"Killian? What are you doing there?"

The silent air shook lightly.

"Oh, Lizzy. . . . ."

"What's going on?"

Killian, who was lost in thought as he looked down at the moon-soaked garden from the balcony, smiled faintly as he saw Lizzy approaching, looking like she was cut out of moonlight

"No, nothing. . . . ."

"Nothing. is this because you had a fight with Cliff during the day?"

"Fighting Cliff? me?"

"Cliff said. . . . .So I mean, we're talking about inspection of estates. . . . ."

Lizzy hesitated, unable to continue her words. Only then Killian recalls Cliff provoking him during the day.

"Ahh, that's nothing at all."

"Then, what is that?"

Killian met Lizzy's eyes, who were looking at him with concern. In the past, he used to love the way Lizzy looked at him when she was worried about him, so sometimes he would purposely pretend to be serious within Lizzy eyes. Even though he still loves the way Lizzy looks at him, he doesn't do anything stupid on purpose to make her worry about him. Right now, it's just a lingering thought about 'That women' from that tea time during the day, and there's not much to worry about.

"It's just because there's something that's bothering me."

"You grunting by yourself again. Tell me. maybe it's something I can help you with."

"It's not even worth your time."

Killian smiled, but the sensitive Lizzy quickly noticed something.

"By any chance. . . . . Is it because of Edith?"

Killian sighed long instead of answering.

"What's wrong with Edith again? Do you still hate Edith that much?"

"It keeps bothering me."

"Does it bother you that much? Edith never talked about Killian. . . . ."

Then Killian's eyebrows were wrinkled.

"She don't talk about me at all?"

"Yes. I've never heard Edith talk about Killian. Even the Duchess said she hadn't heard of it either, so I thought you gave her a little. . . . .you had a complicated look on your face.

"Hah. . . . !"

Killian laughed because it was absurd for some reason.

"Why? Do you want to talk with Edith?"

"Who with a woman like that!"

A woman likes a snake. For now, she just lying flat on the floor, waiting for everyone to let their guard down. And when the time comes, she definitely reveals her true colors. I didn't even want to look at her face and let alone talk with a woman like that.

"𝘢𝘯𝘥. . . . . 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺?"

"𝘪'𝘮 𝘢 𝘩𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘰𝘰."

But he didn't know why he kept thinking about what she said.

'There's no way you will hurt by something like that, are you?'

They all know that it's a political marriage anyway. She was a bold woman who stepped into the Ludwig mansion alone, knowing that she would be ignored and suspected because she had something to gain. Such a woman couldn't have been hurt by hearing only a few harsh words.

'Yeah, I'm pretty sure she just pretended to be hurt so she could stab me?'

But she the woman who confronted Cliff Ludwig without fear.

'But why did she take my side there?'

Even though it's not secret that he's in love with Lizzy, he can't say it out loud in front of his new bride. Especially if the bride is trying to catch the pod of this side. That is why he was so angry at Cliff, who was hastily trying to tell Edith how he felt about Lizzy. But it's really unexpected. The woman who just said she was hurt by him was snapping at Cliff instead of him.

"𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘣𝘢𝘥. 𝘐'𝘮 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘭𝘺."

As Edith snorted, she really didn't seem to care about the small stuff. Rather, she seemed more angry at the rude opponent, and the response was as arrogant as she was.

'Honestly, I feel all cool. . . . .No,no. Why am I thinking like this?'

Killian shook his head as if to clear the image of Edith glaring at him. Then, he quickly changed the topic.

"Oh, I heard you ordered a new dress the other day? My mother is so excited about your new outfit."

"Oh my gosh, there are so many dresses. . . . .i feel so bad to the duchess every time. . . . ."

"Why you have to be sorry about? Is my mother's hobby. She's been telling us for a while now that she doesn't have fun raising us. Now that you're finally coming around, think about it and help her out."

The Duchess, who had raised two dull sons, always wanted a daughter. Her husband and sons were all knight, so sometimes she depressed when the three of them back home late for training. She's never been more cheerful than before she took Lizzy in, who was accused of being an illegitimate child of the Count of Sinclair. It was thanks to Lizzy for being friendly, like her own daughter.

"Then it would have been happier for the Duchess to buy Edith's some dress. . . . . ."

"Huh? what does that mean?"

Lizzy, whose eyebrows were drooping, sighed a little.

"Actually, it was Edith who asked the duchess to call someone from the dressing shop that day."

