Chapter 69

(Cera's POV)

I returned home, my expression must have been solemn because Markis rushed over to me and held my cheeks to ask,

"What's wrong?" I blew a raspberry then frowned deeply,

"I'm pregnant." He released my cheeks and bonked the top of my head.

"What the hell kind of joke is that? I'm really worried." I laughed and said,

"Oh? Are you gonna tell me to get rid of it? Are you not ready to be a father yet? How could you be so heartless?!" He bonked me again and I laughed then threw my arms around him, "The truth is... we're... going to attack Vetro." I felt his body stiffen and then he returned my hug as he asked,

"What do you mean by 'we'?" 

"The seven... we're all united on this and we have a plan," I explained.

"So you're going too?" He mumbled. I let him go to be able to see his face and read his expressions.

"I have to, I'm one of them." He looked uneasy and couldn't make eye contact with me at all. Then he suddenly groaned loudly and heat filled the room, making the air around him appear wavy. "Are you mad?"

"I'M NOT MAD!" Markis shouted then walked to the bedroom and punched the wall so hard the whole house shook... I was hoping to lighten the mood with a joke first would make the news easier for him to take. I cautiously followed after him, and saw he was now lying on the bed, flat on his back with his hands over his face.

"The... prophesy mentioned all seven of us so ... there's a good chance I'm needed," I muttered.

"I don't know about any prophecy and I don't give a f**k." I flinched and turned to leave the room when he called out,

"I'm scared... I... have seen my father pull off some terrifying sh*t and... he doesn't care about casualties the way you do. It's hard to imagine him losing." His voice was shaking, so I shook off my discomfort and sat beside him so I could stroke his head and reassure him,

"I'll be careful, and you don't need to come. If things get too intense I promise to run and come back." He grabbed my wrist then pulled my palm to his mouth, kissing it and then looking into my eyes to say

"I'm going with you." Even at this moment, he was shaking, so whatever trauma he has concerning Vetro runs deep. My concern for him is overpowering how turned on he's making me.

"You don't need to," I replied, he gripped my hand slightly tighter and then sat up to meet me at eye level.

"I want to... I can't fight my father but ... I can help clear the surrounding areas, and get the citizens to safety so you all have an easier time. I can handle other battles too... I just... I always assumed Raijian hated me and I never did anything for him as a brother. This is my chance to do something. It would be pathetic for me to just sit around here when I can doing something!" It surprises me that this is how he feels. He's too scared of his father to even disagree with him but he can join a rebellion just because it's the side his brother is on... the side I'm on. "We just started living together... the timing is awful." He added in a disgruntled voice. I chuckled a little and watched him sulk. A millisecond later he took his chance to plant a kiss on my lips, deep and passionate; transmitting his feelings straight into my heart. The way I feel about Markis is so different from how I feel about Zai. With Zai, I want his eyes on me, all of his time, and I want to feel important to him more important than all others. With Markis, each movement he makes, every blink or breath, fills my mind with lewd thoughts; I want to cherish him and make him feel safe, show him he's worthy of happiness. I'm not sure which of those feelings is love so I'm not ready to say it to him or even admit it to myself. His lips met mine again, triggering another spark in my chest.

"Calm, down." I muttered, putting my hands on his shoulders but lacking the nerve to push him away, "I understand where you're coming from and the timing is bad. You were a Military General before they forced you to live down here... so I'm sure you can help in some way. I'll talk to the others about it." Markis smiled gleefully and hugged me then he rushed off to get something from his room. I hope the others are okay with Markis joining, I don't want it to become a big deal. Zai didn't respond to me, Valin didn't seem to care and Raijian said that's fine, as long as he pulls his weight. These two idiot Fiery brothers... maybe one day they'll be able to clearly communicate and make amends. 

(Snowe's POV)

I had to make a series of calls to be sure everyone knew I wouldn't be available for several days, due to a family emergency. Zai talked to my superiors on my behalf and had the dates for my tour postponed, it was exhausting but a part of me was happy for the vacation... even though I'll be going to war during this vacation. It was dark after all the calls and emails were sent, and both Zai and I collapsed onto the bed.

"Should I bring extra clothes?" I inquired. 

"Maybe a bag with water and dried food... wear something comfortable, you won't have time to change." So... a tank top and joggers maybe?... would tennis shoes be best? "go barefoot, shoes will just slow you down and lower your connection to the elements." Zai instructed as if he read my mind. I might have been taught that in school but I was not the best student.

I took his advice and packed accordingly. Water, nuts, raisins, and jerky. Hopefully, Afaria isn't so desolate that we wouldn't be able to get food there... but I better be safe. I felt my husband hug me from behind while I was in the kitchen.

"I packed everything we have here that works... we might need to get some groceries to help the-" He licked my neck causing me to scream and drop everything I was holding.

