World Apocalypse

'496… 497… 498… 499... 500.'

I collapsed onto the ground after thrusting my spear 500 times. I looked to the left of me to see a middle aged man making his way over towards me. I supported myself up with the wooden spear in my hand to greet the man's eyes.


"Coach Sterling…"

Me and the man exchanged looks with each other before a smile broke out on our faces. Coach Sterling wrapped his arm around my shoulders and started chatting away like always, "You know Winter, why don't you compete competitively? You definitely have the skills to compete for the country, why not grasp at the opportunity?!"

I unhooked Coach Sterling's hand from around my neck and gave a slight smile. "You know the answer, Coach Sterling, and why it is as such. Asking me the same questions every day won't change the outcome of my answers. I'm happy enough that my father and mother are still allowing me to train here after the 'incident.'."

Coach Sterling shuddered as he thought about the incident. Seeing Winter walk away, he quickly caught up. "Mr. and Mrs. Izanami have no idea what they're talking about, it was clearly not your fault, and all charges have been dropped! If you weren't to compete, it would be a waste of your talent and physique!" Coach Sterling said with enthusiasm.

Though I wanted to refute, what he said wasn't wrong. I had a natural talent for spearmanship ever since I started training at the age of 3, and while growing up, I was called a prodigy, genius, and every once in a blue moon, a 'monster.'. My physique wasn't anything to look over either, though I wasn't able to show much, and not trying to be a narcissist or anything my physique was definitely top tier. I trained so much that my body looked as if it was carved by the Greek god Adonis himself, though my looks are nothing but slightly above average, sigh.

If it wasn't for the incident, I would've been competing for the country. Well, there's nothing I can do about it now...

"You aren't wrong, Coach Sterling..."

"Exactly, that's why I think—"

"—But my answer doesn't change."

Coach Sterling was visibly frustrated as he grabbed his hair and screamed internally, which could only be heard as a low yell.

'He seems extra persistent today.'

I grabbed my bag before making my way towards the door. "I'll see you tomorrow, Coach."

Coach tried his last attempt at trying to convince me, but I was already out the doors.

I made my way to school, which was only about a 10-15 minute walk, which was just enough time before my first class starts. Walking through the school gates, you could see a small garden island in the middle of the walkway, but other than that, the school was pretty average. I jogged up the flight of stairs, making my way towards the 3rd floor.

When reaching the classroom door, I heard the class being as lively as ever. I turned the door handle and entered the classroom, before sitting at my normal spot in the corner by the window. The reason I liked this spot was because of how the breeze hit me gently, and at certain times of the day, butterflies would appear frolicking in the wind.

After sitting for about 5 minutes, the door opened for us to be greeted by a woman with blonde hair and a boobs that would put some porn stars to shame. The way she walked enhanced her already seductive features, making the boys in the classroom hush and lust at her curves. She reached the desk in the corner and sat down before taking attendance.




"Here, Ms. Puerto!"





"That should be everyone. Does anyone know where y'all left off on Friday?" Ms. Puerto asked while looking down at her phone.

Ms. Puerto was a sub for our main teacher, but she always seemed like she didn't really care about the job, but nobody really cared as they didn't have to do much, and the boys would steal glances at her cleavage.

"Ms. Puerto, we were supposed to continue working on our assignment today." A girl with purple glasses stood up and answered Ms. Puerto. She's the class president, or some would say the "teacher's pet.".

Ms. Puerto looked up at the class before saying, "Alright then, just finish up with your assignments, let me know if you need help with anything." But I would actually prefer if you didn't. She said in a low whisper, which everyone still heard.

After giving instructions on what to do, everyone pulled out their assignments except a few students. I think some of them finished while the others just don't care since it's a sub. I was going to do my assignment, but I decided to finish it at home. So I turned towards the window and watched the sky outside before waiting for the butterflies to appear.

After about a few minutes of staring outside, I heard a few footsteps coming towards me. "Winter, should I assume that you're already done with your work?"

When I looked up, I saw Ms. Puerto's face with a bit of confusion. I looked at her for a brief second before looking back out the window. "I plan on finishing it at home."

"You only have 2 more days before you have to submit it in."

"That's more than enough time, Ms. Puerto, if anything, look at that guy over there." I pointed my finger at a boy sitting three seats away from me.

Ms. Puerto looked at where my finger was pointing before she saw a student snoring away.

She gave me one last look before making her way to the other student. When turning my head towards the window, I caught the class president staring at me for a split second before looking away. '???' Ignoring the class president, I looked back outside the window, still waiting for the butterflies to appear.

I waited for what seemed like an eternity, but the butterflies still didn't show up, on the contrary, the sky started growing eerie black clouds, which covered the sun barely allowing through any sunlight. This was the first time something like this happened, I wasn't the only one to notice this phenomenon as the class started whispering about what was happening outside.

After about 5 minutes or so, the sky was completely covered with black clouds that stretched on further than the eye could see. Now this was definitely not normal it was almost pitch black outside. If it wasn't for the lights in the school and some other buildings in the vicinity, we would only be able to see about a few hundred meters in front of us.

{ovrseer: pretty sure the average human can see between 2-3 miles depending on the situation and setting.}

Before I could react a grey screen popped up in front of my eyes, when looking around it seemed as if everyone else in the classroom got the pop up. I could only assume this phenomenon was happening globally and not just in our classroom, but that was only an assumption, though.

