Tana Present

I had been unconscious for 12 years, and Vetro stayed by my side as much as his work would allow. It didn't move me, I have little doubt that he didn't violate me even while I was unconscious, and he only wanted to be sure I lived so he wouldn't lose his favorite toy. He would likely have been happy just preserving my body. He ignored my deteriorating mental state and only focused on my physical appearance. Now that my looks have returned, I'm perfect for him so he started disbanding his harem, down to 5 of his favorites, Aluma being one of them. Sending the rest home, except the pathetic ones who clung to him and begged to stay, those were executed. Usually, I would be fuming right now, after how I was treated last night by him and knowing he hurt so many people but... Insinz comforted me, and somehow my heart feels calm. I'm also happy that the girls who had some shred of sanity got to go home.

I brushed my hair, even though V would disapprove before seeing Insinz today, I even put on lip gloss and perfume, I wish I still owned decent clothes, but I wore a plain tan shapeless dress. It was the only thing I had without stains, And I tied a red ribbon around my neck. I just want to look nice for the first time in centuries no... it's been over 7000 years now... I tried to tell myself that it wasn't because I was lovestruck but when I caught him waiting outside his doorway for me, cupid shot his arrow straight through my heart again. 

"Hey... did you get enough sleep... you don't have a fever right? You were a little warm last night." He stated, as he sat with me on his bed and touched my forehead.

"I slept great, actually... and I'm okay." After my reassurance, he took both my hands in his and said,

"Did you get this cute just to see me?" I began flailing my arms and shaking my head dismissively, even with all my moving he didn't lose his grip on my hands.

"I just wanted to look nice today! It's not just you I'm seeing!" I was so nervous that I lied on impulse but he just laid a sweet kiss on my lips, then pulled away and licked his.

"Mmm... smells like cherries, I wish I could taste it. Red looks really good on you." I squeaked and pressed my lips together in a hard line. I hope my expression doesn't give away my feelings too much. "You should check on Rytem and Nelly first. I'll see you when you're done." That's when he let go of my hands and returned to his room. Where does he get all this confidence?! No, I'm in the wrong, I haven't been able to turn him away since the first kiss. Rytem and Netalai were clinging to each other as usual, but they showed me that they had mastered and shared information about their powers with one another, being able to tag team easily and swap between both Mist and Sound at will. It was amazing, I could only give them tips on how to better complement one another and concentrate their attacks for a higher piercing effect. We studied for 2 hours but my mind kept drifting back to Insinz, so I found myself blushing and feeling a throbbing in the pit of my stomach. I like him... but do I deserve to like him... my feelings may put him in danger. I left Rytem's room and went straight to Insinz's. He was waiting at his door with a flower ready for me, the same kind as the one he presented years ago. My mental fortitude shattered so I smiled at him.

"Thank you..." I whispered, and then he pinned the flower into my hair.

"I'm ready for my lesson, teacher." I think I prefer it when he calls me Tana. I began reviewing his element, trying to figure out the limits of his knowledge because so much time had passed. As I was asking about the skills he should be capable of he said, "Wow you know a lot."

"Well... I know a lot about your abilities because I've worked with many different generations by now," I replied bashfully. He responded by saying,

"We never got to perform the ritual together." While maintaining his smile, I gulped

"Stop changing the subject!" I struggled to regain my composure then continued with, "What do you need help with?" After hearing my reply, he placed his hand on my knee and said,

"I mastered my element a long time ago but shush... don't tell anyone. You can keep a secret, right?" I gasped, Insinz had always appeared like an underperformer, only showing the bare minimum. The only reason he got promoted to having a room in the main palace is because he stayed behind unlike most of the other Chosen and he had no family to return to. I've already kept secrets for him, I know he was somehow leaving the palace before he was allowed and I know... his feelings for me are romantic, and now this?!

"You what?!" I was in shock so I yelled and he shushed me again, trying to stifle his laughter at the same time. Does he take me for a joke?! All those extra hours spent tutoring him... repeating the same lessons over and over, were they for nothing? Has he been mocking me this whole time?

"I think the only way for me to improve further is with the ritual, don't you agree, Tana?" My heart shuddered... never mind, I hate it when he says my name.

"... Fine..." He smiled brightly. He does realize he didn't have to seduce me for me to do this with him, right? If he wasn't aware that would explain some things.

