Business Dinner 2

We showed up in matching green outfits. Him with a dark green silk button-up shirt, Black pants, and high-top white sneakers, decorated with splatters of dark green and black. I had on a dark green halter dress, and matching shoes and we both had on gold accessories. I even had on the present he gave me yesterday. I made sure to take a few pictures with him in the car and the door before we went inside the restaurant. The hostess led me to where my company's party was set up. Angela was already there and beckoned me over to sit next to her.

"Hey! You look pretty! Oh! Are those new earrings?!" I touched them and said,

"Yeah... they're a gift from Valin." I glanced at him, he was slouched in his chair, glaring at the ceiling, so to comfort him I took his hand from under the table, which improved his mood instantly.

"Wow, where did you go to get those?" She asked. Why is she trying to strike up a conversation with him?!

"... I got the gems overseas a few years back for my collection. I had them set last week at Rigderton's" He actually responded, I'm impressed... and surprised he went through that much work for me just to give me a gift for no special occasion at all. "The gold is 18 carats, and I had it molded into the shape of her favorite flower." They're custom-made?! I guess these earrings are now family heirlooms.

"Wow! And it's not even her birthday!" She stated cheerily,

"It's soon... on June 10th I plan to do even more." He knows my birthday?!... Did we even talk about it?... When is his?!

"Wow, you're such an attentive boyfriend, I'm jealous." His eyes met hers for the first time when he said,

"I love her so of course I want to treat her well." Okay... he has no issue saying it in front of other people now?! Around that time more of my coworkers and their dates flooded in, so the conversation moved on to more general topics about work. After eating everyone started ordering alcohol and when Valin insisted he only wanted water Derrick chimed in saying,

"Water? Running low on cash or something? Oh yeah! You're probably too young to drink, it kills the vibe when there's someone like you around." One of my co-workers shushed him and Valin's expression turned icy.

"He just doesn't like alcohol!" I said defensively. He keeps bringing up Valin's age... I guess that's the only way he could criticize him. Valin called the waiter back over, flashed an ID, and ordered a strong beverage called Death in the Afternoon, it was a mix of Absinthe and Champagne. His ID worked?... I'm not going to be the one to rat him out, but I'm more shocked he even knew the name of such a cocktail. Valin chugged it down, afterward smiling at Derrick and saying,

"Are you happy now?" Then he gagged at the flavor of his drink but asked for a refill... is he going to be, okay?

"I'll have the same!" Derrick shouted. They locked eyes and started drinking at the same time. Derrick wobbled dizzily then he swore under his breath and was knocked out after one glass. Valin's face looked flushed, but he still seemed fine, 

"You didn't have to drink," I whispered, "Most people didn't even care."

"...But that asshole was picking a fight with me." He mumbled, then he chuckled under his breath and turned to me, rubbing his cheek on mine. "You're so beautiful... I wish we were alone right now." I felt a tremble in my chest. Then Valin freed his hand that was holding mine and slid it under my dress.

"Valin?!" Everyone turned to look at us when I shouted, so he smiled at me innocently, 

"What's wrong Lisa?... Ready to go home?" How can he make that face even though his fingers are stroking all my sensitive spots through my panties? I'm with my work associates, I'm not even sure if I'll be able to reply normally.

"I'm fine!" I said, a little too loudly, soon the attention left us, and I chugged down my martini. At the same time, he moved his hand away. Okay, no more drinking for him... Oh my god... now my legs are shaking. I don't want everyone here to think I'm a pervert. 

"Hey, Lisa, some of us are going out for Karaoke after this, you want to come?" I opened my mouth to say, no. I'd like to but I'm sure Valin is worn out socially plus... he's been hinting at wanting to go home. However it was Valin who spoke up and said,

"Can I come too?" Angela nodded cheerily so I changed my tune and agreed to go off with her. Some of Derrick's friends waited for a Taxi with him, so thankfully he wasn't coming, and only 3 others (2 girls and 1 guy) came with us to this after-party. Angela took the Mic first saying,

"I thought it would be nice to sing some of the songs we've worked on! This isn't mandatory so feel free to leave if you hate my singing." Everyone laughed, except me. I'm nervous as heck and it doesn't help that Valin is covertly groping my ass! Maybe I should get up and leave... no Angela would definitely misunderstand if I go right now. She sang one of the songs I collaborated on, and then she handed the Mic to Valin, "You go next." He flipped the Mic around in his hand like a baton before standing up. Oh no, he hates attention... I'm surprised he didn't go off when she put him on the spot. The song that was chosen was one I wrote, a love song made for the singer Micheal, I'm nervous about Valin singing it. The melody began slow at first but when the song hit the climax, he hit the high note perfectly. It sent chills all through me and all my female coworkers screamed and started cheering him on.

"Oh my god!" Angela stated, gawking at him.

"I think I just fell in love," Naomi muttered, biting her lip. Okay, I want to go home now. He wrapped up the song and then tried to return to his seat, but Angela, Naomi, and Kim all got up and pleaded for him to sing another one. He sighed and glanced in my direction.

