Chapter 54

Zai kept making eye contact whenever we had our shared drink. sometimes I wish I could make him half as nervous as he makes me. There was a musical performance by the staff in their kitty maid costumes, and to my surprise, they were singing heavy metal. There was a light show and rainbow fog covered the floor. When it was over everyone in the room cheered and some people went up to the stage to donate tips for the band. 

"Do you want to donate?" Zai asked, leaning towards me. I nodded then he handed me a roll of cash he had in his pocket.

"Then go ahead." I got up, feeling his eyes on me as I walked towards the stage. When I dropped the money in the cup the band members thanked me, but I think they'd have been more enthusiastic if they knew how much Zai just left them. After that, Zai made an order for the pudding I had before to be ready by tomorrow and we headed home. As expected he was all over me as soon as we got home, not even allowing enough time for me to open the door, he hiked up my skirt on the porch and I dropped the keys, getting pinned against the very door I was trying to open. "Did you have a good time?" Zai whispered while pulling down my underwear.

"Zai?!" He bit my ear and I squealed, shutting my eyes tight as I heard his pants coming undone.

"That's not the right answer this time... I need a yes or no."

"Yes!" I screamed. This is something we'd never get to do back at the old place we shared with the others. I'm so grateful for the isolation of our new home right now. Zai held one of my legs up and I did my best to stay quiet, we may be alone but we're still outside. He couldn't wait 30 more seconds?! I thought I had mentally prepared myself enough for our return home, but I was wrong. I was already shaking after 5 minutes but it wasn't until 30 minutes later when he pulled away and said,

"We should go inside. Pick up the key." I was still flustered and my legs shook as I squatted down to do as asked. Our door requires a passcode and key to open from the outside. So he pressed against my back to enter the code while I turned the key. Once the door was open he pulled me inside gently and closed it. I thought we'd head upstairs but instead, he undressed completely and pinned me against the door again, this time facing him. 

"Sh-should I undress too?" I asked, looking down, which was a mistake. Because after seeing that weapon, I'm more flustered than I was just looking at his face.

"No... You look really cute in that dress," Then his mouth was pressed to mine again before I could reply. I don't know how much time had passed when we finally separated but I was sensitive all over and could only lay against him as he carried me to bed and dared to say, "Can you keep going?" Once we got there.

"N-no." I admitted weakly. Causing him to laugh and stroke my head.

"Fine... then I'll wait for you." I guess this was the right time to say "No" to him, after catching my breath I fell asleep. He helped me change into a nightgown, and without waking up completely, I cuddled up close to him. 

When I woke up Zai was downstairs cooking breakfast. I know because I could smell it. My muscles were still sore so I stayed in bed. Thankfully Zai came to bed with a tray. On it was a lovely plate of food and one of my favorite flowers.

"Good morning." He said sitting beside me and kissing my forehead.

"Good morning," I replied nervously... "Have you already eaten?"

"I'll eat when I'm hungry... I've been eating with you a lot lately, so I have an overabundance of energy stored up. I'm going to take a day off." Oh yeah... he doesn't need food as much as me. I picked up my fork and took a bite of my omelet and as soon as the food was inside my mouth Zai's lips were on my neck. I jolted but he paid no heed to that and started rubbing his tongue against me and sucking on my neck, that very second, the doorbell rang. He clicked his tongue before going downstairs to answer it. But I felt saved and scarfed down my food as quickly as possible while I had the chance. When I got dressed and finally managed to come downstairs, I saw that our guests were Valin and RJ. 

"Wow... on the door?" RJ noted then he looked at me and changed the subject, "We need you to interview a few new people, the sooner the better." What does he know?!

"Hey, Snowe! I can tell you had a long night." Valin called. I blushed so Zai flicked him and Valin shouted, "What?! I can!" Then he pouted and mumbled to himself before pulling out his phone.

"Can you guys come back in an hour... no... closer to 3 hours?" Zai asked while glancing in my direction. They both looked at me so I finished coming down the stairs and stood at Zai's side, where he promptly took my hand. He pulled it to his mouth and kissed my fingers. "5 hours..." Why does he keep asking for more time?!

"We already scheduled the interviews for 3," RJ announced, with his eyes locked on me. I feel like I'm under a ton of pressure right now! Zai groaned, then kissed me passionately, just as he would if we were alone. Even going so far as gripping my butt with both hands before pulling away and laying his forehead on mine. 

"Go upstairs, I'll be done soon." My body felt hot and I would've been embarrassed but I noticed that RJ was no longer looking at me and Valin was on his phone, so I nodded and left the room as quickly as I could.