"Tonight?" He's so eager!

"Tomorrow! I have to prepare the ink..." There's a plant that smells like decay, when mixed with ink it can form permanent marks on a Chosen's body, but only if painted perfectly, It's going to take a long time. He pouted for only a moment before his smile returned,

"I'm excited."

"You don't need to tell me that!" I proclaimed, bashfully. Then I hid my face. Insinz squeezed my knee and repeated himself, quietly, and leaning directly into my ear.

"I'm excited." I jumped up from the chair I was sitting in and walked away as briskly as I could. He drives me insane! Insane... wait, now that I think about it... this is the longest I've been myself in a long time. Did my treatment somehow fix my Blackouts or... have I been happier overall lately, so I don't need to disassociate just to function.

"Tana, are you done with the boys? I need you." V said, he was in the hallway, trailed by his head officers who were babbling on about needing his approval on a few more issues so he glared at them until they shut up. My brief happiness is gone.

"I just finished..." I admitted reluctantly, and then he hugged me by the waist with one arm, laying kisses on my throat and across my jawline. "V stop... they're staring." What if Insinz sees me in the hallway... disgraced like this? 

"Why are you telling me no? I know you wanted my attention. You even dressed up." He stated aggressively, then he gripped me harder against him and bit down on my neck so hard he drew blood.

"Ow! What are you doing?!" He began sucking on the wound that he had created so I pushed him away as best I could by the shoulders. "I said stop!" Even though he barely moved, he looked at me with annoyance. The anxiety I was feeling brought along tears and V sighed saying, "It's been a long time since you told me to stop with tears in your eyes... It's kind of erotic." The heart-pounding that I was used to came back, intense fear. I tried using my telekinesis to push him away, but he was solid, it was as if I was hitting him with pillows instead of 50 tons of force. "What's the problem Tana... Do you hate me? Am I not allowed to touch you, just because you're pretty again?!" I slapped him hard across the cheek. The hit connected but I broke my hand in the process and looked up at him with a pained expression. "Fine... not tonight..." He said defeatedly but moved his hand under my clothes regardless, stroking me just outside of my underwear.

"You said not tonight!" I yelled tearfully. Even if he changed his mind, why is he so adamant about doing this here?!

"But you're so wet, are you sure you don't want to?" If I am it has nothing to do with him! I looked to the people with him for help, but they were all averting their eyes... no one here cares what happens to me.

"Yes! I don't want to! Get off of me!" He paused then and turned back to his advisors. 

"I guess I will spend more time on... diplomacy and finances or whatever... I love you but... I'll find you later Tana and we can discuss why you felt the need to embarrass me today." Such a relief... I don't know what I'll do next time I see him, but this time is enough for now.

It took a while for my hand to heal but as soon as it did, I gathered the flowers I needed for my appointment with Insinz and hurriedly made the ink. Exactly at sunrise, he arrived outside my room.

"Are you ready or am I too early?" He called from the doorway. I was caught off guard but said,

"I'm ready... please close and lock the door after you enter!" He did as told and then joined me on my mat in the middle of the room. By candlelight I mixed the ink and painted his left arm, mirroring the tattoo that covered his right. His arms were completely black up to his elbows then they faded into swirling light brown flowers, too small to recognize from afar, which blended into his skin just below his shoulders. I had to get all the small details right, so I did my best to focus but I felt nervous sitting in front of him while he was topless... I thought I had grown used to this. In truth, I don't remember ever feeling nervous with any of the others. He snickered a little during this process and when I scolded to stay still, he would say,

"I'm sorry but that tickles." Once I was done painting, I looked away from him shyly.

"It's time for the next step now..."

"... intercourse?" I nodded and looked up at him. He leaned towards me, seeming cautious at first, only brushing his lips against mine to check if I'd pull away, then he cupped my cheeks, finally kissing me repeatedly. His lips only parted from mine for a split second at a time, so I whispered,

"You don't have to kiss me..." The moment I caught my breath. This doesn't feel like a session I can remain detached from; it's already been 2 minutes since we started locking lips, it feels so intimate.

"I want to kiss you... do you hate it? Should I stop?" He asked, I could tell from his voice that he was nervous, like me...

