Side Story End

The reply was simply his address... This means he wants me to come over! I was in such a rush to get to his place that I almost caused 2 accidents on the road so I had to get my mind off of him so I could focus on not dying. He was standing out on the walkway in front of the house and when he saw me he gave a relieved smile.

"Hey." I wonder why he's so relieved seeing me? Did he think I wouldn't show up?

"Hey you," I replied shyly, then reciprocated as he cupped my cheeks and kissed me. 

"Come in, I brought nachos, I hope that works for you," Valin said, gripping my hand in his.

"I love... nachos," I replied. I paused after saying love because I somehow just reminded myself of when I told him how I felt, I wish my feelings weren't at this level. It feels like there's a fire burning in my chest constantly, up to my fingertips and down to my toes. A fire that's only briefly satisfied when I touch him. Was there ever a person who wouldn't show up for him? If I ever met a girl who broke his heart like that, I'd punch her lights out. Break her freaking nose and give her two black eyes, because matching is important.

"I also got that brand of beer you always keep in your fridge, in case you wanted some." He informed me cheerily. 

"Thank you! I'll have some!" He doesn't even drink but has alcohol in his house for me... We ate together and he let me drink while I vented about work, "The work can be stressful sometimes, it's not hard work but some of the artists I deal with are so entitled."

"I understand, any job involving other people can be stressful." He replied while drinking from his water bottle.

"Oh! Today I met the singer Dite! Have you heard of her?" He paused, holding the water bottle just outside of his mouth then he put it on the table and said,

"Yeah I have, she's pretty famous, after all." I smiled,

"You're dating someone who works with high-level celebrities! Be proud!" I stated smugly then he turned to me and gave me an affectionate look,

"I am. You're amazing." I gulped and took a sip from my beer can. I have to face it, drinking doesn't make me more attracted to him, but it does make me more open than I would like to be. I slept with him after our first date because I wanted him... I wanted him the first night we met and I would have, even if I was 100% sober. "Lisa..."


"There's a new trivia show I started with Jey, we should watch it together." Oh god, he's so innocent! I'm over here getting hot and bothered on my own.

"Yeah sounds great. Oh, and tell me about your day too." That seemed to make him extremely happy so he started telling me everything he did right away. Most of the things he said were too technical for me to understand but it warmed my heart to see him so excited so I just listened and laughed at the parts I did understand. He's so accomplished and smart even though he's 5 years younger than me.

"I can let you try the demo, it should be ready... in maybe 3 weeks. The voice acting isn't complete yet or anything... I mean you'll be the only one who gets to see it this early, outside of work so don't expect it to be perfect yet." He blushed when he muttered this so I hugged him and said,

"Yay! I can't wait and if your game sucks I will make sure to tell you." He smirked,

"Please be as brutally honest as you can." His eyes went down for a second, looking over me amorously then he turned away and started the show he was talking about... Was that my cue? Is he in the mood? "Are you stupid?! The answer is B!" He shouted suddenly, tearing me from my daydream. Valin groaned and face palmed himself as the answer was revealed to be B. The category is astronomy, it's cool how he has so much random knowledge. The show went on, I joined in throwing out the answers I knew and then cheering or cringing depending on how the contestants performed. The host was closing out the show when I turned to Valin and said,

"This competition is pretty quirk-!" He stopped me mid-sentence, kissing me and moving his hand into my pants impatiently. "mmm, Valin..." I moaned in between kisses trying to get his attention and almost lost my mind completely when he teased me with his fingers. "I j-just wanted to tell you something." I managed to blurt after he finally stopped kissing me but then I covered my eyes, seeing him lower his face down between my thighs and toss my pants away completely.

"What is it?" He asked, looking up at me to meet my eyes and kissing along my inner thigh.

"Oh... um..." I swallowed hard and said, "I asked them to clear my schedule for tomorrow... just wanted you to know." He laughed and said,

"I was worried for a second, that you were going to tell me you wanted to stop." My heart is pounding, I thought he was the one not up for it... even so, I'm not sure if I can keep up after last night,

"I... of course not. I'm in the mood... completely " I replied, then covered my mouth as he went to work with his tongue. I moaned out his name. A few minutes later he sat up to remove his shirt and then unbuttoned his pants.

"Can I kiss you?" Why is he asking me? I nodded and threw my arms over his shoulders, meeting my lips to his. As he kissed me back I moved my hand down into his jeans and stroked him, and he mirrored me, moving my underwear to the side and rubbing inside of me. "Harder." He whispered.

"What... you want me to grip you harder?" I asked.

"Yes." I felt my temperature go up, it almost felt like I had a fever.

"I just didn't want to hurt you," I mumbled and he chuckled then leaned to my ear and said,

"Hurt me." I let out an embarrassing squeal. Valin started sucking on my neck, probably eager to cover me in more kiss marks. It made my toes curl, and it was harder to focus on his request. "Yeah like that." He murmured. I feel like I pick up a new fetish every time I spend a day with him.

"I want... to do it in your bed." He pulled away to look into my eyes.

