Side Story Dite 3

I threw myself into my work because when I wasn't working or focused on school I couldn't get Valin's face out of my head.... his voice.... his lips... My feelings for him have completely trumped my crush on his brother but... how do I say that? He made me promise I was serious about Zai... if I go back on that now, he'd think I was lying again... which I was... I was so thrown off by Valin's question that I just blurted yes... I feel so dumb.

"I'm so proud of how hard you've been working lately. Your dance instructor, vocal coach, and even the producer are doing nothing but singing your praises. At this rate you'll be a star in no time! You already have a fansite, I'll send it to you later," My manager chirped but I was too focused on my phone, waiting for a reply from Valin. My fingers were tingling with anticipation. When his message popped up I shushed her to read it.

"What are you up to?" His text was simple, so I attempted to reply as smoothly as possible.

"I just wrapped up recording for the day. Want to hang out?" He replied 2 minutes later and my manager seemingly annoyed, because I wouldn't listen to anything else she had to say, left me to stare at my phone screen.

"Meet me at the library?" The library?! Why the heck...

"Yeah, I'll be there soon!" I replied. It was only 7 minutes away but I have no car so I had to take the bus and arrived 30 minutes later. I saw Valin as soon as I entered the building, my chest filled with happy butterflies until I saw a girl sitting next to him. A high ponytail blonde with cat eye frame glasses. She was grinning too wide and leaning TOO close to him as he stared down into a thick book. I allowed my intrusive thoughts to take over as I marched to the table and said,

"Bitch move." In my coldest tone. She frowned but got up without a fuss, so I took her seat.

"That was rude," Valin noted, turning a page in his book which appears to be about botany.

"I don't know what came over me," I whispered, returning to my usual soft tone. he chuckled lightly,

"I do... you got jealous." I gasped,

"No, I didn't!" I shouted in protest. Mostly due to embarrassment, but when I saw Valin frown I quickly corrected myself. "Okay, I was a little jealous." His frown turned into a playful smirk then he turned to me, meeting my lips with his and then murmuring

"... It's been a while. I'm happy to see you." When he looked into my eyes this time I clenched my jaw, somehow biting my tongue and gasping in pain. "Are you okay?" He asked but before I could answer we were kissing again and he was rubbing my pain away. This feels like a date... I was disappointed when he said library but now I'm over the moon.

"I'm happy to see you too," I admitted shyly, as I leaned in to deliver a kiss of my own, which he responded to, eagerly. When was the last time I asked him about Zai?... at least a week? After pulling away this time he closed the book and headed to the checkout counter. Sitting behind it was the girl from earlier. She scowled at me so I scowled back and poked my tongue out at her, while Valin's back was turned. They talked casually, and he even gave her a light smile which seemed to erase any annoyance she had for me.

"Bye, Jess. See you again next time." Once he said this she giggled madly,

"Oh yeah... see you soon, Valin." The f**k? Why's the b**ch laughing, nothings funny. Once we were outside I spoke my mind,

"You know her?!" He sighed, putting the book into his backpack.

"Yeah. I visit the Libray about twice a week." For some reason, I still feel angry and his response isn't helping.

"She... wants you though... You know that right?" He glanced at me, staring straight through into my soul once again.

"What about you?" He asked, walking towards me. His presence gave off so much pressure that I instinctively backed away until he had me pinned against the building's exterior wall, only a few feet from the entrance. "I don't think how she feels is relevant right now." I swallowed hard.

"I... w-want your brother." His eyes met mine so I turned away and squeezed them closed. Then I felt him move away from me.

"Whatever..." I feel like I'm losing him... we were supposed to be spending this afternoon together but I pissed him off again... I grabbed his sleeve and then put my hand over my face to give me the strength to admit the embarrassing facts.

"I w-want you... Valin." He paused for a second and then turned to me with a smile.

