I fell asleep and curled up in Zai's lap, I had no choice, he wouldn't let me go. He hasn't said anything since yesterday and now it's time for me to go to practice. Is he going to join me, even though I implied I didn't want him there? Pride is stopping me from clearing up the misunderstanding, I wish I had slightly less of it.

"We'll probably finish around 8, today, like yesterday," I explained to Zai as he was driving. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other rested on the edge of his open car window. We're not holding hands today, that's a bad sign. And he still hasn't replied to me, that's even worse. We arrived at the studio and thankfully he followed me inside, He sat in a chair that was pulled into the corner and scrolled on his phone. They had 2 new songs for me to listen to and I had to do a recording of myself singing the one from yesterday. Even as I was singing my eyes kept drifting into Zai's direction, but he was never looking at me. After I stepped outside the recording booth Richard approached me and said,

"Wow that was even better than the first time I heard your voice, your range is incredible," Richard commented then he took a notepad and began writing something down rapidly. "I underestimated you, I need to change some things... Let's meet again! First thing tomorrow." I could tell he was excited.

"I don't think I can make it tomorrow, I strained my voice... I should rest. But email me the song files and I'll listen to them from home, I promise! Can we meet up the day after, instead?" I lied, there is nothing wrong with my voice. Richard agreed and we split up earlier than yesterday. Zai didn't say anything even as we got into the car, but after about 5 minutes of driving his lips finally parted and I was blessed with the sound of his voice,

"Do you want to learn how to drive?" For some reason, his question scared me, "Actually... I can show you how to reach the studio instantly, so you won't need to-"

"I don't want to!" I shouted, and then the car was silent again. I can't believe I cut him off like that... usually I would apologize right away but the tension in the car is too thick for me. When we arrived back home I opened the car first and Zai spoke again saying,

"Wait..." I released the door handle at his word. "I'm sorry, Snowe." Has Zai ever apologized to me, and meant it sincerely? I think the only time he said sorry before was as a joke because he hadn't done anything to be apologetic for. Even now, I can't think of a reason.

"You haven't done anything wrong," I replied while sitting back in my chair and closing the door.

"You're wrong... I let my guard down... I gave you my power but haven't taught you how to use them because... I felt happy having you rely on me. If I didn't make both those mistakes and only made one, what transpired yesterday would never have happened." I had been so focused on myself, wondering why he wasn't talking to me, that I forgot to think that he could possibly be upset with himself. "I'm really sorry, Snowe." I thought he was mad about Cera being kicked out and blaming me for not calling him right away.

"... I forgive you... Not that I was ever mad at you..." I answered, Zai smiled then I had a thought, "Wait! I don't forgive you, yet. I have conditions." His smile disappeared and he laid his cheek against the steering wheel while looking at me.

"What are your conditions?" Zai asked cautiously.

"First... You start training me... second, you should never go another day without kissing me at least once!" Zai smirked.

"Fine... is that all?" I blushed and looked down,

"Can you... tell me that you love me, out loud. Th-then I'll be completely over it!" Zai leaned over and pecked my lips as I was still in the midst of speaking,

"I love you" He coo-ed amorously. At that point I had to leave the car, it was getting too hot in there. Zai followed me to the backdoor. Then hugged me from behind as soon as we were inside, "Are you ready for your first lesson?" I felt him pressed against me and squirmed.

"I feel like I've had this lesson before!" I shouted. Zai chuckled,

"...The best method to learning is repetition." My heart was pounding in my chest, and then I noticed both Valin and RJ sitting in the living room, pretending not to notice us. Their acting was terrible.

"Hey!" Valin yelled, turning to us. "Don't you have any consideration?! Over here acting all lovey-dovey when... when I can't even get a girlfriend?! The hell?! Why doesn't anyone want me?! I'm so lonely!!" He threw his face into the couch pillows and wailed loudly.

"There there," RJ stated while patting his shoulder but making a face as if he was touching something filthy.

"Well, it's clearly because," Zai started speaking, at the same moment he released me, "We're your brothers." He sat on the couch between the two of them and started jabbing Valin's forehead. "Every girl you bring around immediately comes on to one of us."

