Chapter 4

Mae's Pov..

I was surprised when the door of the president's office suddenly opened

And kyle came in and had some guys with him

"What are you doing here??" he asked me

I put the files on the table of Ms. Austen

" Am last time i check I'm the secretary of your sister so I'm here in her office " I answered


He knows something more

" Did you catch Kyle's brother here?? Mae?? " Ethan asked

Is he with Ethan??

So they are friends??

"You know her?" Kyle asked Ethan

"Yes, he is Eros' cousin, he transferred here to AU," replied Kyle

"Who's Eros??"

"My friend, I will introduce you to him too" Ethan replied to Kyle and Ethan faced me again "So Mae, have you seen Gwen?"

"No," I answered, "I never caught up with her here," I added

"Do you know where she went?" Benj asked

"No," I answered

"Tss useless"

Just smile Mae, remember he's the son of the owner who here you to become secretary and be available to study here in the university

He walked to the table and opened the computer and his friends followed him

"What are you going to do Kyle?" Ethan asked

"I'm checking the CCTV footage" he answered seriously while facing the computer

"Why does Aunt Michelle want Gwen to run Austin University ?" Benj asked

"I don't know" replied Kyle

" Ohhh Gwen kiss Andrew " said Benj

"Did you know Andrew?"

"Of course, he will transfer here to AU at the same time as you and he is Maxine's cousin, Gino's fiancé," said Benj

They were stunned at the same time

"You have a fiance??" they asked in surprise

"Its a long story" answered the man who was quiet earlier

"What is your sister planning? Kyle?" asked a man who was with them

He leaned back on the swivel chair and closed his eyes



"My sister gets hurt because of Ian Villaverde"

" How's Ian Villaverde?? " Ethan suddenly asked

I saw that Kyle opened his eyes and turned to me

"Can you give me the file of Ian Villaverde??"


"I'm sorry Mr. Austen but I don't know where the file is because I'm not Mrs. Austen's orientee"

"Tss useless"

It's so bad that you just don't know it's useless right away??

He took something from his pocket

It's a cell phone

And a number was dialed

" Hello Yes .. This is Kyle Edward Austen .. I want you to give me the information about Ian Villaverde .. Of course I will pay for your service .. Just send me the info about him " he said as he hung up

"Who is that??" Benj asked

"Private Investigator" he answered

He stood up from sitting on the swivel chair

"You're not going to look for Gwen anymore?" said the man who was quiet earlier

"No I know she will be fine" he answered facing me "If you leave this office make sure it was locked" he said as he walked out of the office

His friends looked at him

What can there be??

Who is Ian Villaverde??

And why did Kyle say that Ian Villaverde hurt Kyle's sister, Ms. Austen?

I closed the door of the president's office

"So let's go?"

I grabbed the side of my heart and faced him

"Cousin, you will give me a heart attack " I said to him annoyed

"Did I surprise you, I'm sorry, let's go to lunch"

"You don't have any classes?" I asked him

" No. our professor dismissed us early" he answered and we walked to the elevator

We entered right when there was no one, so it was just the two of me and my cousin

He pressed the lobby

"Um cousin, do you know the issue about Ms. Gwendly Jeanne Austen and her ex Ian Villaverde??"

"Hmm, yes it's already a mess here at school before you transfer," he answered

"What's wrong with them??" I asked my cousin

I'm just curious because I saw earlier on the CCTV on the computer

"Gwen and Crista Gilbuña started getting to know each other on Facebook because this Crista is the boyfriend of Gwen's older brother Charles"

"Does Ms. Austen have an older brother?"

"Actually twin brother of Kyle"

I was surprised to be shocked by the same time

Kyle's twin brother?

"They became friends but one day the news spread here in Austin University that Charles had died"

"Why did he die??" I wondered

" Because Charles saved Crista, Charles was still in Manila when he heard that Crista was in danger, he quickly came he saw Crista in the abandoned building, but a man was going to stab Crista, so Charles immediately ran and pushed Crista. "

" Did he save the crista?? "

"Yes, he did save Crista, but he was the one who was stabbed. Charles' family found out that they took him to the hospital, but the doctor also declared him dead on a rival."


The elevator opened and my brother and I walked out

" So Ms Auten older brother died because of Crista Gilbuña? How come Ian Villaverde got in? " I asked.

"At that time, Ian Villaverde already had feelings for Crista Gilbuña, but because she still had a boyfriend at the time who was Gwen's brother, Charles Crista begged her to focus her feelings on Gwen, but after 30 days, Ian Villaverde broke up with Gwen. "

"Why did he break up??" I wondered

"He told Gwen that I don't want to fool myself, I forced myself to love you, but I love Crista more"


It was painful

We stopped at the cafeteria

" What dish do you want? " Eros asked me

" Caldereta " I answered

"2 rice and 2 caldereta and 2 mineral water"

My cousin tapped his card on the small machine

Isn't it fashionable here to pay in cash??

He was given his order placed on the tray

And he walked and I followed him

And he saw an empty table

"Here we are"

We sat down and he gave me my order

"then cousin, what happened next ??"

"You are interested in their story"

" I'm just curious" I answered

" When Charles was buried less than a day later, Ian Villaverde and Crista Gilbuña became together "

"As in?? They didn't even respect Ms. Austen's brother"

"Yeah, so I can understand why she is so angry with Crista and Ian"

Me too cousin

And now I know where Ms. Gwen Austin came her anger it's because of Ian Villaverde and Crista Gilbuña. How messed up her life and the cause of her older brothers death.