
2. Nameless multitude

After finding my brothers I found out that Markis had started psychologically and physically torturing them, so they both escaped from his home and were struggling to have somewhere to live, Zai had somehow gotten involved in the mercenary business under an Alias, which was how we made a down payment on our home.

"You have to quit!" RJ screamed as I sat in the corner of our unfurnished home, next to the raging fireplace.

"It's fine, they don't even know what I look like," Zai argued, but his eyes were wide, showing the stress and the weight of responsibility he was feeling.

"They're shady as f**k and you're advertising your powers, What if they figure out what we are? You think they have no way of finding you?" Then Zai retorted confidently,

"I'm too fast, no one would see me." 

"There's no interplanetary communication here," I noted, interrupting their argument. They both looked at me in confusion.

"So?" Jey was the first to speak,

"I can create the Towers and satellite needed to achieve it... this planet has close ties to Infaniya... I'm sure the feature would be in high demand. Many Infaniyans would want to contact their families and faster communication between planets during a war would be a godsend." They both stared at me dumbfounded.

"That's... I see your point." Zai mumbled,

"I can't gather all the metals and minerals I need here, so I'm going to travel and come back..."

"Why are you doing this?" Zai asked, "Are you worried about me?"

"I... rather we get more secure funds, and I don't want to have to work forever either. A large lump sum seems to be the best solution." I replied.

"What do you want in return?" Jey asked,

"I don't like attention so I want you to take credit for the inventions I make and leave my name out of it. Also... I want a permanent room in this house." The nodded in unison, "I'll be back before the month ends." I declared "So don't worry about the bills..."

After that, I left, in my travels between engineering the satellites I met many women but no one I met seemed to have genuine feelings for me, they only desired what I could give them financially... or physically so I made sure to not become attached to any of them. I'd be lying if I said I lost count of how many women I slept with, I know the number well but it's not something I'm proud of or care to recall. Sometimes I just needed a bed to rest in for a night. To earn money I fixed electronics, using my powers I could repair phones and computers without needing to wait for spare parts so I ended up making a good amount. Thankfully I could extract most of the materials I needed on my own, so the money was more than enough for the tools I needed to build the satellite.

3. Rose Albertson

I met Rose at a hardware store, I think our first encounter was accidental. I saw her staring at items with a serious face on. When she looked up at me, I smiled. She smiled back. I paid for my things and left. After that, whenever I visited that store, she was always there, I could feel her watching me. I hate being watched, it reminds me of the people at the castle of Infaniya, praising me for heinous acts, disregarding life... or before I gave up my empathy, how I could feel their every sick twisted emotion... also the feelings of thousands of people I hurt as they screamed out in agony and pleaded for someone to save their lives.

"Hey!" She greeted me one day, suddenly next to me. I sensed her approach but even so, I was sweating and hyperventilating, struggling to not lash out at her... (she's not one of those people, she's a stranger) I had to keep reminding myself. I wish Zai or Jey was here... this is difficult on my own... but I can't ask them to live homelessly just to follow me into the wilderness... they've been through enough.

"Hi," I replied, continuing to look through the torches... If Jey was here I wouldn't need this.

"I see you come here a lot." She noted,

"Not as much as you... since you come here every day, at the same time." My tone was disinterested but she gasped and said,

"How did you know that? You don't even come every day." 

"... Because I see you so often... When I've come at a different time you're not here and when you are, you watch the door and you'd only stop if you saw me come in so... I assume you have something you want to discuss with me?" She fidgeted It seemed she was surprised that I was even aware of her existence.

"I just... to be honest I wanted to talk to you. I think you're really attractive. I'm nervous but... I figured if I don't talk to you now, I might not ever get a chance again!" She blurted... My stomach churned when she called me cute... but the other feelings I had for her were new. No one has ever approached me first before... Maybe she does like me.

"Then... we should get to know each other... because I think you're attractive as well. I'm Valin, What's your name?" She beamed and introduced herself as Rose. The name suited her well, she had dark red hair and brown eyes, with flawless creamy skin. She started rambling about her life as I looked for the other tools I needed. We exchanged numbers and in between my work, I took her on dates or shopping. It was nice to have someone to talk to and she seemed happy to let me sleepover while I was in town. 3 weeks later I returned home with her. I needed... no I wanted Zai and Jey's help to launch the Satellite into orbit. When I got back I saw Cera had moved in, he was hugging Zai's arm and telling Zai all the recent news from Afaria. Zai wasn't very receptive but that didn't hinder Cera's enthusiasm at all. I guess he's moving in now too. While I was gone Cera helped earn money for the monthly expenses, with an ice sculpture business, while Zai had moved on to catering services. I'm glad because those jobs are a lot more inconspicuous.. and I was worried about Zai... would have hated to admit that to him though, he gets so annoyingly smug.

I had to make sure we mostly worked while Rose was away. So we could use our powers liberally. Finally, the day came! It took me 25 days but the satellite was up and we prepared to sell the rights to use it to multiple companies. An hour after the launch someone came to visit. Me and Zai were discussing business plans outside, Jey wasn't involved in the conversation as much so he went inside to open the door.

