Chapter 10

Mae's Pov

I am sitting cross legged right now on the floor a little far from the president's office

I still can't believe the ones that were made before

There are so many revelations already

I saw that Ms Gwen came out of the president's office. I saw her pass in front of me.

I pay attention to her as if she wants to cry

I held my breath

"Ms. Salvartes"

I immediately stood up


"Fix what needs to be done in the office, then close it and tell others that the foundation day is over," said Ms. Michelle Austen walked away at the same time

I fixed my clothes and walked to the presidents office

I stopped in front of the office and took the key card and slid it in while opening the door

I also took my phone and texted my cousin Eros

"Cousin, please tell Benj to announce that the foundation day is over "

I hit send at the same time



Anyone else here??

Until my eyes caught Kyle lying on the sofa

What is he still doing here??

I approached him

And I noticed that he was holding a bottle of beer

How did you get a beer??


"Hmm.. Ms. Secretary" he said with a smile as he got up from lying on the sofa and sat down "Come here sit beside me"

"But Mr. Austen"

"Come on I just want someone to talk to"

In his expression and in his voice, it was obvious that he was sad

So I didn't do anything but sit next to him

His head was leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed

" Charles and I just 1 and a half years old and my mom is two weeks pregnant with gwen. She's so happy that day she wants to surprise dad and tell him that she's pregnant but dad told my mom that he wants a divorce "

I turned to him

Why are you telling me this??

" She had pity in front of dad and he knelt down but dad still left her a few years later we lived anonymously dad charles always ask me back then if i knew dad what he looked like but i don't know. I always criticized him when he was being bullied because we used to not know dad when he was with me at school . As an older brother I did everything for my siblings .. For my mommy. And now he's coming back?? That we were happy that he was gone in our lives?" he said while drinking the beer he was holding

"But even if you turn this world upside down, he's still your father"

"Yes he came back with his daughter which the reason twin brother death"


" Crista Gibuña my twin brother's girlfriend is my half sister in father's side "

What the??

"When I saw him when I saw the person who left us then I also saw the color of his eyes that are similar to mine"

He turned his back on me and took a small box from his uniform pocket

And after a few seconds he faced me with his eyes closed

Why is he closing his eyes??

And little by little he opened his eyes

And there

I saw the true color of his eyes

Color Gray

"This is the true color of my eyes"

It means that he has the same eye color as his daddy

The calculator

Yes, I should be able to return it to him

I took my bag to my right and opened it while taking out the calculator

" Kyle"

I saw him sleeping and leaning on the sofa

And little by little his head rested on my shoulder

"I'll let you sleep on my shoulder now because I know you need it"

Kyle's Pov

The next day...

I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock

I reached for my alarm clock that was placed on the small table where the lampshade was also placed and turned off the alarm clock

I woke up from lying down when I was able to hold my head


"Hang over??"

I was taken aback by what he said

Cora brought a tray with food and a glass of water

"Where's Gwen??"

"She came in early, and she told me not to come in because she knows that you will be like this now " she answered at the same time as she put the tray on my bed

She really knows

Because I'm not like her who's used to drinking because it's my first time

Just relieve the pain

"How about my mom?"

" She has a flight to Manila and also early she need to take care of the Austen's University branch"

I nodded

I took the tray and looked at what she had prepared for me


Fried chicken

Water and medicine

I started eating

"By the way Cora"

"Yes young master Kyle??"

"How did I get home??"

"Don't you remember? How did you get home?"

I shook my head

"Your friend brought you here with his cousin. You were asleep. She e said they brought you because you had been drinking and you were asleep. I asked her where she lives and she said she lives here in the villa."

She also lives here in Villa De Ortega??

"Yes, by the way, she is giving it to me," Cora said while handing it to me the calculator

This is what I lent her

I took it

But there is a sticky note on it

'Forgiveness is not easy when you are still hurting.. I know you have a lot of memories and most of it is not good, but you still have to forgive even if it is difficult not only for you but also for your family' - Mae

"Do you need anything else young master kyle??"

Cora made me feel better

"Nothing.. thanks for the breakfast" I said

She walked out of my room

I put the calculator on the table

And I continued to eat

After a few minutes I finished eating so I went to the bathroom

I entered the bathroom and turned on the shower

I bent down and closed my eyes and smiled at what I remembered

'I'll let you sleep on my shoulder now because I know you need it'

Mae's Pov

I tapped my ID on the machine and entered the campus

My cousin is not with me today because he has something important to do today

By the way, I'm now wearing the required uniform because it was supposed to be yesterday, in fact, I just got it in the yesterday.

I took my cellphone from my pocket and opened the messenger app

ABM1 243 messages

Seriously, just last night I didn't open and it was 243 right away??

I opened it and read the convo

Jona : They say kyle can't enter the class today

Mina : Why??

Jona: His sister said he was sick

Lyna: It's too bad I can't see him now

Jonah : Get well soon @KyleEdawardAusten

Mina : Get well soon @KyleEdawardAusten

Lyna : Get well soon @KyleEdawardAusten


I entered the elevator and pressed the 6th floor


After the elevator opened, I immediately got out and walked to the classroom

I entered the classroom and walked to my seat and sat down