The Interviews, Third Person:

Zai got out his laptop and started up the program they use for virtual interviews. Zai is the best suited for social interactions and character judgment so this job usually falls on him. The first interview lasted 15 minutes and when it was over Zai said,

"I don't like him." RJ nodded in agreement

"Yeah, and his work is mediocre at best," Valin added,

"When's the next one?" Zai asked RJ who said,

"In 10 minutes," which made Zai groan.

"This is so annoying!" 

"It's only an hour of work," Valin noted and Zai hit him and said,

"Who asked you?!"

"We let you go on vacation and handled a lot on our own while you were gone. Plus you got to spend a lot of time with Snowe, you must want a break by now." RJ noted. 

"Not at all..." Zai replied. Valin gasped in shock saying,

"You have to want space sometimes... I mean doesn't she do anything to annoy you?"

"Well..." Zai began "Sometimes she mentions other guys and that can be pretty annoying."

"See!" Valin shouted knowingly,

"I use my dick to stop her from thinking of anyone but me. So the annoyance doesn't last long," Zai muttered, his brothers got quiet then he noticed the arrival of the next interviewee in the chatroom. After that interview ended, RJ said,

"She sounds easier to get along with." Zai leaned back in his desk chair.

"I'm not sure about hiring a woman." He admitted,

"Why not?" RJ asked, 

"Because... you're likely to sleep with her and Valin will probably offend her, sounds like a headache." RJ stayed quiet but then Valin jumped in saying,

"I can get along with people so much better now!" He argued defensively while shaking Zai by the shoulders, "I'll never succeed if you have such little faith in me!"

"Well... even if you're not tired of being around her, you should come to hang out with me someday, It's boring with just Valin around," RJ admitted calmly. Valin's eyes teared and he shouted,

"Ouch!?" Zai cut his eyes towards Rai and sat quietly for a few moments before responding,

"I'll decide after the last interview." Even after the last applicant, it was decided unanimously that the second was the best fit for the team.

"I'm glad that's over, she has her own team of 5 who will be joining her, I think we'll be finished with the demo in only 2 more months, now," Valin admitted with a smile.

"I'm glad too... I need to speak to Rai alone. I'll see you later Valin." The younger of the three looked between both his brothers, before packing up his documents and computer, then leaving. "So... best friend. What did you stay to Snowe after the movie?" RJ looked away and thought about his words carefully before replying,

"I implied that, if she wanted me, I'd make a move on her." The room got quiet again,

"Do you really think that was okay?" Zai questioned and RJ scratched his head before saying,

"I wasn't thinking... I was having so much fun... I shouldn't have said it. It won't happen again." Zai scoffed.

"You're right, it won't."

"Wait, don't be mad at me! I can't lie, that means if there's a 1% chance I'd make a move, I'd have to say yes! The temptation is still there but you bonded with her so I... I would hold back even if she wanted me..." RJ coughed and his breathing got haggard. "A 98% chance I will hold back!"

"That's why I married her because I knew you'd back off if my life was in danger. And... because you know how much time we spent together to perform the ritual you'd know how committed she is to me." RJ was dumbstruck,

"... I thought it was because you were in love with her... do you know how risky that pact is?!" Zai shushed him and then looked at the stairs to make sure they were still alone.

"Of course I love her... but I also needed extra insurance to keep the rest of you away. I know how you are... the second her thoughts turned to you... you'd have to make a move on her. It's the only situation in which I can't trust you." RJ smiled defiantly,

"Ah... I guess that's my dark side slipping out. I try to keep it under lock..." Zai sighed,

"I'm not okay with you two being alone together anymore if you're fine with that... I'll make more time for you, outside of work. All of us should hang out more too." RJ pondered this compromise momentarily and said,

"Fine... it's not like she ever thinks about anything except you anyway... There was one week I couldn't read her mind at all. I thought you taught her how to mask her thoughts but, I've had no trouble at all, lately."

"... Oh... That's strange." Zai replied, acting as though he was just as lost as his brother. "I understand... if she chose you instead of me, I'd also take any opportunity that I got, but, that being said; if you disrespect me again... I won't be so easygoing."

"If you want to fight, I'd prefer to get it out the way... now." At that moment Snowe came downstairs interrupting their conversation. She smiled brightly at them as she said,

"I'm not trying to interrupt... I was just thirsty." Zai left his brother's side and embraced her and then he held her hand to walk with her into the kitchen.