"I suppose she planning to make a fortune to the duchess as soon as she gets married?"

"No, that day, Edith only left the dress she had brought to be repair."


Killian was confused for a moment. She was a woman known for her extravagance and had called the dressing shop tailor, I'm sure she would have ordered several super-expensive dresses, she also famous for not wearing a dress again once she's worn it, but she gets her dress repaired and wore it again. . . . . ?

"The Duchess suggested that it would be better to her buy some dress because she already called the dressing shop tailor but Edith refused, saying that was too much and can't barely wear all the dresses she brought."

"Then . . . .are you saying that she embarrassed my mother in front of everyone in the living room?"

"Well, it couldn't have been! however, the duchess seemed a bit disappointed. Perhaps she wanted to buy Edith something nice. . . . ."

Killian snorted as if it were ridiculous.

"There are many ways to tease people. I'm afraid if it's someone's daughter."

"I'm sure Edith didn't mean to do that! When the duchess and I were choosing my dress, she looked it really hard!"

Lizzy tried to cover Edith, but Killian's eyes were clear and fierce, unlike before.

"I guess she was too much of a prude to entrust her own dress to the dressing shop tailor, but not you or my mother's? how arrogant. . . . ."

Killian gritted his teeth. Then he suddenly remembered what Edith was wearing today wasn't so intrusive. He couldn't remember what kind of dress it was, but whatever it was, it seemed that unlike her shallow dress she wore at the wedding, that woman's flesh was barely exposed.

'If her flesh is revealed, it's impossible not to know. Cause I hate it more than other women do it.'

Edith frowned every time she showed her inner skin without knowing that he was ashamed. Does she even know what kind of voice he hears among a men?

["If I were Edith Rigelhoff, I'd lick you from head to toe."]

["Oh, Edith! Good! With that soft-looking skin!"]

["Is there any man who would be okay with her naked body in front of him? ah ha!"]

I can hear the giggles of men who are as vulgar as she is, It was the same. And suddenly, I remembered the day of my wedding when her breastbone was exposed. The slender, pure white naked body who fell asleep in the bathtub alone. . . . .My throat is dry for some reason, but Killian swallows his saliva. I sank some desire to get up from the inside.

"Did she play a weird prank on you? or picked out a ridiculous dress for you. . . ."

"No! My dress was chosen by the Duchess and Edith together. Don't hate Edith too much, Killian."

"It's not that I hate her. It's just that I'm wary."

Killian also patted Lizzy's shoulder, who was worried that she might be the reason Edith was relatively hated and reassured him. At the same time, in his heart, he was disgusted with Edith, who underestimated the perspective of Ludwig family. However, on the other hand, he doesn't think the elegant atmosphere of the Ruayal dressing tailor suit Edith fancy taste.

'I'm going to find another dressing shop tailor that will satisfy her great taste.'

Of course, it was all for the Duke of Ludwig's own good.

I didn't want her to go around saying, 'I couldn't even ask for a dressing shop tailor because my level wasn't right.'

* * *

I suddenly realized one important thing as I added and subtracted the list to 'Healthy Lifestyle' while recalling the original work today. In other words, to be grateful for what you have, you need to enjoy it fully.

'So let's try something luxury!'

I had quite a lot of money in my hands. When I got married, there was cash that the Riegelhoff family gave me as a dowry in addition for jewelry and artworks, but the Duke of Ludwig refused to accept it and gave me some pocket money. The unit of currency in this world was sena, and I had 5 million sena. it was hard to get an exact exchange rate, but it seemed to be around 50 million won.

'50 million won in free money! Where should I spend this money?'

This is the first time I've had this kind of hair. This is really a fantasy world, I can't believe what I'm doing in a place like this! However I didn't know where to spend this money.

'Dress? no, it doesn't. it's a pile of dresses, and there's nowhere to go out wearing it, well. Jewelry or accessories? No, no. I don't have anywhere to go wear a dress, so do I need jewelry or accessories?'

In 21st century South Korea, there would have been a lot of places to spend money, but it was difficult to find a place to spend money here. I can have the finest food whenever I want, the books i want to read are in the library in the house, I don't need dresses or jewelry, and essentials consumables are purchased at once in the family on a half-years basic.

'It's the first time I've been nervous because I don't have a place to spend my money.'

She was shaking her twisted legs dissatisfiedly, and then Anna came and whispered.