Chapter 1

Mae's Pov..

I put the last of my clothes in the suitcase and immediately closed it

And I put down my suitcase

"Are you sure about this?"

Manang Linda

She took care of me since when I was a kid

I faced her

"Yes, Linda, I don't want to marry the only man I loved before, but he just cheated on me, and I'm still young, I still want to finish my studies, and I still have a lot to do in life," I answered.

"Why don't you talk to your mom and dad again, I'm sure they will listen to you"

I shook my head

"I'm not going to waste my time anymore"

"Where are you going to stay, don't you want to be able to do that then? how can you study again if no wants gonna help you?"

"I called my cousin on my mother's side, maybe he can give me a place to stay for a while until I find place to move to, and about studying, I'll think about it more"

"Oh, I'll go ahead and explain to your mom and dad when they look for you here at the mansion tomorrow"

I hugged Linda

"Thank you"

Linda patted me on the back

"Alright, the taxi is waiting for you outside"

I let go of hugging her

And I walked out of the room

-- -- --

"Be careful there"

I got into the taxi

"Yes indeed"

I waved to Linda and the taxi started to leave

-- -- --

After a few minutes of boarding the plane, I boarded the taxi again

"Good evening, ma'am, where are you?" the driver asked

"Villa De Ortega"

And after a few minutes we arrived where we were going

I immediately gave the payment to the taxi driver and got out of the taxi

I walked to the gate and rang the doorbell

And it opened in just a few minutes

An assistant came to me

"Good evening Ms. Mae, welcome" she said

I went in carrying my suitcase

"Ms is in the living room" she said as she opened the main door of the house

And when I opened it, the very elegant design of the house was revealed to me


I was shocked when he called me

Eros De Laurentiis

My cousin on the mother side

He came to me and hugged me

"You didn't even say that you will arrive today? I would have picked you up at the airport," he said as he pulled away from me

"I'm sorry, maybe you're busy" I said while looking at the center table that had a lot of bond papers and the laptop was also on there.

"A little bit but it's ok so have you eaten? I'll prepare you some food"

"Don't worry, I'm already eating," I answered

"Ok, sit down first"

I sat on the empty sofa

"Please take Mae's suitcase to her room" Eros said to her assistant

The assistant immediately took my suitcase and took it to the second floor

"I'm really ashamed of you, brother, you're still going to let me stay at your house, maybe your girlfriend will be jealous"

"Sue won't be jealous, besides, I also said that you will stay here first," he answered, "so tell me why you came here all of a sudden?"

And I told him

"So they want you to marry your ex-boyfriend who is a villaverde? The one the family knows in our province?"

I nodded

"Didn't you tell aunt and uncle that you don't like it? Besides, you should have told them what your ex boyfriend did to you back then"

"I tried, but they don't listen to me, so I should just do it because it's for me too"

" What did you say? To them ?? "

"I don't love him anymore"

"Then what did they say??"

"If you loved him then, you can learn to love him again now"

"Don't you really love him anymore?" He asked me seriously

"No I don't love him anymore"

"So what's your plan now?"

"Look for a job so I can continue my studies" I answered

"I'll be the one to teach you," Eros said

"You know I can't accept that brother, you know me, I want, I get what I want with my own effort" I answered

Eros was silent for a moment

"Alright, I'll take you to a school tomorrow"

"What are we going to do there?" I asked him

"Don't you want to work and study at the same time?"

I nodded

"I have a friend who said that school will hire a personal secretary for the son of the owner of the school, but he is already trained because the school will be bequeathed to him, so he needs a secretary."

"How can I study?"

"I know the owner, can we please discuss with him that you will work as a secretary as long as you are a student at the school and the owner will interview those who apply"

"Are you also studying there?" I asked

He nodded

"What is the name of the school?"

" This is the most famous school here .. Austen University "

The next morning..

Eros' car stopped at the school's guard house

By the way Eros is wearing a violet long sleeve with a black blazer and his right side the logo of the school Austen's University and his wearing a black pans with black ledder shoes

I am wearing a formal blue dress

"Where's your ID sir?"

Eros gave his ID to the guard and I saw it tapped into a small machine

"Good morning Mr. De Laurentiss here's your ID sir" he gave his ID to my brother

Brother Eros took it

"How about.." He didn't finish what he was going to say when my cousin immediately answered

"She's my cousin and a transferie"

"Ohh ok please sign here" he said while giving us a log book "put your full name, age, birthday, address and the course you want to take here in our school"

My cousin gave me the log book and I wrote it down and I gave it back to my cousin again and he gave it to the guard

"Thank you ma'am and by the way you need to go to the data base to have your own ID.. Again good morning" he said pressing a button.

And the big gate opened in front of us and Eros drove the car in

"It's tight here," I said

"Yeah, it's really strict here, if you have only three absences, you're a dropout," my cousin answered

"As in?"

My cousin nodded

"If it cannot be avoided, of you need to submit an excuse letter in your professors with medical certificate and all the quiz assignments, all of that on the day you did not pass anything"

I nodded at what my brother said and my gaze returned to the outside of the car window

And from here in the car I can see how big this school is

Eros stopped his car in the parking lot and we got off

"Eros, aren't you late in your class?"

"No, I go to school at 10 am today," he answered

I stared at the watch I was wearing

7:00 a.m

So that means he will have to wait for another 3 hours before his class starts

We entered an elevator

"It seems like there are no students today "

"It's still early because the class starts here at 8:30"

I nodded at what my cousin said


The elevator opened and we got out. I just followed Eros as he walked when we met two men.

They stopped in front of us

They are also in uniform like Eros

"Hey sup man" said the other

"How is your morning, Eros"

"Yes, and who are you with me, maybe Suzzaine will be jealous"

"She's my cousin who is helping me get into AU" my cousin answered

A man approached me, he is handsome, he has black hair, pointed nose, kissable lips, and medium skin color

"Hi I'm Ethan Luis Leeuwenhoek half filipino and half british Eros friend 1st year college Bachelor of Science in Business Management" he said with a British accent as he shook my hand

"Mae Salvartes" I answered

"I'm Benjamin Shelton but you can call me Benj Eros friend 1st year college Nursing" he said as he shook my hand

And we walked and they followed

"You didn't tell us Eros that your cousin is beautiful," Benj said

"Shout Up Shelton, maybe you want me to put you in the one invented by Leeuwenhoek's great grand father, scientists" my cousin said annoyed

"Scientists??" I asked

"Yes his great grand father is Anton Van Leeuwenhoek the Father of Microscope" answered my brother

"Seriously?? He invented drugs of bacteria why did you do BSBM?? I wish you would just do medicine"

"My mom wants me to handle our business so I take BSBM" answered Ethan

"What's your business?"

"Hotel and Company" he answered

"They have branches in Singapore, Hong Kong, Paris, Spain, Italy and America so Ethan is rich" Benj said

"Not me my parents" answered Ethan

"That's what you will inherit," Benj said

I was hiding

"We are going to the president's office, I will accompany Mae there, she has an interview with aunt Michelle" my cousin answered "We are already here" added my cousin

"We'll be ahead of you bud because we're still going to talk to couch" Benj said

"Just follow later" Ethan said

"Of course, please just tell the couch that I'm still accompanying my cousin," said my cousin

My cousin s two friends walked away

And I faced the door of the presidents office

You can do it Mae .. You can do it.