Chapter 29

Kyle's Pov

"That's right, you'll be staring at your phone. I know she will call you soon"

I showered with Benj who was in the pool just got out

We are now at home

"I'm .. I'm just worried .. What if she doesn't call and she continues to marry that kent?"

"Look bud, Mae loves you so much that's not going to marry someone she doesn't love anymore" he said while taking a towel hanging from the chair and wiping his head

"Mr. Expert? Why are you like that? You don't have experience with these kinds of things yet"

He sat in the chair in front of me

"Even though I don't have experience like that yet, I already know that"

"When are you going to have a girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?? That will come too"

I laughed

"Confident huh"

"Of course"

"Are you and Mae together like you know in relationship??"

I looked at him

" Not yet "

"What?! You fell in love with each other and then you're not together, what's that? You love each other but there's no label?"

" We will talk soon after we finish hee problem first "

"After all, you have a point there"

Suddenly my messenger rang so I opened it

Handsome boys

I'm the creator of this group chat. Because me and my friends don't hang out together anymore so even in chat I can talk to them

Ryan : Guys I have a good news

Ethan : What is it Vilèz??

Ryan: I have a girlfriend

" Ryan has a girlfriend? " Benj said while staring at his cellphone

Me: who is your girlfriend?

Ryan: Angelica already said yes, so she's my girlfriend

Me: Maybe you just said yes

Ryan: No, I was just in love then that's why I answered

Benj : Self-indulgence ah

Ryan: Sure

Ethan : So when is the celebration??

Ryan: When can you come?

Gino: I can't pass first

Ryan: Why??

Gino : I have a problem that I need to fix first


Yes, he knows that Rain the black dragon is the leader of an organization

Charles used to be a member there, he was just removed from the organization when he died

The organization thought I was Charles because we look a like and they wanted me to return to the organization fortunately, I asked Rain that I don't wanna join the organization

I don't want trouble

Besides, it's dangerous

Gino : Next time

Ryan : Its ok bud

Andrew : I also pass first

Ryan : and why?

Andrew : Gwen and I have a date

Me: Date?!! Wait, Johnson why didn't you ask for permission to me first?

Andrew : Is that still necessary??

Me: Of course I'm Gwen's brother

Benj : Over protective brother

Me: I just want to protect my sister in case something happens to her

Andrew : Chill bud, I'm here to defend her


I was shocked when someone called me


I stood up from my seat

"What are you doing here?" I asked her coldly

"I-I-i just want to talk to you"

"Talk about what huh Alexa? Talk about what you did to defame me to Mae is that right?"


"Just leave"

She didn't leave

"I said leave!"

She still hasn't left

So I came to her and held her arm tightly and walked until we stopped outside the gate where her car was parked.

"Oh Edward it hurts"

"You will be really hurt if you don't stop for what you doing. Now leave" I said while pushing her

So he leaned on his car

" Ahh! " She said while holding her stomach

I was shocked when I saw on her legs

There is blood running down her legs

"No!! No!! No!! " she said while holding her stomach

Is she bleeding??

"Wait bud where are you going??" Benj asked me

"I need to take her in hospital" I said as I went to the garage, entered the car and started it I stopped next to Alexa's car opened the door and got out

"How about me??" Benj asked

"Just follow, please tell mom and Gwen too" I said as I picked up Alexa and put her in the car

I also opened the driver's seat door and got in and drove the car away

I took care of Alexa who is now still bleeding

Even though you did a lot of bad things to me and Mae

I can't just leave you alone while I see you like this.

We are now at the hospital she is in the emergency room and I am sitting in the waiting area

I saw emergency room open and the doctor came out so I stood up and I approach the doctor

"Doc, how is she?"

"She's fine it's a good thing you brought her here right away she and her baby are safe"

"Baby??" I asked

"You didn't know?? She's 4 weeks pregnant"

She's?? Is she pregnant??

"She will just be moved to the private room.. I have to go" said the doctor as he walked away

I am now in the private room where Alexa is

I am now sitting here on the sofa while bowing and holding my head

The door of the room opened so I woke up

I saw Gwen with Crista

"Brother" Gwen said

They came to me

" How are you brother? " Crista said

" I-i think i-im fine?? " I answered

"What made you rush to the hospital with that girl?" Gwen asked as she looked at Alexa who was still unconscious.

They sat next to me on the sofa

"She e bled" I answered seriously

"What do you mean she bled?? " Crista said

"Don't tell me" Gwen said

I faced them

" She's 4 weeks pregnant " I answered seriously

"No way" Crista said

"Brother, can we talk? It's just the two of us?" Gwen said

I turned to Crista

"Go on brother, I'll be right here. I'll call you when she wakes up," she said

Gwen and I stood up and walked out of the room

"So what's your plan brother?"

"I-I don't know"

"You don't know?? What if you're not the father of the one that baby she caring?"

"What if it's me?"

"Stop it brother, you are not the father"

"How can you be so sure??" I asked her seriously

She e didn't answer

"Is there something I don't know, Gwen?"


I take a look to the one's who calls me


"She's awake and looking for you"

I sighed and entered the private room

I walked to the left side of the hospital bed where Alexa was lying

"Thank god you're here"

"Tss" Gwen said

"I talked to the doctor earlier and he said that your 4 weeks pregnant is it true??"

"Yes, I'm pregnant" she said while holding her stomach "I'm happy.. I'm happy because she was given to me.. To us" she said while looking at me

"Is it really my child??" I asked him seriously

"Of course. It's yours." She answered

"How can you be so sure?"

"Do you doubt me Edward? Remember, we made love in Palawan? "

I saw that Gwen was shaking

"Fine, But I want a prove that proves that it's really my child you're bringing" I said to her seriously "And if it's my child you're bringing I'll be held accountable .. But she or he the only one Alexa .. She or he the only one .. And even if you ask me to marry you, I won't be able to give you that because if I do get married I will make sure that Mae is the one I marry."