Chapter 37

Zai was reading a book at his desk when I awoke the next morning. I still feel groggy and sore from yesterday, I hope it wears off soon. My stamina may have improved but his recovery rate and drive still far surpass mine. Even though we've done so much it still feels lacking, I don't know what's wrong with me. I checked my phone to see if Lisa replied, and her text read as follows:

"Okay, so it went well. I haven't dated anyone in a long time so I was worried but your brother is so sweet. Guess what he did! He brought me flowers, he remembered I was wearing Gardenia earrings when we first met and brought me a bouquet of them!" He never got me flowers... "He took me out to a nice restaurant but I could tell he was uncomfortable so we only stayed half an hour. Why didn't you tell me he was an introvert?! He was so awkward in the restaurant but it was cute. He changed completely when we were alone. We watched a movie and after that um... *hot emoji* I hope he doesn't think I'm a slut, I usually don't move that fast! I'm a good girl, I promise! Tell me if he says anything about me!" I replied saying,

"I'm sure he doesn't think that! I'll be subtle and get some intel for you. He seemed to really like you, so I'm sure it's good news." My text was the honest truth... It hurts a little that he is with someone else but that's how things have to be in this timeline. I rather he be with someone than end up alone. She responded quickly as if she had been waiting for me to get back to her.

"Thank you! I appreciate you!! ♥♥"

"You're up early," Zai commented, closing his book.

"Yeah..." He sat beside me and I knew I became visibly flustered, I saw his mouth open to speak but I screamed, "I need a bit more time!" He stared at me blankly before bursting out laughing,

"I was just going to ask what you wanted for breakfast." I'm so embarrassed but can anyone blame me for jumping to conclusions? He kissed my jaw and held my hand, "You've been acting weird since that nightmare you had. It looks like you're back to normal now, I'm glad... Anyway, I have to meet Rai and Little Bro. We're starting a new project because Valin wants to make a game together ." I gasped, this must be the same game he was working on in the other life. Zai pet my head, "I didn't know you liked games this much or I would've mentioned it sooner." My gasp and surprised face must've made him think that I wanted to play it.

"Do you need to see them?" I asked,

"Well certain things are better discussed in person, plus Valin had some things he wants to show us. And I'm the only one with the people skills needed to communicate with our partners."

"Can I come?... we can get food on the way." I held Zai's hand and used the same pleading look that he used against me in the past. Zai chuckled lightly,

"Fine," Wow he submitted so easily! When we arrived I had hoped that all the time I spent with Zai lessened my feelings for Val. Valin's face wasn't impressive when I first saw him, his features are softer than his older brothers. What stands out about him is his firey hair color... at first but... he somehow looks more beautiful every day I see him now, like a painting. He looks so sweet it makes my heart feel like it's melting. How is that possible? I just want to curl up in his arms and stay there forever. Our eyes met for a second but he looked away without saying anything to me.

"Hey, so what did you want to share?" Zai asked.

"One sec I'm pulling it up now," Valin replied while typing on his laptop, then casting his screen onto the TV. I sat down, trying to pay attention to what they were saying but a lot of the terms were too technical that I couldn't retain what they were saying. RJ joined in too with,

"Here are some game developers who sent in applications. I thought we should review them while we're all together." Valin smiled, while RJ showed him the information from his phone.

"And the office on Seventh Avenue is ready, we can start working there starting tomorrow," Zai announced. I saw Val's eyes light up and it touched me seeing him get so excited and happy, but I tried not to show it, so I pinched myself and kept my head down. I wanted to join in but I couldn't help much, other than making coffee for everyone. RJ likes it black, Zai only wants creamer and Valin likes his extra sweet with cream. I sat on the bottom step of the stairs and drank from a mug of my own while checking my phone to keep me entertained and distract me from mild hunger, I should've gotten a bigger breakfast. That's when I noticed I had a text from Valin as well, the timestamp was from 1 hour before Lisa messaged me.

"What do you call two friends who love math? Alge-bros! That's us!" The joke was so goofy I almost choked on my coffee. I peeked up at him, Zai was looking at the TV and discussing the Mesh creation for the game characters and Valin's eyes were down looking at his laptop keys, his eyes shaded slightly by his thick lashes. Then he took a sip of his coffee and seeing his lips move sent me into a fangirl-ish mental spiral. Just 2 more days, I can do this... I searched the internet to find a joke that Valin hadn't sent me yet to share with him. As soon as the text was sent he stopped working to check his phone. I didn't know think he'd look at it now! I'm so nervous. Then I saw his lovely lips spread into a smile. He looked at me. I turned away, so he wouldn't be able to see the effect he was having on me.

"It's been a few hours... let's take a break," Valin announced, closing his laptop and approaching me without bothering to wait for his brothers' input. "You look hungry, Snowe... there's no food here so let's go out." My heart was sent aflutter but a second later it hit me that he meant all of us should get food together, not me and him.... Oh yeah, I'm happily married... Now that I think about it, it's odder that Valin would suggest we go get food together when he hates social interactions more than anything, he's being considerate of me... He's always considerate, easing the tension if he notices I'm nervous. Bringing up food when it's highly unlikely that anyone else is hungry. He was the first to walk out and Zai came to where I was to help me up. We all carpooled into RJ's car, Zai sat in the back with me and they all reminisced and joked about their childhood, I decided to stay out of it, but

"Did you ever experience something like that?" Valin asked, turning all attention to me and giving me an opening to join in,

"I'm sorry I wasn't listening," I replied. He laughed and then RJ said,

"She clearly doesn't want to talk with us," That's not true!

"I'm heartbroken," Valin said, I could tell he was joking. It's so obvious he's joking but I feel guilty for tuning him out anyway,

"Knowing Snowe, she definitely did it too." Zai chimed in

"Tell me! I'm paying attention now, I promise!" Zai patted my head and smiled at me, he enlightened me on the topic of the conversation; the crazy things they did after running away from home.

"Oh!... I only ran away once but... I had this friend who had parties every night. I snuck to his house and drank Bane with him and his friends. I was so upset that night, that I ended up fighting a girl there, I don't even remember what she said to me."

"Did you win?" Zai asked. I shook my head, no and he sighed saying, "Disappointing." Right then the car parked. The restaurant they chose, didn't have a lot of tables and they were set far apart. Even so, we were still led to a table hidden in the back, outside the view of any of the others.

"Have you ever... just had the urge to set a place on fire?" Valin asked suddenly once the server took our drink orders and left us,

"What?!" I asked in shock,

"Yeah, all the time," RJ responded, while closely inspecting his silverware.

"You don't count, you're the Fire Chosen." He remarked, dismissing RJ's input.

"I have as well," Zai noted and Valin smiled at him before turning to me,

"You?" I feel like if I say yes he's going to pressure me into committing a crime!

"I.... did once, back home," I admitted honestly. "But not at random in a restaurant, completely unprovoked!"

"Oh wow, someone is judgey," Valin remarked playfully. The conversation shifted to other things, and after we got our food, Zai thanked the server and handed over the tip personally. I could tell whatever amount it was made this man's day because his mood improved a thousand percent. We all walked out together and returned to the place I once considered home. They worked quietly, only communicating through messages, so I was a bit surprised when Valin texted me with another math-related meme. He seems so focused, where did he even find the time to look for this? I hugged my knees and hung my head to hide the few tears that appeared. I need to forget these feelings now. This is awful... darn that sadistic rabbit.