"It's because all your relationships are superficial." RJ reasoned and Valin cried louder,

"Of course they are! All I have is money, what else could anyone possibly want with me?!" He shouted passionately, My heart ached for him a bit but then Zai joined in with apathetically patting Valin,

"Yeah, I can't think of any reasons." He agreed.

"You are very boring." RJ chimed in... is Valin really the one who gave up the power to feel empathy? Valin snickered at this comment, but quickly stopped and resumed acting pitiful.

"I did see him doing a crossword puzzle this morning.... in a book," Zai muttered to his brother Rai,

"What the hell is wrong with crossword puzzles?!" Valin asked defensively, then he sat up and wiped his eyes on his sleeve.

"Oh... nothing," RJ answered sarcastically.

"Maybe we can go out for food, would that cheer you up?" Zai offered, I took that as my cue to leave them to their conversation so I started heading toward the stairs,

"Why would I want to eat, surrounded by complete strangers and you people?! I'm getting social anxiety just thinking about it." Valin argued back, then he hugged himself and shuddered at the thought.

"Hey, Snowe where are you going?" Zai called, I felt his eyes on my back and paused in my steps.

"I was just going to let you talk," I answered.

"Why?" He asked curtly,

"It's just... the conversation doesn't have a lot to do with me and-"

"Stay." He commanded. My instinct was to say yessir, I held that in but still came downstairs and sat in the living room armchair.

"Maybe I can buy some drinks, and we could just drink them at home," Rai suggested and Valin pouted and muttered,

"I hate alcohol."

"Perhaps we should do sudoku together instead," Zai stated cheerily and Valin perked up,

"Really?" Zai's smile disappeared before he responded,

"No. You go crazy whenever Sudoku is involved." Valin returned to pouting, "Snowe... why are you so far away?" Zai added, turning his eyes toward me.

"There's no room on the couch," I argued and Zai sat back then pat the spot on the couch between his legs.

"There's room." He corrected, so I timidly moved over to my newly assigned seat, where Zai hugged me against him. This is so awkward! My hormones are going crazy, and I don't want to feel this way when we're not even alone.

"This is really both of your fault!" Valin shouted, pointing first at Rai then Zai, "You're both so damn hot!" Zai stared at him blankly, It was RJ who spoke first and said,


"He has a point. Remember that girl Kim he introduced you to." Zai started, he laid his head on top of mine as he began his tale, "She started flirting with you as soon as he left the room." I looked at RJ... that's not too surprising.

"Not my fault," RJ argued and waved his hand dismissively.

"It is your fault, that you ****ed her." Rai's eyes grew wide and he gestured at me. Maybe he doesn't want me to hear this story... sorry bro I would leave if I could. Zai continued, "And right on the couch too, in plain view, you could have at least gone to a bedroom."

"That was a long time ago!" RJ shouted, his face completely flushed.

"Is 3 years a long time to you?" Zai asked curiously and Raijian buried his face in his hands, defeated. I thought Zai was the deviant of the group?! "Because of that, girls aren't allowed in our house anymore. But I would never do that to my brother. Shame on you." Zai mocked playfully then he cuddled me and slyly planted kisses on the back of my neck. I stiffened up in my seat and squeezed my eyes closed tight.

"He's right, Jey! You're a horrible brother! You could have just turned her down!" Valin yelled, his nose was runny so his face was covered in mucus and tears.

"Just... I was bored and... it's the past so get over it," Raijian stated while giving Valin more half-hearted comfort pats. "Oh... how about we play that shooter game you've been into lately? We can do Duos." This peace offering seemed to work and Valin cheered up instantly. It must not be such a big deal after all. Cera wasn't mentioned by anyone and the issue was dropped instantly, is everything really okay?

"Oh wait... I'm a girl and you let me stay here." I pointed out.

"We made an exception for you," Aww that's sweet "because you're a homeless bum," Valin added. That made it sound not sweet, at all. Zai flicked his forehead as punishment.