"You're so pretty..." My heart can't take much more of these surprise attacks, but... is that a no? Did he even hear what I said? Then as if to answer my question Valin picked me up and carried me upstairs into his bedroom. He gently sat me on the bed and then finished undressing so I hurried to unbutton my blouse. Since I was sitting in front of him I took the chance to use my mouth on him, practicing what I read online and also remembering his advice from earlier and not holding back. I seemed to catch him off guard but he moaned and swore quietly which means I improved, I'm so glad. We went at it all night and my hips hurt and I was drained but then Valin laid kisses on my stomach which seemed to instantly revive me, and I wanted to do nothing else with my new energy than have him inside me again.

The next morning, I woke up before him for the first time. How many times did we do it?! He looks so precious even though he sleeps completely sprawled out with his mouth open and even after I saw his animal instincts awaken last night. It's weird how I've never caught him sleeping before now. I giggle softly and then thought (I should make him breakfast! He should have groceries by now) but... I can't get up... My abs and waist hurt too much. I think I overdid it, I was the one begging for this but, I had no idea he'd have so much energy... and I haven't been with someone so well endowed as him, I guess it's going to take longer to adjust to. I lay for 10 minutes longer and watched him sleep and then I tried to get out of bed again. I managed to push through the discomfort and sit up but my legs started shaking as soon as my feet hit the floor. At that moment Valin grabbed my hand and said,

"Where are you going?" With a slight growl in his voice. He startled me.

"To make breakfast." I squeaked out defensively. Valin scoffed saying,

"I only have drinks and junk food in my kitchen." I laughed and laid back down next to him. 

"I guess I can order the food for today, what would you like?" I flashed him the food delivery app on my phone but his eyes went straight to my crotch "Hey! No, you have to be hungry by now! Someone your size has to eat a lot." I feel like I'm a small animal being hunted by a wolf but at the same time, I want to be caught. Maybe I've become a masochist because if he insists I'll do my best.

"You're right... any normal person would be hungry by now... I want a steak omelet and a strawberry smoothie." He answered as he pulled the comforter back over me and tucked me in. "I'll take a shower first... unless you want to..."

"I'd like to join you, yes." I replied then I slapped myself, realizing that wasn't what he was asking, "You can go first." I corrected, hiding my face with my hands, only to feel him kiss my forehead before walking out.

"Go ahead and order what you want, the next meal is on me though." What the heck is wrong with me... well at least his kisses still seemed to work, because all my soreness dissipated as soon as he gave me one. After he finished I entered the bathroom and saw a silver toothbrush, beside a gold one. I knew it was for me because it was still packaged and my shampoo, conditioner, body scrub, and body wash were in the shower. Well, unopened bottles of the same brands I use at home... He got prepared for me to sleep over.

The food came while I was washing up, so we ate together and after that, we played a card game then he walked me through an online FPS he's been into lately.

"When I said no I only meant we should wait till you had some food in you..." I stated after the match ended.

"I know what you meant." He replied, my cheeks flushed and then he turned off the game. "Are you... not having a good time with me right now?" I shook my head but I realized that can be easily misunderstood so I said,

"I am! But... you gave me a certain look and I thought you were in the mood again... s-so..." I cleared my throat and he stared at me silently for a short while. 

"Are you?" Valin asked after a few seconds,

"I am... well, the mind is willing but the body... is not quite ready. I might need another hour or so..." I admitted defeatedly. Which made my boyfriend laugh and say,

"I'm fine. Oh, there's a song I wanted to share with you." Then he pulled out his phone and started playing an incredibly silly song, which was somehow catchy. I wanted to understand the words better so I asked him to replay it. Somehow this led to him and me singing numerous silly songs with each other, sometimes kissing in between breaths, laughing and dancing all over the house until we were both out of energy. That night we fell asleep in a tight embrace on his living room couch. Valin had me wake up early so I could go home and change for work. To save time, he did all the driving... which means he'll be picking me up when I get off. "I hope work goes well." He said cheerily, looking at me from the passenger's seat. I kissed him, lingering longer than I should but I did manage to pull away on my own. 

"Thank you... I'll call you when I'm off." He smiled at me which was too much for me to take so early in the day, so I rushed out of the car and did my best to not look like I was running inside the studio office. Once I got there I was met with disappointment, my period came on... There goes my evening plans! I should have pushed through it and slept with him yesterday! I texted him the tragic news as soon as I got a moment to myself and his reply was,

"Are you okay? Feeling dizzy? Any pain?" He's so damned considerate. I thought the pain in my stomach was from the night before yesterday but I guess it was premenstrual cramps.

"I'm hurting a little bit. I'm sorry." I replied. He sent me 3 question marks and nothing else. I didn't know how to reply right away so I put my phone away and focused on my writing but then 30 minutes later a delivery arrived for me. It was freshly made Potato and Sausage soup, a tea bag with a coffee cup, and pain medicine for cramps. I knew who it had to be from so I checked my phone and his last message was,

"What are you sorry for? I'm going to send some stuff over. Oh, and I wasn't sure if you wanted hot tea right now so just get hot water with a coffee machine there, if you do. That kind of tea is supposed to help. See you when you get off." Valin still wants me to come over? He's about to make me cry over soup. I gave the delivery person a tip even though he assured me he had already gotten one, and then I sat down and ate. Only then noticing another box in the bag with the medicine... a box of chocolates. I hope my monthly visitor leaves before I get off work... I know that's not possible but still.