"Clearly. Now, was that so hard to admit?" I nodded with my eyes shut tight. I thought I would die from the anxiety. I heard him laugh again, and next, I felt his lips tenderly on mine... He kisses me so often... that I'm shocked. Each kiss he gives me steals away a small bit of my rationale, I feel like offering my whole self to him... but the fear of rejection is holding me in place. "Where should we go next?" He inquired once the kisses ended.

"My... apartment... there's this movie I wanted to stream with you." This is true... but I can't deny, my ulterior motive of wanting more alone time with him.... and possibly expressing myself in a more comfortable environment.

"It's a documentary I hope.... and something long..." The rom-com I had in mind has just changed into a super drawn-out documentary about factory egg sorting. We sat together on the couch with his arm swept over my shoulder... about 10 minutes in I started to kiss his neck. When he turned my way, I removed my shirt, hoping I wouldn't have to say much more. His eyes instantly went down to my breasts... they stayed there for a while before he gave me a thumbs up.

"What does that mean? I inquired.

"Nice..." He mumbled, I was about to tell him off but when he removed his jacket and shirt I was stunned into silence. He then pinned me down on the couch, by my wrists before kissing, sucking, and nibbling on my neck.

"Ahh! mmngh...W-wait! You... can't leave marks." He laughed at my protest.

"Oh... is that where we're drawing the line?" I pouted but was too flustered to reply... "Is it ... your first time?"

"N-no," I admitted, feeling slightly ashamed,

"Good, it's better if your first time is with someone who cares about you..." I stroked his crotch lightly with my leg and looked into his looked straight at him to say,

"You care about me." His eyelids narrowed,

"That's true... I ... do..." This night, there were a few things I experienced for the first time that night. Oral, attentive foreplay, and 3 new positions as we had a way with each other on my couch, long past the end of the show. I'll never think of eggs the same again. Valin started off by removing my panties, pushing up my skirt, and licking around my c***. It felt so stimulating I tried to pull away, but he held my thighs in place and said if I moved away he'd stop and we wouldn't go any further, so I had no choice but to cover my mouth with my hands and focus on minimizing my squirming as much as possible. I was sweating and panting from the effort it took to remain still after stopping as well as cu**ing, when he hugged my legs together, moving his d*** through the gap between them, still rubbing against my sensitive spot and stimulating me further before actually penetrating me. I actually moaned out his name a few times, because my mind was spinning but I didn't know what else to say. He only put a condom on 2 minutes later. I had been so caught up I didn't even think about it... "Don't worry... I won't leave any marks... and I won't hurt you." He assured, just before continuing where we left off... We didn't stop until late into the night when he carried me to bed, kissed my forehead, and turned to leave, but I grabbed his wrist,

"Don't go..." I begged and I wasn't sure if he heard me because I drifted off not long afterward, only to jolt awake and look around frantically, afraid it was a dream or that he was gone. Thankfully, Valin was sitting in the corner of my room reading his book and drinking tea from my favorite mug.

"Oh you're up... you only slept 2 hours." He noted, putting the mug down on my bedside table and then sitting in front of me to kiss my cheek. "What's got you up so early?" I clung to his shirt.

"I was worried... you'd be gone." My confession made him chuckle and then he climbed into bed with me to go for a fourth round.

I couldn't sleep after that, I stayed wide-eyed even at work; exhausted. I couldn't stop thinking of what we did and those thoughts were filling me with too much energy. This means we're dating right? I mean... he said he can't date someone that's interested in his brother... but maybe he changed his mind? I am aware I initially just wanted him to focus on me more... because seeing him with another girl was upsetting, I thought if I slept with him he'd cling to me, and at max, it would only take me 15 minutes to make him mine but it feels like my plan backfired because I'm the one stuck on him, my thoughts are even worse than they were before and I'm not sure if it affected his opinion of me... the lack of sleep is also interfering with my work.

After my recordings were satisfactory, I separated from my manager and went to the dance room to practice for my upcoming concert. That's when Valin showed up in the doorway, he was carrying a laptop and smiled at me. He didn't even have to say anything to kill my concentration enough for me to fall on my face. I could hear him laughing as he helped me up and checked over my body for injuries.