"You don't have to..." I said and all the others shot a glare at me, "B-but one more song would be nice." I added. After I said that he smiled softly and replied,

"Okay." Walking back to the stage, this time he sang a more explicit song, written by a male coworker who wasn't here right now. The lyrics made me blush, especially when sung with his voice. In the middle of the performance he started unbuttoning his shirt and doing the choreography from the music video. When did he learn all the steps to that song?! I knew he could move his hips but usually, he would never do this in public and how can he do all that while singing?! All the women in the room were screaming like they were at a real concert, and Kim even started to reach out for him. I jumped up from my seat and stood in front of her. Valin stopped singing at that point and squatted down on the stage, holding out the Mic to the only other guy who was sitting at the table by himself scowling. "It's your turn." He said, even though his song hadn't ended. When the guy, Rohan accepted it, Kim boo-ed and Angela clicked her tongue. Valin left the stage and held me in a tight hug. "What's wrong... are you mad at me?" He whispered, with his sweet voice and puppy eyes melting me like butter. I was indeed feeling a little jealous but more than that I...

"I... I'm just..." I cupped my hands around his ear and whispered, "Really turned on right now... so can we hurry up and go home?" I hoped the sound of Rohan's singing drowned out my words a little too as I looked up at my boyfriend blushing. The others were lightly clapping and quietly cheering on Rohan dispassionately, when Valin kissed me deeply, suckling on my tongue and then biting my lip. His lips sobered me up instantly and added fuel to the fire burning in my chest. I was panting when he pulled away, and I'm grateful that it didn't seem like anyone noticed us sneaking out of the room. Valin drove like the speed demon I had encountered on our first date and carried me all the way upstairs to his bedroom. I started to remove my underwear as soon as my back hit his comforter, but he tore them off and pressed his face in between my thighs penetrating me with his tongue. Valin continued fingering me and licking me until I arched my back and screamed, begging for him to stop just teasing me. I'm glad I got the weekend off because I couldn't walk at all the next day my body felt like jello. When Valin brought me breakfast in bed and after I finished eating, I said, "Are you... a sex addict?" He was drinking apple juice when he turned to me and laughed,

"Me?... YOU'RE asking ME if I'm an addict?" His reaction confused me, then he continued, "When we first started dating... and I kissed you, I wouldn't have gone all the way if you hadn't started humping me." I felt my face go red; I wasn't aware that I had done that! But now that he brings it up... I do remember rubbing up against him and unzipping his pants. "And I wanted to give you a break but every time I try you beg me to f*** you... I've even attempted to go easy on you, but you won't be satisfied until I wear you out, like now... Do you honestly think I'm the addict?" ... When he puts it like that... I guess it's me... Wow... 

"You're right, my bad..." He took my food tray away then came back to bed and began fondling and sucking on my breast, "Wait! What are you doing?!" He looked up at me,

"You are also the one who said, I don't have to control myself... and I haven't gotten enough of you yet." I'm going to die!

"I should... take a bath first." I reasoned. Valin scoffed,

"That would be pointless... I'm about to get you dirty." He coo-ed amorously while grinding against me and moaning into my ear. I squeezed my eyes shut and held his shoulders moaning too, then I felt some of my energy return as he locked lips with me.

"I love you..." I moaned out between kisses. He responded by spreading my legs, pinning my knees to the bed, and then thrusting into me gently, at first, and with more intensity over time. 

An hour later he ran a bath for the both of us with me in his lap. Valin ended up washing me and helping me into my nightgown. He also carried me back to bed and handed me my phone. I had a few text messages from Angela, telling me that she emailed me the sound files for my song and asking if I was with my boyfriend... I decided not to reply until after listening to the songs and asking Valin's opinion on which version he liked. I responded to her then, to tell her which one fit my lyrics best and also admit that I was on a date... which was a lie... I'm going to be stuck in bed all day.

I awoke Sunday morning, cuddling a pillow. When I noticed Valin wasn't by my side I sat up in a panic and scanned the room only to see him sitting on his balcony, looking up at the sky. So I wrapped a sheet around myself and slowly walked up to him.

"Hey... I hope you slept well." He said, without turning around. I sat next to him and replied,

"I did... did you?" Valin turned to me and kissed me gently.

"I had a wonderful night." His tone made my face get hot so I looked down so he wouldn't notice. "I managed to get myself back under control... I'm sorry for giving you such a hard time the past few days." Is that a pun?

"I... I'm okay really." After my response, he laughed and said,

"No... I even made you think I'm a sex addict... I feel bad so, I'm going to stop initiating." What?! "If you want to do it, you'll have to start by sucking my **** and if we're somewhere, where you can't admit that you want me like that... take my hand and draw a circle on my palm... If you do, I'll take you, in the nearest discrete location... over and over, until you're satisfied." I blushed at his wording but at the same time, I'm not happy with this.

"D-did I offend you?" I asked shakily. Valin scoffed.

"I'm not offended... I just want to treat you better."

"You treat me fine!" I shouted, then he pecked my lips again and repeated himself,

"I want to treat you better." Before getting up and ordering us breakfast on his phone.... what the hell have I done?! "Also... if the mood does hit you, I'll show you exactly what I have in that box we haven't opened." Then he gave me a sweet adoring face. Valin showed me a new Latin Crossword book he purchased. When I asked him why Latin, he said because it added a slight challenge. Afterward, we did a puzzle together, shared meals, and watched a movie. I watched him play a game for a few hours and, true to his word, he didn't lay a finger on me, outside of holding my hand and light kisses which were much too short. I'm a bit frustrated that it seems so easy for him because I feel like I'm losing it already. I'd look weak if I gave in now so I'm trying my best to hold back but... sharing the same bed tonight may be too much for me. I'm not even sure I'll be able to fall asleep.