Chapter 42 : Epilogue

Mae's Pov

After a few months

I'm now facing a large mirror I'm wearing my wedding gown

This is our wedding day

"Your so beautiful "

My mother look at me

"Thank you ma"

Dad smiled

I saw Gwen enter the room and she walked towards me

"You look so beautiful"

"Thank you"

"You know what a while ago, my brother called me to make sure that you will really go to church"

I shook my head

"So let's go?"

I nodded and went with her out of the room when we left the hotel, there was a bridal car waiting for we immediately got in and the driver started the car to leave

The car we were riding stopped in front of the church

" Mae is with me right now " I turned to Gwen who was talking to Kyle on the phone "Don't worry ok she will marry you" she said as she put down the cellphone and turned to face me

"He's scared that you might not kiss him at your wedding"

"Why won't I come?" I said with a smile

"Oh hey, I'll just wait for you inside "

I nodded

He opened the car door and got out and entered the church

Mom faced me

"This is it, are you ready??"

"Yes mom, but I'm nervous"

"That's normal " mama said "Let's go"

I nodded

Mom got out first and I followed and mom helped me out of the car

"I'm going to go inside we'll just wait for you and your dad there"

I nodded

This is it Mae..

A few seconds later the door of the church opened and revealed to me the very elegant design of the church

And I heard the song that Kyle and I chose that song is very memorable with me and Kyle because that was the first song that we both sang


"Wait, where are you taking me??" I asked him

"When I tell you it won't be a surprise anymore" he said as he opened his car door

I didn't do anything but get inside his car

He also entered and drove the car to leave the villa

I stared at him in wonder when the car we were riding in stopped at Austen's University

He opened the car door and got out. He walked to my side. He opened the car door and I got out.

"What are we doing here??"

He didn't answer me

He just held my hand and walked into the University

There is no class today so there are no students here at the University

"Remember the day when I purpose to you here?? " he said while stopping at the gymnasium

I nodded

"Do you know why I purposed you here??"

I faced him

"This is where I first saw you before"


"Yeah you were just walking and you got my attention"

"But you really worried me then I thought you were gone I thought you had left me"

"I know and I'm so sorry but remember back then there was a flat line, that's true and Gwen was supporting you to go out and you thought I was gone, I saw dad and Charles, they asked me if I was going to go with them but I told them that it's not possible yet, I need to fulfill my promise to you.. That's why I came back.. I came back for you"

Little by little my tears fell

He wiped my tears with his hand

"Thank you for coming back me"

He smiled and held my hand and walked

We stopped at a door

I turned to him in surprise he smiled at me and slowly opened the door

And a record room was revealed to us

" Is there something like this in Austen University?? "


I saw that Gwen, Crista, Rain, Angelica, Ian, Andrew, Gino, Ryan, Ethan and Benj were here.

We approached them and they gave us a piece of bond paper with a song written on it

I looked at Kyle in wonder

"I want us to sing our wedding song"

We put the headphones in our ears and started singing

Eng of flashbacks

"Let's go " said mom

Mom held the left side of my arm and dad held the right side and we started walking

Forever seems like a long time

But nothing seems like a long time

When I'm with you

I feel like I'm walking on water

Since the day that I asked your father

To let go of his daughter🎶🎶

🎶🎶So give me your blessing, sir

I'll give her all that I've got

It doesn't look like much

But it sure feels like a lot🎶🎶

I ask Kyle why he chose this song and he said that there are parts in the song that he experienced when he ask permission to my parents that he wanted me to have a purpose.

My cousin Eros and Benj arranged the song that Kyle created

Let her take my heart and take my hand

Take my heart and take my hand

Take my heart and take my hand again and again

Right where we stand🎶🎶

I've never really known what love is

But whatever it is

I feel it in your kiss

You waltzed in like somebody planned it all

I feel right where I belong

My knees are weak

My heart is strong🎶🎶

I saw the people who are close to us i saw gwen she's now engaged with her boyfriend andrew they are the next to get married .. Rain she's now happy with her fiance Gino even though they just agreed to get married i know they have feelings for each other .. Angelica who I just met because Ryan just introduced me that Angelica is his girlfriend .. Ethan even though he is single I know he is happy .. My cousin eros??.. He said he will return the woman he loves her and when she returns to him she will never let her go anymore.. Benj?? He is also single and said he is just waiting for a woman who will also present him at the altar one day

So give me your word

And I'll give you all I've got

No we don't have much

But it sure feels like a lot🎶🎶

I saw mommy, Kyle's mom and dad are fine, they've settled down.. My last name is so familiar to aunt palma because we used to go to their resort when I was a child because we went on vacation and I and Kyle use to be friends back then

So take my heart and take my hand

Take my heart and take my hand

Take my heart and take my hand again and again

Right where we stand🎶🎶

Look, he's the boy I used to play with at the resort now he's the man I'm going to marry

I saw Alexa too, she's been pregnant for 6 months and it's a girl, she just came home here in the Philippines to attend my wedding she doesn't have a boyfriend now but I know there will be a man who will love her

Take my heart and take my hand

I'll be your lover and I'll be your friend

Take my heart and take my hand again and again

Right where we stand 🎶🎶

We are close to kyle he's wearing a white tuxedo and I saw him wipe his tears next to Andrew .. because Andrew is his best man

Gwen is my maid of honor

I know he didn't cry because he was hurt, I know he cried because he was happy

Ooh... too good to be true

I want to spend my life with you

I want to spend my life with you

Ooh... too good to be true

I want to spend my life with you

I wanna spend my life with you🎶🎶

We stopped in front of him

"Please take care of my daughter" dad said while giving my hand to Kyle

"I will dad"