"I... don't hate it." After my reply he moved onto my neck sucking on it and biting me lightly, then groping me and opening my robe to leave more kisses on my breasts. "Y-you... can just ..." I thought of a good way to censor myself "s-skip to the finish line!" ... I don't mind what he is doing, but ... protesting is what I should do... for his sake.

"No... I'm going to take my time." His defiant reply flustered me so much that my head went empty. None of the other Chosen kissed me at all... he even went down on me before penetration. And complimented me the whole time, calling me beautiful, and amazing and then showering me with kisses. I clung to him, even though I knew I shouldn't; returning his affection with kisses of my own. He moved slowly, hitting my sweet each time. I felt my toes curling and I couldn't keep my eyes from rolling back, I even heard myself moaning and making noises that had never ever escaped my lips before, it was embarrassing but I couldn't stop. I'm trying so hard not to think of him as my lover but... my heart felt fuller the longer I was with him, and just imagining having to separate saddened me. We climaxed in unison; this ecstasy was also new for me. As I lay panting, I saw he was still erect, ready to go again, and he didn't hesitate to assault my collarbone with his lips; keeping me locked in his embrace. I knew what he was trying to do, so I pulled away and covered his face with my hands to stop the onslaught of affection.

"Wait... I have to draw a new mark before we... go again... I can do it tomorrow..." He kissed my palms, sending tingles through my whole body and then he pouted, mumbling,

"Another day?" I hated seeing him making a sad face but explained,

"It would be pointless if we do that again right now... there will be no benefits, it'll just be sex." He grinned widely and replied,

"I'm okay with that, and we can still do the ritual again tomorrow." So I rolled over, turning my back to him, 

"No, just come back tomorrow..." I can't let him see my face, because then he'll know how much I'm hesitating right now. Still, there's no way I could explain intimacy with Insinz away, outside of this ceremony... and if I don't have an excuse, there's no telling what V might do.

"Okay... but... do I have to leave?... Even if we can't have sex, I'd like to talk to you... hear more about your life." Talk... to me? "You've been alive almost ten thousand years, I'm sure you have plenty of stories to tell." I turned back to face him, and then he laid my robe over my shoulders and averted his eyes. I began telling him stories, leaving out most of my interactions with V and retelling about my time on Earth. I describe the unique animals I saw and the recipes I learned. I even told him about how I learned to sew. He smiled and held my hand, responding appropriately so I knew he was listening closely. A little while after Insinz left, V visited me. I had no excuse to refuse him but compared to being with Insinz, it was hell. I wanted him off of me, I hated him, but I could already tell he was angry, so I didn't dare make it worse. That horrible night passed and I did my best to be ready for Insinz again as early as possible.

He appeared at first light again, locked the door, and accompanied me on the mat. After I placed a mark under his eye we began again, with him treating me like I was precious and desired, like this wasn't just business. I should have reprimanded him, pushed him away, and told him not to get emotionally involved but I wanted to be selfish at least for an hour. Once we were finished, he asked me about life on the islands, Earth's sea creatures, and my feelings about life back then, whether I missed Earth. There was a lot to unload, but after talking for a while I asked him about his life before coming to the palace, he kept his answers short and vague and then he redirected the subject back to me... he must not like talking about himself.

The next day followed the same order except the position that he held me in changed, instead of laying on my back he held me in his lap, bouncing me up and down and keeping his eyes on my face the whole while and then hugging me when he was done, so we'd stay connected. "I love you." He whispered while trapping my eyes with his. I was beyond shocked, but at that moment I was foolish enough to say,

"I love you too." We kissed each other and made love several more times that day. I must have lost my mind, why didn't I stop him?! I don't even have the excuse of losing myself because... I was conscious the whole time. I'm panicking with fear. What if someone finds out?! This won't be the first time V kills a Chosen over me and he's been letting a lot of things go lately, I'm sure he's run out of the little patience he has. This is probably the worst thing I've done... No! I can't let him have his way this time, this isn't like before... I care for him, more than I imagined was possible. So, I need to protect him, for once I need to save someone. While I was pondering what to do, Insinz showed up to see me and I was shocked to see he had 6 marks, I thought the limit was 3! Under each eye was 1 row of 3 horizontal moles. There's no way I can hide what we did because it's literally on his face!

"Hey... I missed you." He called from the doorway; he didn't even notice V standing there behind him.