While everyone was in deep thought about the screen that was showing in front of them, a voice that everyone could hear rang out.

[From this moment on, Earth will enter a state of Apocalypse, beings categorized as 'The Stranded,' like walkers (zombies), mutants, and others, will start appearing all over the earth, and their main mission is to eradicate the human race... But don't worry, to make things fair, everyone will go under an awakening after reaching level 5. The stranded can also go under awakenings, but that's for a later time period.

What you need to focus on is leveling up and awakening as fast as possible. On the subject of awakening, everyone's ability may or may not be the same, the whole awakening process is randomized, the only thing you can do is pray to God up above.

Ah, I knew I was forgetting something. From this moment on, 9/10 of the earth's species will fall into a state of stranded, not limited to animals or plants. Early advice: watch out for your surroundings. I wish you well.]

'That was pretty brief and barely provided any information.'

As he said that last sentence, the whole world was in an uproar, including the school.

"W-What?!?! Why is this happening to us!?!??"

"This all must be a dream, I'll wake up anytime now in my bed..."


Different types of emotions were being expressed at this moment, but the main one was confusion and fear. I looked at the screen in front of me, and it showed the same words that the 'person' spoke just now.

When looking back outside, I made out some grey floating orbs outside, they were the size of a pea and were hastily making their way towards the school. When the orbs made their way to the school, they flew through the walls and windows with no obstruction whatsoever.

The orbs started entering some students heads in the classroom, and I had a bad feeling that it wasn't any good news. After entering the students heads, they started to shake and scream out in misery as their bodies started to peel and melt, some students eyes were bulging out of their heads, and some stomachs were opening up to show their organs and such.

The remaining 3/4 of skin that wasn't melted or peeled off slowly started to morph into this hazy, grayish color. Seeing the scene, I was so nauseous that I had to look away. Though I was able to keep myself from throwing up, I couldn't say the same for some of the girls and boys that didn't 'change.'.

Most of the class started to distance themselves away from the 'walkers,' and for those that were in shock, they were dragged back by the students that were conscious. One by one the 'walkers' stopped yelling in agony and started looking at the students around them with malice and hunger.

I grabbed the broom that would always be in the back of the room and snapped off the brush with my foot, all to get a rather pointy end. I was already prepared for the worse, though I knew a minute ago those were my classmates, but now they were practically dead. It was either me or those things, and I wasn't planning on dying any time soon.

Snapping the brush off the broom aroused attention from a few of the walkers, and a walker that was closer to me started walking towards me. It walked at a normal speed, but it had a limp which slowed this one down. I don't know if all walkers were going to be like this, but it would be preferable.

Using the situation at hand, I held the broom with two hands as I thrust it forward, my left hand came off as I rotated my hips and stabbed at its head with a quick motion.


The makeshift spear pierced through its head with little to no resistance, the walker dropped onto both knees before dying on the spot. As the adrenaline was coursing through my body, a grey screen popped up in front of my eyes.

[Gained 5 EXP]

[EXP 5/100]

[Congratulations—{overseer: imagine a walker just killed him right here lol.}— you are the first person to kill a stranded being.

Would you like to receive your reward right now?


No doubt I was happy with the new notice, but I closed off the screen as my current situation didn't allow for me to do as I wish. And not even a second after closing the screen, a walker that was making its way towards me lunged at me after getting close enough.

I wasn't panicked at all as I've already noticed the movements of the walker, evading to the left, the makeshift spear came out of the first walker's head. The second walker fell down onto the ground, and not letting a second go to waste, I stabbed into its head.


Instantly the walker died with no resistance.

[Gained 5 EXP]

[EXP 10/100]

The other students were shocked at the movements I had performed. But if anything they were probably just happy that someone could fight within this hell hole.


But that all came to an end when we heard a scream, a walker that was behind a female student bit into her neck, tearing off a huge chunk of flesh. Blood was gushing out of her wound as she collapsed onto the ground. The walker dropped to the ground and started feasting on her body while she laid there motionlessly.

I was across the room from her, and there were a few walkers in the middle, there was nothing I could do but feel pity for her. The other students looked away in anguish and sorrow as there was nothing to do, and as for the students near her, they took that opportunity to hastily move away from the walkers.

I tightened the grip around my spear and made up my mind, ''s either me or them.' I ran up to a walker that was close to me and kicked it down before stabbing into its head, instantly killing it.

[Gained 5 EXP]

[EXP 15/100]

I ignored the notification and started attacking the walkers that had strayed away from the group in the middle, they didn't put up much of a fight as I trimmed off the walkers 1 by 1.

[Gained 5 EXP]

[Gained 5 EXP]

[Gained 5...]

The notifications kept coming in, but I ignored them as I was completely focused on the task at hand. After what seemed like 5 minutes, I looked around and found out that I killed the last zombie before taking a breath of relief. It was taxing, but I've been through worse fights, this didn't take that much of a toll on my body except for some beads of sweat on my forehead.

But before I could even celebrate my victory, I heard a loud shout behind me.


{ovrseer: Author here, this is my first work and I plan on making it R-18, as you can tell from the tags and the title, so take it easy on me -_-'. I hope you guys enjoy and please let me know if you find any typos/grammar errors and I will try to fix it up as fast as possible.}

{Word around town is that this is a 5-star Powerstone bank; you would be leaving it in good hands if you dropped it off here. ;}