It wasn't till an half hour later, when I entered the house, that I discovered who our visitor was Rose who was pinned underneath my brother on the couch with his dick shoved inside of her. We hadn't even slept together yet... I wanted to take my time and get to know her... I thought that maybe she could love me...

"Oh my God?! I told you to stop! It's not what it looks like Valin" She said to Jey, though seconds earlier she had her arms around him with a smile on her face, and I know he'd only make a move on her if she made it clear in her mind that she was consenting. I calmly walked upstairs to my room, but I could still hear her yelling "I told you that we shouldn't have done it, especially in here!" 

"Yeah but you didn't say you didn't want to," Jey retorted proudly he even laughed and I could tell by his voice he completely intended to finish what had been started, my awareness changed nothing... I guess... just because I worry about him... or wouldn't hurt him... It doesn't mean those feelings will be automatically reciprocated. Relationships are hard... even platonic ones. Maybe if I could still feel everyone's feelings I could.... no... there's no use dwelling on the past. Plus I know having everyone's feelings funneled into me constantly, nearly drove me insane. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling with my door locked. Too annoyed and frustrated to read... There were knocks on my door that night, frantic ones that came on and off for about 2 hours. The next day I discovered I had 107 missed calls and 50 texts from Rose. All of them begged for another chance, claiming she was coerced and affirming that she still cared for me... That it wouldn't happen again.

"Please believe me Valin, I was dumb and got caught up in the moment. I saw how you looked at me, you hate me right? I'm sorry, even if you hate me." At this point, I don't care if it ever happened again. I can't ever trust her... nor love her. Rai also wanted nothing to do with her now and I can only assume that's why she's so desperate to make up with me. So 2 days later, I gave her another chance, I took her to her favorite restaurant and made sure to present myself as happy... And that night I slept with her for the first time, in a hotel to avoid my brothers. I noticed the way she looked at me change that very night and during our ... activities, she told me that she loved me for the first time, and then 11 more times that night. I left while she was sleeping and moved into a new home in a different city without telling anyone bye or where I was, leaving the phone I owned back then behind in the hotel room with Rose. 

4. Lisa Alanis

"...Valin, I want you," Lisa stated while lying in bed beside me. Her bluntness was enough to make even me blush, So I hid my face with my hand and pushed her away gently with the other.

"No... you're still recovering" I argued and she sat up and pouted.

"I'm fine now! It's been days!" I laughed while rising to peck her lips.

"Your walking is still abnormal... We should wait." She began sulking... which caused an uncomfortable tremble in my heart. Is it possible she only wants sex from me... was I stupid enough to get deceived again so soon...

"I don't want you to get bored of me." She admitted quietly. So I tilted my head and looked at her.

"Why would I get bored of you?" I asked confused. Her face got flushed and she looked down with puffed-out cheeks,

"You... had so many partners in the past... Plus... you didn't seem satisfied when we stopped last time." I chuckled slightly, causing her to glare at me.

"I'm not dating you, to have sex with you. It's only one of the perks of being with you." She snuggled up against me.

"Really... Then what are the other perks?" Lisa mumbled, still pouting

"I get to be close to you, talk to you. Hold you like this... play games together. See you regularly, watch trivia shows with you, go for walks, taste your cooking, and kiss you" After my information, she sighed saying,

"That makes me happy... but... I don't want you to be missing out because you're with me... and I looked up some new techniques I want to try on you!" I laughed and then I stroked her back.

"I promise I'm fine... but if you're in the mood... I'll satisfy you right now." I wanted to make her blush but instead, she looked at me defiantly and said,

"You're not listening! I want to satisfy you! I want to wear you out like you wear me out! I want to be equal in this! I feel so useless." She got onto her knees and moved her face close to mine as she spoke. Her statement flustered me so much it felt like time stopped.

"... Then... I can guide you... after you recover, I'll make sure to teach you exactly how to... wear me out." She started blushing from her own words and then sat back down and saying

"Please and thank you very much." I haven't been able to bring myself to sleep with her since our first night together. She's a human and the fact she hasn't healed completely yet scares me. Even if it's just sore muscles. I tried so hard to be gentle... and yet there's still mild side effects. Most of my sexual interactions before now had no follow-up... I didn't have to see them the next day or sleep with them again and I didn't care how they were feeling days later. The only person I was with regularly was an Afarion who recovered before the next day... so this is all new to me.

"Do you like Karaoke or mini-golf?" I asked, and Lisa nodded enthusiastically.

"Of course!" I smiled at her,

"Then... let's go tomorrow. Maybe we should invite Snowe and Zai since you told me you missed her yesterday." Lisa squealed and then embraced me.

"Yay! Yes, let's go! I'll call Snowe now! Maybe you should give me some quick singing pointers before tomorrow, though." Then she let me go and got my sister on the phone. Good seems like that was enough to distract her. I looked at my phone and saw that Snowe called me 2 days ago and... I forgot to send her a math meme. I'm possibly not being a great friend right now. After thinking that I quickly searched for something which was the appropriate combination of funny and corny for her.