Chapter 21

Kyle's Pov

"Congratulations again son" said mom hugging me

"Tha..thanks mom"

Mom loosened her hug from me

"Congratulations Big Brother"

"Congratulations to you too Gwen"

"I'm just looking for someone mom"

"Go on, as long as you come with us, let's celebrate"

"Of course mom"

I walked and looked for Mae but I couldn't see her


That voice

I stopped walking

And gradually faced her

" What are you doing here?? "

"Can we talk in private??"

We are here in the school garden, we are sitting on a bench facing the fountain

"I'll ask you again Alexa what are you doing here?"

"Because I miss you so much"

I suddenly stood up from my seat and faced her

"What did you say?? You miss me huh?? That's bullshit! After what you did to me 2 years ago then you told me now that you miss me?? "

Alexsa Johanson is my first love and my first girlfriend. We met in the states at my old school

She's a cheerleader and I was a taekwondo player back then


2 years ago

I was walking in the corridor when I met Gino

"Hey bud where are you going??"

"I want to see Alexa"

We walked to the gymnasium where they practiced


He faced me

"Guys excuse me" she said to her colleagues

"Bud I have to go I need to go to the library to do some research"

"Okay buddy"

Gino walked away

"Hey babe" Alexa said and kissing me

I kissed her back

After a few seconds I broke away from kissing him

"You miss me that much huh??" She said with a smile

"We need to talk"

Suddenly the aura of her face changed

"You sound serious"

"My mom wants us to move in the Philippines"

"For what??"

"You know that my family business is in the Philippines so my mom decided to stay there with me and Gwen"

"But how about me?? How about us??"

I held both of her hands

"I want us to stay together"

She suddenly removed my hands from holding her hand

"But I don't want a long distance relationship Edward"

"But this is the only way"

"No!! You need to choose me or them?"

"Don't make me choose Alexa you know how much I love my family"

"So you made your choice" she said turning her back and walking away from me

" Alexa! Alexa! "

I went to their house to talk to her


Suddenly, the door opened and his mommy appeared to me

"Good evening Mrs. Johanson I want to talk to Alexa"

"I'm sorry Kyle but Alexa is not here"

"O..ok thank you"

Days pass I go back home even when it's raining, I go to try to explain things to her

But she doesn't want to talk to me

Days.. Weeks.. Months past she didn't show me

Even text .. Call or even chat nothing

And I also found out that they are no longer where they live

It like suddenly disappeared like a bubble

End of flashback

"I only did that because I didn't want to lose you, Edward, and I was hurt because you chose them over me."

" That's bullshit! Alexa you know that I will always choose my family " I said annoyed

"I know .. I know and I'm very sorry for that Edward and I came here because I realize that i can't live without you" she suddenly hugged me "please i want us to be together again .. Please i love you Edward"

Mae's Pov

"Congratulations salutatorian"

My cousin said

"Thanks cousin" I said with a smile

"Too bad you weren't valedictorian"

"It's ok bro, Kyle deserves to be valedictorian"

"Ohh where is your stupid fiance??"

"Someone will call soon"

"Have you told him?? That you can't marry him because you don't love him anymore? And the one you love now is Kyle??"

"I'll talk to him later about that cousin"

"You're already infected with that kyle haha ​​"

I shook my head

"Congratulations Mae"

Benj with his friends


"So what course are you going to take in college??"

"Business Administration"

"Ohh, you're the same as Kyle"

"Are you also going to college here? "

"Amm.. " I was comforted by my cousin

"Mae can't decide yet if she will study college here" My cousin answered

"Why?? Kyle also studies here"

"Did you see Kyle?? I would like to congratulate him" I changed the conversation

"No, but we're going to visit them. Aunt Michelle said that there a celebration in there house Would you like to come with us?" Ethan said


I was shocked when he called me


He walked towards us and put his arm around me

"Ahh guys this is Kent Villanueva" I introduced kent to them

"Hii I'm Mae's"

"Fiance" Ryan said

"Soon to be husband" Benj said

"That's why" Gino said while putting on his jeans

"We have to go Mae we're still we're still going to aunt Michelle's house congrats again" Benj said with a smile and looked at Kent "Nice to finally meet you Kent Villanueva" he said while looking sharply at Kent

Is Benj's look at kent really sharp or am I just rolling my eyes??

"I can go first too" My cousin Eros said

"Alright cousin, be careful while driving"

I saw that my cousin Eros walked away from us

"We should celebrate your graduation too" Kent said

"No need" I said as I let go of his arm from walking with me


I faced him

"Because I don't want to"

"Remember Mae you only have 2 days left and we will return to the province and we will talk about our marriage"

No wedding will take place kent

Because I don't love you anymore

" Go home if you want " I said turning my back on him

He suddenly grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me closer to him

"You will come with me whether you want or not"

"What the hell, your hurting me kent!" I tried to remove his hand from holding my arm, but I couldn't remove it because it was too tight.


Little by little he let go of my arm

I saw that my arm was red and I held my arm

"I'm sorry" he said

I turned my back on him and walked away

"Where are you going??"

I didn't answer him

"Is it he?? Hah Mae?? "

I still haven't answered

"Don't waste time going to him, you'll just get hurt," he said

I didn't listen to him, I walked away from him

Where are you kyle??

I want to see you

I walked until I reached the garden

I stopped walking when I saw a man wearing a black mix with violet graduation gown and a woman in a fitted marron dress hugging him

I already knew the stance of the man

But no, that's not him, Mae

That's not him

I walked closer to them and hid in a big plant

And that's when I saw it

Kyle was hugged by a girl I didn't know

"I know .. I know and I'm very sorry for that Edward and I came here because I realize that I can't live without you please I want us to be together again .. Please I love you Edward"

I held my mouth and my tears started to fall

I don't feel the pain of kent holding my arm earlier

But this


It's very painful..