive but... Does that give them the right to stare? I'd love to gouge their eyes out, all the women and men who dare- "Snowe, what's going on? You're making such a funny face." Zai pointed out while resting his elbow on the table, and laying his cheek on his palm. His words brought me back to reality and allowed me to calm down,

"My chicken is too salty," I answered, hoping that answer was acceptable. He smiled at me.

"Oh... just tell me the truth, I'll never understand you if you keep lying to me all the time." I just had a dark invasive thought sparked by jealousy. Not long after he revealed how he doesn't care if someone looks at me, I found I'm not okay with anyone looking at him... when did I become like this?

"I... there are a lot of single women in here... you seem to have a lot of natural charisma." Zai looked around quickly then brushed his hair back,

"Oh, you're jealous." His bluntness struck me as it always does. "Keep it up, be possessive, I want that side of you too." He stood to his feet pushing the table slightly.

"Is everything okay?" The waitress asked, rushing to our table, "Would you like a refill?" She offered.

"Just the bill please," Zai answered. Once we had paid Zai waited till we were alone again before saying "It's time to show me, just how much you wish to possess me." Then he headed to the elevator and I trailed after him. I admit it was a relief once the door was closed, with no eyes on him and none on me. What does he mean by what he said though... what am I supposed to do with that information? Zai undressed the moment we got into the room and I rushed to follow his lead, then he walked over to the sliding glass door in front of the balcony. "I'm going outside, come with me if you want." I gasped, just imagining someone somehow seeing him scared me so I followed him and without a moment of hesitation, I blocked and stood in front of him.

"What if someone sees you!" I shouted and Zai responded with his usual amusement. He then lifted me up onto the railing and I clung to him to keep from falling, I know I can fly but feeling unstable is still scary in some ways.

"I already told you, I don't care if anyone sees. It looks like you care more about someone seeing me than yourself," Maybe this is a cultural difference. Shame is probably a foreign concept in his world. Zai held my thighs and kept our lips locked. My embarrassment only lasted a few minutes, it was drowned away by him softly calling my name, the traffic below us, and the sounds coming from our bodies. When I looked at him, it was impossible to worry about the person in the building across from us or those down below who might see us. I just want to stay connected to him.

The next day Zai was actually sleeping when I woke up... I guess he finally tired himself out. My husband... if anyone else tries to get close to him, I hate to think of what I'd do to them... I wonder if this is how my mom felt about my dad... that's a pretty disturbing thought, though. Zai's phone vibrated, and even though I knew it was wrong I picked it up and checked the notifications... the message was from Raijian.

"F**k you. You're really pissing me off Zai. this IS NOT funny." I put the phone down... I can't unlock it and read previous messages but it's clear that they're fighting right now. I looked down at Zai who somehow pulled off looking sweet and innocent in his sleep, despite what I now know about him.

"mm... Snowe." he mumbled in his sleep... aww is he dreaming about me? "suck harder." Okay... I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear anything now... even his dreams are lewd "Stop the potatoes...for the frog." My curiosity has peaked once again. We prepared to leave later that afternoon. (I did ask him what he was dreaming about but he only said he couldn't remember). All my clothes were already in bags so it didn't take long for me to be ready, Zai had a suitcase in his trunk, apparently, so he did need to go to the car to get fresh clothes and then come back to our room to change. As we were leaving some of the staff waved and the hotel manager yelled,

"I hope you had a wonderful time Mr. Walker!" We waved back. Their attitude towards us has done a complete 180 from when we first arrived. Now that I think about it... he could've gotten a room with two beds or even 2 bedrooms with how much he spent, but he wanted to be alone with me in a room with one massive bed for a reason. I feel like there's so much I don't know about Zai... like what he's thinking.

The car ride home started off quiet so I broke the silence by saying

"I can dance really well too." I didn't know what else to say, so bringing up a topic I can say a lot about is best.

"Oh? That explains why you're so flexible." I blushed, I didn't mention it so he could turn the conversation around like that, "How did you learn to dance?" He asked, so I relaxed and told him,

"I watched tutorials online and practiced routines from music videos... There aren't any dance classes on Infaniya."

"Oh? That's weird, we have some on Afaria." I was surprised, that doesn't align well with what I know of his planet, "I'd like to see you dance, once we get home." Zai suggested and I nodded

"I'll show you, I promise. What is afaria like?" Thankfully, my question didn't seem to make him upset,

"It's a lot like Earth, I stayed in the Glass Castle which is near the coast. I would go to the beach whenever I could sneak out and spend my nights studying the stars."

"You weren't allowed to go outside at night?" I inquired and Zai clicked his tongue,

"We weren't allowed outside at all, night or day... before they realized what I was, I lived freely, I could go wherever I liked, and befriend whoever I wanted but once these marks started spreading up my arms, someone told the King and that's..." He stopped talking but I already knew the rest of the story. Unlike RJ, Zai usually has his arms covered, maybe his tattoos are a reminder of bad memories for him.