"Be more careful." Even his reprimands aroused me, everything about him oozes sex right now, it's hard being near him.

"I'm sorry... um... I was just so happy to see you, it ruined my coordination." He cupped my cheeks then pecked my lips at first, only to come back for a second deep, and steamy kiss.

"Why are you apologizing for that?" 

"Um?!" I tried to think of an answer, but Valin devoured my thoughts, locking our lips over and over. "w-wait... We're in the studio..." I warned... he has never tried anything here before... but after yesterday I'm afraid he may take things too far.

"Mmm... I've been thinking, we need a code word..." He stated quietly, biting his lip as he pulled back,

"A code word for what?" My question enticed him to nuzzle his nose on mine and then whisper into my ear.

"For when you want sex." My heart began racing so fast I could hear it pounding in my ears. "I have an idea..." He added, running his hand up my thigh and resting it below my crotch. "How about Popcorn... if you want me, right now, say popcorn and if not say No popcorn... does that work for you?" I nodded rapidly tensing up from his touch. "So, what do you want?" In the practice room?! He's really putting me on the spot...

"... Popcorn," I replied softly, at my word, he got up and locked the door, turned off the light, and returned to me. I removed my leggings and waited for him shyly. What am I doing? Valin sat down on the floor then pulled me down into his lap, holding my hips as he thrust into me from below... I knew the room was soundproof so I let my voice out without restraint. Earlier, I was too tired to focus on my work but now I'm doing this when I should be training. I'm going to be scolded if this continues. After only cumming once, I became a trembling mess and Valin was hugging my waist, so I'd stay pressed against him.

"... I brought you that energy drink you like... strawberry flavor." Is he trying to rehydrate me so we can do this all over again? It's already been 6 times within 24 hours for me. "Show me what you're working on..." I clumsily stood up and walked into the corner to hide my face. I've already done more with him than I did with my last boyfriend within a month... It feels unreal... I just wanted a little more attention but damn... I went into the locker room without saying anything, to use the bathroom there and wash off. When I came back he was using his laptop in the dark. I put my leggings back on before turning on the lights, which caused him to squint and say, "Warn me before doing that next time."

"Sorry." I repented. He eyed me up and down then smiled,

"I forgive you." His tone threw me for a loop and my legs had barely stopped shaking but I was determined to show him what I was working on so I played my demo from my phone and danced, singing, and gave him the best live concert I could muster. Valin stared at me, with a look of deep concentration. It's unnerving. "come here, I'll give you a massage, it'll help restore your energy." I was nervous, thinking he might take this chance to go again but he only did as he said, massaging me until I felt more limber and better than ever. After that I danced again again and he gave mostly compliments but a few criticisms. I made sure to consider his words well and improve immediately. After restarting from the beginning 5 times "You're amazing Dite." He praised and it affected me so deeply that my knees got weak and I sat down, attempting to hide it. 

"Does that mean I finally didn't make any mistakes? Are you proud of me, right now?" I asked while chugging down the drink he got for me. Keeping up the mask of nonchalance,

"Yeah..." After saying this Valin got up and took a seat beside me. His eyes begged me for a kiss and I gave in immediately. "By the way I glanced at your schedule... and looks like you're going to be busy for a while so... I'll leave you alone after today."

"What? No!" I shouted. What was the point of sleeping with him if I'm not going to see him for almost a month?!

"But you're going to be tired after school, working out, and the concert... I can see you when you're more free. Just call me."

"I don't care how tired I am... I still want to see you! Everyday! I need to see you!" My earnest plea caused him to chuckle. 

"Fine... I'll see you every day." The cringe from what I just said hit me, after his reply so I put my hands over my face. "But I'm pretty busy myself... so you better be grateful." He added while getting up to grab his laptop and then leaving the room afterward. We have to be dating now, he's giving me too much special attention for this to be just something casual... but I should make absolutely sure... so I'll ask him after work tomorrow, where I stand.