They walked to their place

We walked to the priest

-- -- -- --

I faced Kyle while holding the ring

"I Mae Salvartes take you Kyle Edward Austen as my lawful husband to richer for poorer in sickness and in health and until death do us part" I said as I put on her "When the first time I saw you you are the one everyone knows Kyle Edward Austen the cold one I remember waking you up in the university office thinking which student was sleeping on the sofa "

I heard our guests laughing

"I thought what they were saying was right that you beat the girl by being rude, but I'm wrong because when we got close, I realized that they were wrong because behind your coldness, you hide being kind, caring, dear Kyle .. So here we are with the many things that have been done to us we are here too .. Kyle I will promise to you that I will love you always "

He wiped my tears with his hand while smiling

He took the ring

"I Kyle Edward Austen take you Mae Salvartes as my lawful wife to richer for poorer in sickness and in health and until death do us part" he said while wearing a ring to me "When the first time I saw you .. You already get my attention let's say love at first site .. I stopped falling for you because I don't want to get hurt again but they say you have to be ready to get hurt when you fall in love because that's part of love .. Mae" he said while looking at me "I know I'm not the perfect person.. But I will do my best for you and I will promise to you that I will love only you.. Only you and no one else"

"and now I pronounced to you husband and wife .. You my now kiss the bride" said the man

Little by little he lifted my veil and little by little he kissed me and I kissed him back

He also broke the kiss

"Finally" he said with a smile

Our guests applauded

-- -- --


I asked the bridesmaids at my wedding with Kyle

And I threw the bouquet of roses

And I turned around

Gwen got it

Kyle hugged me

" There are the next couple to get merried " Benj said

"That's not yet" Kyle said, "but soon she's getting married too" he added

I really can believe that a Kyle Edward Austen who is known for being cold and grumpy will be my husband

We both know at first that we don't know if we can still learn to love again because of the pains we experienced but here we are now swearing in front of God to be together forever

Love is full of surprises, we don't know who we will love and who will love as long as it comes into our lives and makes us feel

There have been many obstacles in my relationship with Kyle, but I know that our love story does not end here, and I know that there will be many more things that will happen to the two of us, and I believe that together we will overcome all of that.

I faced Kyle

He is the person I chose and will choose every day.. He will be loved and cared for

Yes we are afraid that we hurt because of love but we will take the risks because we love each other

And now I finally learn to love again.. I finally taking the risks for him I'm ready to love .. And get hurt again and again for him

This will not be the end of our journey.. Its just a beginning..

"I love you Mrs. Austen"

"I love you more Mr. Austen"

Its almost fourteen years since Kyle and I got married, we both finished our studies.

Kyle finished his bachelor degree in business management, he only took 2 years because mom Michelle handed him the management of Austen Hotel and Resort and now and after BSBM ( Bachelor of Science in Business Management ) he takes engineering and now he is a license engineer

I have completed a bachelor of science in accountancy

Kyle and I have 3 children two twins Xavier Christian James Austen 13 years old .. Trixy Stacey Catarina Austen I really don't know that we will have twins and Kyle was very happy when he found out that I was pregnant with twins and after a few years later I got pregnant again and I gave birth to our youngest, Zac Aaron Jace Austen 7 years old a very cute boy.. Xavier inherited Kyle's grumpiness but kind Stacey is the most tender

I took the picnic basket and walked towards them

Actually we are here at Salvartes Farm because it is vacation and there is no class so we decided to spend our vacation here

I heard Kyle playing the guitar


I smiled

Kyle and our other two children turned around

I saw Xavier stand up and walk towards me

"Momma, I'm going to bring it" he said while pointing to the picnic basket I was carrying

"Are you sure you can do it??"

"Of course "

I smiled and gave him the picnic basket

We walked to Kyle's direction

Xavier placed the picnic basket on the picnic blanket

"Hey love" I sat next to Kyle

"Hey" he kiss me on the cheek

"Daddy, play the guitar again"

Zac told him

"Do you want daddy to play the guitar??" I ask him

"Yes mom"

" Zac knows how to play the guitar "

Kyle look at me

"Really?? How??"

"He said that he was just looking at me and he imitated me playing the guitar, that's why he learn how to play it"

I look to our youngest Zac

"Is that true Zac??"

"Yes momma"

"You know what, your sister Stacey used to be like that too"

"It looks like they inherited you"


"So how was school before vacation?" I asked Kyle and my children

We enrolled them at Austen University

"Momma you know what my brother Xavier many girls at school like him" Stacey said

"Is that true Xavier?"

"Yes momma they even gave me a free snack"

"You can't be surprised that there were a lot of people who liked me back then " Kyle said

I elbowed Kyle in the stomach

He just smiled

"But even though many people like me of course I chose you"

I just shook my head

" Xavier don't make a girl cry hah always remember that and you too Zac "

"But how about sister??"

"We are here to guard those bastards who will try to make your sister cry right boys?" Kyle said.

"Yes" Xavier and Zac answered at the same time

It seems that our future princess will be a closed guard against those who will try to woo and and make her cry

"Sister, can you sing a song for us?? The song you made " Zac asked his sister Stacey

Stacey look at me

"You wrote a song??"

"Yes momma" she answered with a smile " Daddy can I borrow your guitar??" She asked Kyle

"Sure" replied Kyle as he handed him the guitar

Stacey started playing the guitar

Hiding under the moon by accident

That will land in your heart🎶

Space may be able to give way

So that I don't get confused

Ohh ohh ohh

Ohh Ohh ohhh🎶🎶

I can't stay away from you my dear🎶

In dreams and every thought I look for you 🎶

I really can't imagine my life without them and now I'm happy with my family..