"We probably won't get any time alone for a while." He whispered,

"Y-you're right but... our mind should be on the impending doom looming before us."

"I need your help to clear my mind... Snowe..." I shivered when he said my name,

"You are perfectly capable of that without my help!" I argued, but he didn't back down and that was all the willpower I had left to resist him.

"No... I need you." He pressed up behind me and slid his hands down into my underwear.

(Raijian's POV) 

It was annoying waiting at the mansion for everyone else to get their sh*t together.

"What is this called?" Aluma asked, pointing to the television.

"It's a TV... I thought you had those on Infaniya." I commented,

"Oh... I've heard of one but... In the East we didn't have much time to relax... television and movies are abundant in the South, though... from what I read." Her voice sounded a bit melancholy, maybe even envious.

"Do you want to watch something... together?" I offered, she bit her lip and pondered my question, then looked at Innoccence who has recovered well enough to pass for 30 after Valin's treatments. "She... can watch too." I offered. Innoccence looked embarrassed by my answer and I read her thoughts so I understood why. "We'll help you find a place ... I know it's still uncomfortable being around me..." I stated,

"You're wrong! I'm happy to be around you, I only wanted to be around you this whole time!"... I liked it better when she could barely speak. I sighed and then said, 

"Aluma... I'm sorry, can I speak to her alone?" Aluma looked at me and then at Innoccence then she kissed me, holding my cheeks, and moving her tongue into my mouth. I knew she was going to kiss me but I had no idea it would be so passionate. Of course, I returned her enthusiasm, it felt nice being desired by someone I also desired. She pulled away, leaving me flustered,

"Yeah... I'll let you talk... see you soon, d-darling." I initiated a kiss and hugged her waist to reassure her once more, before urging Innoccence to follow me into my room. Once inside, I locked the door, activating the barrier Valin designed so no one would interrupt.

"You didn't have to rub it in my face..." Innoccence muttered,

"Rub what in your face? Your major concern should be on getting home, not on me."

"It is but-" I held up my hand in order to silence her,

"You've been through a lot... and there's stuff money can't fix, experiences you'll never get back... so... What do you want? I can transform you into one of my kind. I can't do it right now, the process will weaken me and I can't afford to be weak but when I get back I can... It'll make you ageless, give you freedom, restore your youth. Living on Earth might be inconvenient but I promise to help with that too... if you want to stay here. Only if that's what you want." I offered.

"That... seems like a big decision." She replied,

"Take your time... I just thought it'd be hard to adjust after living in Markis's house for 10 years... did he... abuse you?" I asked,

"No... well... neglect is more of the right word. He never hit me but... it seemed to shock him that I wanted to eat or drink every day, and he lost track of the time a lot of he often forgot to put anything in the fridge other than alcohol... Not long after you left he lost interest in me... the only time he'd touch me was when I begged for it... It felt good for a fleeting moment so I couldn't seem to stop myself from pleading for him again. I chose it over returning home, and when I got tired of him cheating on me I tried going home out of spite, but my family had moved and the police had presumed I died. I didn't match any of the missing child posters about me... 2 years had passed so fast. I went back to him and he let me live there but I was no longer allowed to complain about how he spent his time, and I agreed as long as he... chose to spend it with me once a week. I didn't know what was happening to my body and being with him felt so wonderful that I did not want to accept that was the cause of... my changes. I feel like this is all my fault."

"... You made mistakes, you were a teen... I messed up too, I should have checked on you but I assumed you knew what you were doing and that you'd just go home eventually... he was only with you to piss me off so I had no idea you'd stay for over 10 years. I'm sorry." She was silent.

"No... I was only with him to piss you off... I mean, of course, your brother is hot... but... I mean... yeah I would have dated him regardless if he approached me on the street so maybe I'm lying... but I wouldn't have been so eager if I wasn't mad at you." She explained as honestly as she could, I laughed a bit.

"I understand... That woman... Aluma... I was in love with her even back then. That's why I didn't give you a chance and why we can't be more than this in the future..." She frowned...

"In love?" I nodded, then Innoccence sighed, "Regardless of what happens... you're going to take care of me from now on?"

"Yeah... and if you want to return to your parents I can fabricate an excuse for you... and if the memories are too hard for you... I can help you have them removed." She looked up at me and her mouth dropped open before she replied.

"I'll think about it."

"For now, let's watch a movie together, all of us." I re-extended my offer.

"Yeah... okay... but don't kiss in front of me anymore." I avoided her eyes,

"Uh... no promises on that one... but I'll invite everyone in the house so you won't feel left out." She hung her head... Tana and Insinz... I'm not sure how social they are but Valin will at least try to make Innoccence feel at ease. I'm lucky he's here.